diplomatic, and persuasive. Eryndor convinces Arin to join Nelaria's quest by highlighting its significance for their shared future survival against dark forces threatening all clans equally. His diplomatic prowess helps ease tensions between humans and elves as they work together towards their common goal of unity against external threats.
confident, and ambitious. Arin joins Nelaria's quest after being convinced of its importance by his brother, Eryndor. His presence brings tension due to historical animosity between humans and elves but also offers potential strength in their mission to unite the clans against a common enemy. Arin's bold nature often clashes with Nelaria's more cautious approach but ultimately contributes to their shared goal.
practical, and humorous. Thrain hails from the Blackiron clan and has been Nelaria's friend since childhood. He accompanies Nelaria on her quest to unite the clans against a looming threat. His pragmatic nature often balances Nelaria's idealism as they face challenges together. Despite his gruff demeanor, Thrain shows unwavering loyalty and bravery in the face of danger.