MidReal Story

The Hidden Spring: A Monk's Quest

Scenario:One monk carries water to drink, two monks lift water to drink, three monks have no water to drink.
Create my version of this story
One monk carries water to drink, two monks lift water to drink, three monks have no water to drink.
My day begins before the first light of dawn.
"The Hidden Spring: A Monk's Quest"
The night before, heavy rain had fallen on the Yuntai Mountains, but this morning is clear.
"The Hidden Spring: A Monk's Quest"
The air is fresh and the trees are still dripping with rainwater.
"The Hidden Spring: A Monk's Quest"
I feel as if I have awoken from a refreshing sleep, though I have only just opened my eyes.
"The Hidden Spring: A Monk's Quest"
Our monastery is located in a remote corner of Qingyun, at the bottom of the Yuntai Mountains.
"The Hidden Spring: A Monk's Quest"
It is so secluded it is completely cut off from the world.
"The Hidden Spring: A Monk's Quest"
At the break of dawn, the morning bell rings to signal the start of a new day in our monastery, and over a hundred monks will begin their morning routine.
"The Hidden Spring: A Monk's Quest"
However, my closest friends, Liang Chen and Chen Hui, are still fast asleep.
"The Hidden Spring: A Monk's Quest"
They had been on duty in the scripture hall all night, and they are tired.
"The Hidden Spring: A Monk's Quest"
I am sure they will not be up for another hour or two.
"The Hidden Spring: A Monk's Quest"
But I must start my day now by lifting water for drinking and cooking.
"The Hidden Spring: A Monk's Quest"
Liang Chen and Chen Hui will join me later on when they wake up.
"The Hidden Spring: A Monk's Quest"
In the early morning, the sound of the mountain breeze, mixed with the faint chirps of birds, is the only thing that can be heard.
"The Hidden Spring: A Monk's Quest"
I take my water bottle and head out.
"The Hidden Spring: A Monk's Quest"
I open the door quietly so as not to wake up my friends who are still asleep.
"The Hidden Spring: A Monk's Quest"
They were exhausted last night from carrying out their duties in the scripture hall, and I want to let them rest peacefully.
"The Hidden Spring: A Monk's Quest"
It’s just a few miles to get to our water source.
"The Hidden Spring: A Monk's Quest"
We were given this duty after we became monks, and we have been doing it for almost ten years now.
"The Hidden Spring: A Monk's Quest"
The path to get there is not very smooth, but it’s not too difficult either.
"The Hidden Spring: A Monk's Quest"
After all, it only takes about an hour to finish the entire trip.
"The Hidden Spring: A Monk's Quest"
Liang Chen and Chen Hui can’t come with me this time because they have to sleep in later, so I leave them some water at the intersection of the road where we pass each other.
"The Hidden Spring: A Monk's Quest"
“Liang Chen, Chen Hui, I left some water for you on the road!Wake up and get it when you get up!”
"The Hidden Spring: A Monk's Quest"
I’m not afraid of wild animals or bad people when I walk in the mountains by myself.
"The Hidden Spring: A Monk's Quest"
The monastery has been in this location for hundreds of years, and people hardly ever come here, so all of us monks feel like we’re in our own little world.
"The Hidden Spring: A Monk's Quest"
I walk up to a rock on top of which some characters were engraved by past monks: “The monk who carries water.” It’s also a reminder to me that I’m almost there.
"The Hidden Spring: A Monk's Quest"
After a while, I see a small waterfall on top of a hill from afar, from which I will fetch water.
"The Hidden Spring: A Monk's Quest"
I walk down to it through a path that has been walked down to stones, but I don’t mind that at all.
"The Hidden Spring: A Monk's Quest"
I take off my robe, revealing my thin body, before I start to scoop water into two empty buckets made out of wood.
"The Hidden Spring: A Monk's Quest"
The Yuntai Mountains are very beautiful.
"The Hidden Spring: A Monk's Quest"
The greenest leaves are seen on top of trees, and flowers are deep red in color.
"The Hidden Spring: A Monk's Quest"
The mountain wind runs through my ears, making a rustling sound, as if someone was whispering in my ears; this kind of feeling is indeed very wonderful.
"The Hidden Spring: A Monk's Quest"
I take my time filling up the two buckets with water before I lift them up with both hands and put them on my shoulders.
"The Hidden Spring: A Monk's Quest"
What once was difficult has become second nature to me now, even though my body is still somewhat sore from yesterday's work.
"The Hidden Spring: A Monk's Quest"
I slowly walk up the hill, which is about 200 feet high, to deliver the water back to the monastery.
"The Hidden Spring: A Monk's Quest"
The path is steep but short, and halfway up I can see my destination: our monastery in its entirety.
"The Hidden Spring: A Monk's Quest"
Although remote, it looks very peaceful, with golden tiles shining in the sun.
"The Hidden Spring: A Monk's Quest"
Every time I see this view, I can’t help but feel grateful that I am able to live in such a good place as a monk in seclusion.
"The Hidden Spring: A Monk's Quest"
But life as an ascetic monk can be very exhausting too.
"The Hidden Spring: A Monk's Quest"
As I walk, I start to feel the weight in the buckets get a bit heavier, which is a sign that the spring is well replenished.
"The Hidden Spring: A Monk's Quest"
I put the buckets on the ground, pull out a towel to wipe the sweat off my forehead, before I take a short rest.
"The Hidden Spring: A Monk's Quest"
I take a deep breath, looking down at the mountainside, where white clouds are floating around, as if I were in a dream.
"The Hidden Spring: A Monk's Quest"
I don’t know how long has passed before I finally stand up and pick up the buckets again.
"The Hidden Spring: A Monk's Quest"
After I get to the top of the hill, there is a road that leads directly to the monastery.
"The Hidden Spring: A Monk's Quest"
It’s not hard to walk on this road, but it’s quite long.
"The Hidden Spring: A Monk's Quest"
I will definitely be tired before I get back.
"The Hidden Spring: A Monk's Quest"
However, I don’t mind it at all.
"The Hidden Spring: A Monk's Quest"
In fact, I find it quite pleasant to be surrounded by mountains with no one around.
"The Hidden Spring: A Monk's Quest"
The only thing I can do now is to continue to walk upward step by step.
"The Hidden Spring: A Monk's Quest"
Liang Chen, Chen Hui, and I will talk about the ancient sages, past events, or just random things while we are working here.
"The Hidden Spring: A Monk's Quest"
I will share my thoughts with them later.
"The Hidden Spring: A Monk's Quest"
They can’t come with me this time.
"The Hidden Spring: A Monk's Quest"
I don’t know if they will be surprised to see that the spring is full of water when I get back to the monastery.
"The Hidden Spring: A Monk's Quest"
The two of them only have one thing in common, which is that they can’t focus on getting things done.
"The Hidden Spring: A Monk's Quest"
Liang is cheerful and optimistic, and he never stops babbling.
"The Hidden Spring: A Monk's Quest"
Chen Hui is wise and calm; he is like a glass of clear water, comforting to talk to.
"The Hidden Spring: A Monk's Quest"
We all have our own unique strengths that complement each other, and we work well together.
"The Hidden Spring: A Monk's Quest"
Our friendship has lasted for more than ten years, and we have never had any conflicts.
"The Hidden Spring: A Monk's Quest"
On the contrary, we have always been able to communicate well with each other.
"The Hidden Spring: A Monk's Quest"
The three of us are quite happy with how things are.
"The Hidden Spring: A Monk's Quest"
After all, we are not young anymore, and we can no longer squabble as if we were teenagers.
"The Hidden Spring: A Monk's Quest"
When I return to the monastery and meet my friends again later, I will share my thoughts with them.
"The Hidden Spring: A Monk's Quest"
I believe they will be able to understand what I want to say.
"The Hidden Spring: A Monk's Quest"
After thinking about this, I feel a little proud, but at the same time, I feel concerned.
It’s only been a while since it’s already time for me to go for the third time.
The mountain is not big, and there are usually three trips a day, which should be enough for us to use until noon.
But now, it’s only early morning, and I’ve already made three trips.
I can’t help but feel a little worried.
When I get to the water source, my heart sinks as soon as I see the waterfall in the distance.
I quicken my pace a bit and walk to the source of the water.
The rocks in the middle of the waterfall are submerged in water, and it’s obvious that the water level has dropped significantly in just a short period of time.
In the past, even after using half a day’s worth of water, the rocks in the middle of the waterfall were still completely dry.
But now, it’s as if we haven’t been using water as much as we should, and the rocks are wet from being submerged in water for a long time.
This is a very unusual situation.
When the rocks are submerged in water for a long time, they will start to grow moss.
And now, not only have the rocks not grown any moss, but they’re still dry somehow.
This is definitely not a good sign.
The spring that we’ve been relying on all this time seems to be drying up quickly, which means that our monastery may face a crisis if this continues.
As I walk up to the waterfall, I put the buckets on the ground and walk to the edge of the stream to take a look at the amount of water left.
When I was here last time, there was still quite a lot of water left at this spot, but now all that’s left is just some residual water that’s slowly flowing down into the distance.
There really isn’t much left!
I pick up the buckets and quickly fill them up with some water before rushing back to the monastery.
I rush back to our monastery and put down the buckets.
As I take a deep breath and wipe off some sweat from my forehead with my towel, I look up at the sky.
I’m not sure if it’s because of global warming or something else; it feels like it’s going to be a long summer.
If we really do face water shortages here, then that’s really going to be quite a problem.
This place is surrounded by mountains on all sides, and there are no other water sources nearby.
It will be very difficult if we have to transport water from other places.
Even if we can find another place to fetch water from, we still need to go through the temple.
I don’t know if we can get this done before we run out of water.
I don’t want to think about what will happen afterwards.
After a moment of silence, I decide to go back and discuss this with Liang and Chen Hui.
"The Hidden Spring: A Monk's Quest"
I’m going to find Liang and Chen Hui!”
I shout out loud as I walk into the courtyard.
As soon as Liang Chen hears my shout, he walks out of the room.
When he sees me, he calls out, “Ming Wei, you’re back.”
I reply, “Yeah, the spring seems to be running out of water.
I’m afraid that it won’t last until noon.”
Liang frowns when he hears this.
He then turns to look at the sky, which is completely clear; there are no signs of rain.
Chen Hui comes out of the room after hearing what we’re talking about.
He stands beside Liang, and after he takes in all the information, he says, “This is indeed a big problem.
The three of us should discuss this together.”
I nod my head and say, “Let’s go inside.”
We walk into the room, and Liang puts out three stools before sitting down on one of them.
I take a seat as well, while Chen Hui remains standing as he thinks about the situation in silence.
After a while, he says, “There are usually two possibilities for such a phenomenon.
First of all, the water sources at higher altitudes are drying up, or there are other reasons that are affecting the flow of water in the spring below.
After hearing what Chen Hui says, I nod my head and say, “That’s true.
I’ve been to the source of the water just now and found that the amount of water flowing down has reduced quite a lot compared to usual.
It looks like the spring is indeed running out of water.”
Liang suddenly slams his hand on the table when he hears this before saying in a loud voice, “Then let us dig a well right away!”
I look at Liang with confusion and ask, “Dig a well right away?
Isn’t that too optimistic?”
Liang has always been like this; whenever we encounter any problems, his first response is to come up with a solution immediately.
But sometimes, his solutions are just too optimistic and not very realistic.
Liang has been called the “Little Monk Who Lifts Water” by us behind his back.
He’s short and stocky, and he’s always so optimistic and cheerful.
But if you ask me, I think that the title of “Little Monk Who Lifts Water” is not very appropriate.
If there’s a little monk who lifts water, then there should be a big monk who lifts water as well, right?
That would be me—Ming Wei, the monk who carries water.
I have a tall and lean figure, and I’m diligent and humble.
I am quite satisfied with how I’ve lived up to my title.
If someone calls me the “Monk Who Carries Water”, I would immediately respond with a “present”.
But most of the time, nobody calls me that, probably because I hardly do anything at all.
I think that the title of “Little Monk Who Lifts Water” is not suitable for Liang at all, and it should go to me instead.
However, I don’t want to argue about something so trivial, so I just let it go.
After all, we’re all friends who live together in the same monastery.
"The Hidden Spring: A Monk's Quest"
When Liang sees me keeping quiet, he says, “It looks like Ming Wei is not willing to be optimistic with us.
“That’s not it,” I shake my head as I say, “While it is true that the source of our water is drying up, I am a little hesitant about our plans to dig a well.”
Hearing what I say, Chen Hui immediately asks, “What’s the matter?Don’t be afraid to tell us.We’re all friends here.
We will face any difficulties together.
If you have any concerns, do not hesitate to speak up.
We will think of a solution together.”
Seeing Chen Hui being so concerned about me, I feel warm inside my heart.
Chen Hui has always been like this.
He has a medium build and is wise and patient.
He is always so kind and gracious towards others, and he treats everyone equally.
He is also the person I admire the most among all the monks in our monastery.
That is why I am very grateful to have him as one of my closest friends.
After hearing what Chen Hui says, I am also very touched by his words.
However, I am still hesitant about telling them the truth.
I feel like they are already burdened enough with their own responsibilities, so I don’t want them to worry too much about me.
After hesitating for a while, I finally decide to tell them the truth.
I say in a soft voice, “The thing is… I have been feeling a little unwell lately.”
Liang immediately looks at me with concern and asks, “What’s the matter?Why didn’t you tell us earlier?”
“I didn’t tell you because it’s not something serious.
It’s just that my waist and legs feel weak all the time,” I explain.
“Is this condition serious?”
Chen Hui asks in a concerned voice.
Hearing Chen Hui’s question, my heart feels warm again.
I reply, “It’s not too serious.
I just need more rest.
So that’s why I feel a little hesitant about digging a well right away.
I’m afraid that my physical condition won’t allow me to carry out such a laborious task.”
When Chen Hui hears this, he suddenly looks very serious before saying to me in a low voice, “It’s okay.
If you’re unwell, then let me do it instead.
But just as I am about to reject Chen Hui’s offer, he suddenly stands up from his seat and says in an excited voice: “I suddenly remembered something!”
Chen Hui then walks towards the door of the room while Liang and I look at each other in confusion before following him out of the room.
Chen Hui then takes us through the monastery towards the back of the mountain before finally stopping at an area that is surrounded by dense trees.
He then looks at Liang and me before saying mysteriously: “There is actually another way to obtain water at this place.”
Liang and I look at each other before asking Chen Hui curiously: “What way?Why didn’t you tell us earlier?”
Chen Hui looks at us mysteriously before saying: “The reason why I didn’t tell you earlier is because it is not easy to implement this plan.
But if we can successfully implement it, we won’t need to dig another well to obtain water.”
Hearing what Chen Hui says, both Liang and I are very curious about this plan.
"The Hidden Spring: A Monk's Quest"
We then follow Chen Hui to the top of the mountain and stand in front of a towering cliff.
Chen Hui then points to the foot of the mountain and says: “I heard from the villagers that there seems to be water in the ground at that place.
Maybe… we can find water underground at this place as well?”
Chen Hui doesn’t say anything after that and just looks at the three of us.
Liang and I both look at each other in confusion, not knowing what Chen Hui wants to do.
But both of us are very curious about Chen Hui’s plan.
So, we both nod at Chen Hui before asking him in unison: “What should we do now?”
Chen Hui then looks at the three of us before pointing to a certain spot at the foot of the mountain and saying: “Stand there and don’t move.
Remember, don’t move and don’t call out no matter what happens.
After saying this, Chen Hui looks at the three of us with a smile before walking away.
He then disappears from our sight.
“Why did Chen Hui ask us to stand here?
There’s nothing special about this place,” Liang says in confusion.
“Yeah, maybe there is something special about this place that we can’t see.
I also find it strange why Chen Hui would ask us to stand here and wait.
But since he has already left, there is no point asking him now.
So, we both stand silently where he asked us to stand.
After waiting for about half an hour, Chen Hui finally returns with two young novices who are carrying shovels in their hands.
He then asks them to start digging according to the spot he had pointed out just now.
We then watch as the two young novices start digging under Chen Hui’s orders.
Liang then says excitedly: “Wow, Chen Hui actually managed to come up with an idea.
He is indeed our wise senior brother!”
I can see from the smile on Liang’s face that he is very excited about Chen Hui’s plan.
But I am feeling somewhat uncertain about it.
Because if there were really water underground at this place, shouldn’t it have been discovered by our ancestors already?
But since Chen Hui has already given the order, I don’t have any reason to object either.
So, I can only watch as the two young novices dig according to the spot pointed out by Chen Hui.
As Liang and I are watching the two young novices dig, Chen Hui suddenly turns towards me and Liang and asks with a smile: “How big do you think the chance is of finding water at this place?”
Hearing Chen Hui’s question, both Liang and I are stunned for a moment before Liang replies with a blank expression: “I don’t know, senior brother.What do you think?”
Chen Hui then smiles and says: “The chance is very slim.”
"The Hidden Spring: A Monk's Quest"
Since I have never seen Chen Hui showing such an excited expression before, I am feeling curious and ask: “Then why did you still decide to come up with this idea?”
Chen Hui then looks at me with a hint of excitement in his eyes and says: “Because I have heard a legend before.” Hearing Chen Hui’s words, both Liang and I are stunned for a moment as we are feeling curious about what kind of legend will actually make Chen Hui show such an excited expression like that.
At that moment, Chen Hui then slowly shares the content of the legend with us: “When our monastery was established more than a thousand years ago, the first generation of monks actually discovered this water source while digging the foundation for our monastery.”
“After the first generation of monks had established our monastery, they then started to dig the foundation for the main hall of our monastery.”
“They had originally wanted to build the main hall at a higher place to avoid the water from flowing into the main hall when it rains.”
“But while they were digging, they suddenly discovered that there was water underground after digging for a while.”
“And they discovered that the water was actually flowing from the underground spring that was located below that place.”
Hearing this, Liang then says excitedly: “So, these first generation of monks are really lucky!”
Chen Hui then smiles and continues: “But some other legends related to this incident state that the first generation of monks who founded our monastery were actually not skilled in construction.”
“So, it is possible that they might have mistakenly hit upon an underground spring while digging for the foundation.”
“If so, then there should be another underground spring that is located nearby.” Chen Hui then turns towards Liang and me and continues: “And if my speculation is correct, then this second underground spring should be located somewhere nearby.”
“And since there are two underground springs, it is possible that these two springs will run parallel to each other. And the second spring might still be full of water.”
Hearing Chen Hui’s words, both Liang and I are feeling surprised and ask: “Then are we going to start digging at this place?”
Chen Hui then looks at me and Liang and says: “Yes.” After saying that, he then looks at the two young novices who are still digging and continues: “I have no idea if what I said earlier is real or not.”
"The Hidden Spring: A Monk's Quest"
“But if you guys are willing, then I suggest that we should try digging at this location.”
“Because if what I said is true, then the second underground spring should be located here.”
“On the other hand, if what I said is wrong, then this place should be dry, and there is no need for us to continue digging.”
“But if we are going to dig blindly in search for an underground spring, then who knows how long will it take for us to find it.”
Hearing this, Liang then says: “If what you said is true, then we should be able to find an underground spring at this place.”
“But if it is not, then wouldn’t it be a waste of time?”
Hearing this, Chen Hui shakes his head and says: “I am afraid that there is no other good way for us to do this.”
In the end, after hearing what Chen Hui said, Liang and I then decide to give it a try and hope that what he said is true.
The next morning, the three of us then take our tools and head towards the place where Chen Hui said that the second underground spring might be located.
But after reaching there, Liang then says: “The surrounding is all mountains and forests.”
“And we have no idea about where should we start digging.”
Hearing this, Chen Hui then says: “Actually, if there are really two underground springs located here, they should be connected at some point.”
“So even though the two springs are separated by a distance, there should be some signs on the surface that will tell us about its location.”
“Although these signs are not noticeable during the dry season, they should still exist.”
After hearing what Chen Hui said, Liang and I then understand what he meant and decide to follow his advice.
Next, after observing the surrounding environment carefully for a while, Chen Hui then says: “The first thing we need to do is to observe the roots of the plants and trees around here.”
“Because if there is an underground spring flowing below this place, then the roots of these plants should grow toward the direction where the underground spring flows.”
Hearing this, Liang then says: “So if there is an underground spring flowing in front of us, then the roots of the plants and trees should lean towards the direction in front of us?”
Chen Hui then nods and continues: “If you guys want to find the location of an underground spring, then you have to observe the direction where the plants and trees are leaning.”
“Things like the thickness of the trunks and the leaves of the plants do not matter.”
“But what matters are the roots and their directions.”
“If the roots are leaning toward a certain direction, then there should be water flowing beneath it.”
Hearing all of this, both Liang and I find it quite difficult to believe.
But then we decide to trust Chen Hui on this matter.
Afterward, the three of us then observe the roots of the plants and trees in the surrounding area.
And after observing for a while, we then notice that there are some small plants in front of us which their roots are actually leaning towards the direction in front of us.
"The Hidden Spring: A Monk's Quest"
Seeing that and hearing what Chen Hui said earlier, Liang and I then begin to wonder: “Is it possible…?”
Afterward, the three of us then keep observing the surroundings quietly.
But none of us say anything and only keep looking at each other’s face in silence.
A moment later, as if having made a decision in his mind, Chen Hui then shakes his head and says: “Enough… Let’s go back!”
After hearing that, both Liang and I then look at him and ask: “Chen Hui… Are you sure about…?”
But before we could finish talking to him, Liang suddenly stops his words midway through and instead asks: “Chen Hui… Are you really sure about it?”
After hearing Liang asking him like that, Chen Hui then raises his head and looks at us with a bitter smile on his face.
Afterward, he then says: “Actually… I have no idea if it’s true or not.”
“But I was just thinking… Instead of digging wells everywhere without knowing where exactly should we dig…”
“It would be better if we can find out if there are really two underground springs located here or not first.”
“But if there are really two underground springs located here…”
“Then the signs should be there…”
“However… Since I have been sick for a long time, it is indeed difficult for me to come up with a good idea right now.”
“So it’s fine if you guys don’t want to believe me.”
As soon as he finishes his words…
The three of us then stand in silence for a moment.
And next, after looking at the uneasy expression on his face…
I then take a deep breath and say: “Chen Hui…”
“You have just recovered from your illness…”
“Don’t overwork yourself too much!”
“But I can’t help but worry about it…”
“We are now having a serious water crisis…”
“If we don’t find a new water source as soon as possible…”
“The situation will only get worse in the future!”
Hearing me saying this…
Chen Hui then remains silent for a moment.
And after thinking about it for a while…
He then says: “If we really can’t find any signs of the two underground springs…”
“Then selling some of our stuff to buy water will be our only option left.”
“But before doing that…”
“We should try to find out if there are really two underground springs located here or not first.”
“Because if there are really two underground springs located here…”
“Then selling our stuff to buy water will not be necessary anymore.”
“But without any signs pointing us to the underground springs…”
“Then digging wells everywhere is indeed not a good idea!”
“In addition to the soil here being hard…”
“Even if we dig wells everywhere…”
“We might not even be able to find any water sources!”
Hearing Chen Hui saying this…
Both Liang and I then begin to think deeply about what he said.
But at this moment…
Liang suddenly turns his head and asks: “Chen Hui… Since there is no way for us to get any signs of the underground springs…”
“Then how can we find them?”
"The Hidden Spring: A Monk's Quest"
Letting out a long sigh…
Chen Hui then continues: “According to the legend…”
“The first underground spring was discovered by accident when the monastery was founded.”
“And since the second underground spring was mentioned in the same paragraph as well…”
“This means that it also should be discovered in the same way!”
Hearing Chen Hui saying this…
Both Liang and I then remain silent for a moment.
But after looking at each other for a while…
We then immediately realize what Chen Hui meant!
Since Chen Hui has mentioned the ancient legend…
And the legend has mentioned about the two underground springs….
Then this means that…
The second underground spring should also be located around here!
If we could find out how the first underground spring was discovered…
Then we might be able to find some clues regarding the second one as well!
But even after realizing all of these things…
There are still so many questions left unanswered.
If there is really an underground spring located nearby…
Why don’t people know about it?
After all, even if both of them are located in different places…
It should still be possible to find the one located closest to the monastery!
Or maybe the reason why people can’t find it is that…
The distance between the two underground springs is too far from each other?
And that’s why people can only find the ones located closer to the monastery while missing the other one?
Or maybe there might be some natural barriers blocking the way?
Just when all of these questions begin to pop up in my mind…
Seeing that I am lost in my thoughts…
Liang then immediately waves his hands in front of my eyes and asks: “Ming Wei… What are you thinking?”
After hearing him saying this…
I then shake my head and say: “Well… I think it’s still too early to draw a conclusion…”
“So we should just go there and check it ourselves.”
“But if it turns out that there is nothing special there…”
“Then at least, we can say that we have tried our best.”
Upon hearing me saying this…
Both of them then remain silent for a moment before nodding their heads.
But just when the three of us are about to leave…
We then hear someone laughing around us!
After looking at the direction where the laughter comes from, I then realize that it is from one of the few monks who were watching us earlier!
“Haha… What are you guys thinking?”
“Looking for an underground spring?”
“Come on…”
“Do you really believe in those legends?”
“At first, I thought you were just joking around…”
“But I didn’t expect that you would actually believe them…”
“Have you ever considered why no one has found it yet?”
“If there is really an underground spring located nearby…”
“Then why don’t you just go there and check it yourself?”
“Just don’t waste your time digging wells around here.”
But after finishing his words…
"The Hidden Spring: A Monk's Quest"
He then looks at us with a look of mockery on his face!
But as for Liang and I…
We don’t even bother to pay attention to him!
We then just look at each other before silently preparing our stuff and get ready to leave!
But just when I am about to leave…
I then see Chen Hui is still sitting on the ground with his eyes closed!
After noticing that both of us are looking at him…
He then takes a deep breath and opens his eyes before getting up from the ground.
And as he does so…
I then hear Liang asking him: “Chen Hui… What are you doing?”
Upon hearing him asking this…
Chen Hui then looks at us before saying: “I… I’m just meditating…”
“After all, I don’t feel like drinking water anymore.”
“But I’m not really sure if I can find anything or not…”
“But if you guys really want me to go with you…”
“Then… I guess I have no choice but to follow you guys!”
After hearing him saying this…
Liang and I then look at each other and nod our heads!
But just when we are about to leave after hearing his words…
He then looks at me with a worried expression on his face before hesitantly asking: “But… Ming Wei…”
“Why don’t you bring any water with you?”
After hearing him asking this…
I then say: “I think it’s better for us not to bring any water with us.”
“Who knows how long will it take for us to find that underground spring?”
“If it turns out that it won’t take too long…”
“Then we can just go back and get some water!”
“But if it takes too long…”
“Then I think it’s better for us not to bring any water at all!”
Hearing my explanation, Liang then nods his head and says: “That makes sense!”
“But just in case if we can’t find anything at all, maybe we can dig a well nearby and see if we can find any water there?”
After hearing him saying this…
I nod my head and say: “Alright!”
“But let’s just hope that we can find something first!”
“Otherwise, we might not even have the chance to dig for water!”
Hearing my words, both of them then silently nod their heads.
But just as I finish my words…
I then see the same monk who laughed at us earlier is also approaching us while holding a jar of water in his hand!
And as for Liang who is standing beside me while carrying his stuff along with a few jars of water on his back…
"The Hidden Spring: A Monk's Quest"
He also looks at me and says: “Ming Wei, no one will bring us water anymore!”
After hearing him saying this…
I then look around and see that all of the monks have already gone back to the monastery.
And there is no one else left here except for the three of us along with the monk who is approaching us.
Seeing that no one will bring us water anymore, I then say: “Well, let’s just get going then!”
And thus, the three of us along with that monk then leave the monastery as we begin our journey into the unknown!
As we continue our journey, we have been walking for several hours.
While walking, I find myself reflecting on Chen Hui’s words earlier.
It seems like he has a strong feeling that there is a hidden underground spring somewhere nearby.
And he has a reason to believe that it really exists.
Because he said that there is an ancient legend that says that there is an underground spring here.
And according to that legend, the location of that underground spring is not far from our monastery.
The only question is where is it?
As I continue my thoughts, the terrains around us start to change.
The path is now not as flat as it used to be.
There are a lot of rocks and plants that continue to grow larger and larger around us.
However, despite the changes in our surroundings, Liang doesn’t seem to be affected by it at all, and he continues walking while carrying his stuff on his back without stopping at all!
Not only him, but Chen Hui also looks like he doesn’t have any problem walking through these terrains at all!
Seeing both of them are still able to walk without any problems at all, I then tell myself that I should also not give up easily!
And thus, I continue walking as we slowly make our way through these terrains!
After a while, as we continue walking through these terrains, we finally arrive at a very steep path!
But not only that, we suddenly discover that we can no longer see our own monastery at all!
It seems like we have already walked so far away from our monastery!
But even though we are facing a lot of difficulties in our journey, Chen Hui still refuses to give up!
He continues to walk ahead while focusing his eyes on the path in front of him!
With me and Liang following him closely behind him!
As we continue walking through this steep path, I suddenly see a small butterfly flapping its wings flying around us!
Seeing that butterfly, Liang also sees it as well, and he immediately says: “Look! It’s a butterfly!”
“Maybe this time we will be able to find something!”
Hearing him saying this…
I can’t help but feel happy inside my heart!
But just as we are about to catch up to that butterfly…
Liang suddenly turns his head around and looks at me while saying: “Ming Wei, are you sure you know where are we going?”
After hearing him saying this…
I immediately look at Chen Hui who is still walking in front of us.
Then I see him suddenly turning left while continuing his way through another path!
"The Hidden Spring: A Monk's Quest"
Seeing that Chen Hui doesn’t stop walking at all, I immediately follow him while carrying my stuff on my back while saying: “Of course I know!”
Liang: “Then do you know why we suddenly can’t see our own monastery anymore?”
“Is it because the trees are blocking our views?”
Liang: “I think that’s not the case…”
“Don’t you think that it’s weird for us to not even know where are we going or what are we supposed to do?”
At first, hearing him saying this, I suddenly feel that what he said is right!
It is true that the trees have been blocking our views, but even so, we should still be able to see our own monastery at least!
But the problem is, why can’t we see anything at all?
After contemplating for a while, Chen Hui suddenly says: “Xuanzang has traveled through the desert for thousands of miles!”
Hearing him mentioning Xuanzang, Liang suddenly looks at him and says: “Xuanzang has been able to travel through thousands of miles of desert all by himself!”
“Don’t you think that you are overestimating yourself too much?”
Chen Hui: “Hehehe… I just want to remind you two!”
“Since we are only going through this short journey, and yet you two are already feeling scared!”
Hearing him saying this, Liang looks at me with a terrified look on his face while saying: “We are really lost!Ming Wei, what should we do now!”
I immediately look at Chen Hui who is currently walking in front of us!
Then I say to Liang: “I don’t believe that Chen Hui doesn’t know where are we going!”
After hearing me saying this, Liang finally starts to calm down while saying: “Then let’s continue following him!”
As such, the three of us continue walking along the path!
However, after walking for a while, the three of us suddenly discover that the road ahead is no longer easy for us to walk through!
The weeds have been growing larger and larger around us!
Not only that, but the ground has also been filled with a lot of big rocks and holes around us!
And just like that, the road ahead is no longer easy for us to walk through at all!
The three of us then suddenly feel like the time when we first start walking through this path is just like yesterday!
"The Hidden Spring: A Monk's Quest"
But after thinking about it, the three of us suddenly feel like that is just too far away from us already!
The three of us then continue to walk along this path!
And just like that, the three of us continue to walk through this path while trying our best to avoid all those big rocks and holes around us!
After walking through this path for another while, the three of us finally discover that the path in front of us has become so overgrown with weeds already!
At this point, the road ahead doesn’t seem to have any difference with those tall barriers around us anymore!
And just like that, the three of us continue to walk while trying our best to avoid the overgrown weeds around us!
The three of us then continue to walk while looking around at those tall barriers around us!
The three of us then suddenly feel like those tall barriers don’t seem to be barriers anymore in front of us, but they look like those monster plants that are trying to prevent those intruders from entering their territory!
And just like that, the three of us continue to walk through this path while feeling a little bit more anxious in our hearts!
Suddenly, I feel like there is something behind us that is watching the three of us from behind!
Is there really something behind us?
Or is it just my imagination?
I then immediately take a look behind me but I don’t see anything there!
However, even though I don’t see anything there, I still feel like there is something behind me watching the three of us from behind!
My heart suddenly starts to beat faster as I start to feel more anxious in my heart!
I then immediately turn my head around and look forward at Chen Hui while asking him: “Chen Hui, how deep inside do you think are we right now!”
Chen Hui looks around him and says: “I also don’t really know about this!”
After hearing Chen Hui saying this, Liang is immediately shocked by his words and questions him about it while saying: “Then, what should we do now!”
Chen Hui shows a bitter smile on his face and says: “If I am not wrong… we should be heading toward the right direction!”
Hearing Chen Hui saying this, the three of us immediately fall into a complete silence!
This is because we don’t know how to respond to his words!
We may have been lost already!
However, if we turn back now and Chen Hui’s words are correct!
Then we will lose the chance of finding the hidden underground spring already!
After falling into silence for a short moment!
It is Chen Hui who finally breaks the silence!
He then says: “I don’t know how I should say this!”
“But it feels like I have a strong conviction in my heart leading me here!”
“It is not just a mere intuition!”
“Instead, I feel like I have been leading you two the right way!”
After hearing Chen Hui saying this, the three of us are immediately stunned by his words!
It is because we feel like his words are really making sense!
"The Hidden Spring: A Monk's Quest"
However, even though his words are making sense!
We don’t have any evidence with us proving his words are correct!
However, since we have no other choice already!
We can only choose to believe him and move on forward!
After moving further along the path, the three of us immediately fall into a complete silence!
This is because we all know clearly about one thing!
That is…
We may possibly not be able to find water!
After realizing this fact, all three of us immediately feel anxious in our heart!
We then continue walking along the path with our heads lowered down as we fall into deep thoughts in our mind!
If we say that the road leading toward the mountain area behind our monastery is a well-trodden path!
Then, the road we are currently walking on should be a nearly impassable road!
If there are no footprints on this road, we might even think that this road has no paths at all!
This makes me wonder why must there be paths on this road.
It is because it feels like the road here doesn’t lead towards anywhere at all.
It is just like what Liang has said before.
The paths behind our monastery seem to be paths leading toward someplace.
However, the paths here seem to be paths leading toward nothing!
This makes Liang feel really weird and asks us: “Why should there be paths here?”
“Don’t tell me that there would be people who would come here to pick herbs?”
Hearing Liang saying this, I am immediately stunned by his words!
This is because I feel like he has made a really good point!
This road is really not suitable for people to walk on at all!
It is because there are too many obstacles blocking our way!
This makes us feel really uncomfortable when we walk on this road!
In other words…
This road seems to be a road used by people to pick herbs only!
After walking for a short while…
We realize that there are some twisted trees on both sides of the path!
These twisted trees look so weird and terrifying to us!
It is because they make us think of those horror movies about ancient tombs and ghost houses!
These twisted trees give off a very weird feeling!
It seems like they are trying to tell us about something related to them!
However, no matter how hard I try to think about it…
I can’t figure out what they are trying to tell us!
After walking for another while…
Chen Hui suddenly expresses his thoughts out loud by saying: “It seems like today’s weather is not good!”
After hearing Chen Hui saying this, Liang shows a bitter smile on his face and says: “It is indeed not good!”
“However, it feels like today’s weather should be quite good!”
Liang’s words make me feel really weird and I immediately ask him: “Liang, didn’t you just say that today’s weather is not good!”
“Why do you suddenly change your mind now!”
Liang says with a bitter smile on his face: “I am just saying things randomly!”
After hearing Liang saying this, I immediately fall into deep thoughts.
"The Hidden Spring: A Monk's Quest"
Actually, Liang saying things randomly is quite normal to us.
The three of us have been practicing Taoism together since we were young.
We also have a very good relationship with each other.
Therefore, I am very familiar with these two people and their character.
This makes me feel like Liang is not just simply saying things randomly at all.
Something must have happened behind it!
However, I can’t figure out what is happening!
The three of us continue to move forward.
The more we move forward, the more uncomfortable we feel in our hearts.
It seems like we are walking toward a very dangerous place!
We have to stop after walking for another while.
Chen Hui looks toward the place in front of us and says: “The ancient underground spring is right in front of us!”
After hearing Chen Hui saying this, Liang immediately asks him: “You mean that we have already arrived there?”
Chen Hui nods his head and says: “That’s right!”
“However, we need to move forward for a bit first!”
Chen Hui says while looking at the place in front of us.
The place in front of us seems to be an open space.
However, there is actually nothing there at all.
It is just a piece of grassland with no signs of any underground spring there.
“Alright, let’s move forward!”
Liang says after looking at Chen Hui.
We continue to follow Chen Hui who leads our way.
He walks toward a path on the right side after reaching the grassland that seems like an open space.
I am still feeling very uncomfortable when walking on this path.
It seems like we are walking toward an abyss now.
I don’t know why I have such thoughts but I believe that it is because we have been walking on this path for too long.
However, Liang suddenly says something at this moment: “I have a bad hunch!”
I am stunned by Liang’s words and look at him immediately.
He looks toward me after seeing me looking at him and says with a serious expression on his face: “I have a premonition that something bad will happen today!”
I can’t help but become anxious after hearing Liang saying this.
Liang is usually a person who is really optimistic and likes to make jokes.
He doesn’t like to say such discouraging words at all.
This means that he is really worried about it!
After walking for another while…
We see a big moss-covered stone at the place where Chen Hui leads us to.
Chen Hui stops at this moment and looks at this stone, he then says: “We are here!”
Liang and I look at each other after hearing Chen Hui saying this and we are both surprised by his words.
We both think that Chen Hui is joking with us!
After thinking about it, we are truly not surprised by it!
It seems like Chen Hui is really serious about it!
After thinking about it, I immediately ask Chen Hui: “Chen Hui, are you serious about it?”
Chen Hui nods his head and says: “I have visited this place in my dream!”
After hearing his words, we are both surprised by it and have no more doubts in our hearts!
"The Hidden Spring: A Monk's Quest"