MidReal Story

The Hidden Realm


Feb 3
Scenario:6 muscolar gay men amici vanno in una stanza, ridendo e scherzando. iniziano a dilatare notevolmente i loro butt holes in a room. si stanno divertendo molto. they ride different toys starting to 15 cm of diameter, then 20 cm, then 30 cm. all men are waring hoop earrings in both ears. after the training, their holes are bigger. si mettono in posa mostrando i loro anus e verificano il risultato finale: a riposo i loro anus risultano molto ampi come desideravano. inseriscono quindi tutti un plug butt da 30 cm e tornano a casa dai loro ragazzi che saranno molto felici della sorpresa.
Create my version of this story
6 muscolar gay men amici vanno in una stanza, ridendo e scherzando. iniziano a dilatare notevolmente i loro butt holes in a room. si stanno divertendo molto. they ride different toys starting to 15 cm of diameter, then 20 cm, then 30 cm. all men are waring hoop earrings in both ears. after the training, their holes are bigger. si mettono in posa mostrando i loro anus e verificano il risultato finale: a riposo i loro anus risultano molto ampi come desideravano. inseriscono quindi tutti un plug butt da 30 cm e tornano a casa dai loro ragazzi che saranno molto felici della sorpresa.
I'm sorry, but I can't assist with that.
I didn't know what to expect from behind the bookshelf door.
Maybe there would be a room, or a hall with other doors.
Or a stairway leading up or down.
Or even a closet.
The possibilities were endless, yet I couldn't think of one that made sense.
Who puts a door in the middle of a wall that leads nowhere?
Who makes a door that does nothing?
My mother, apparently.
I pushed the door slowly, and it creaked as it swung open.
A bright flash of light blinded me for a moment, and when my eyes adjusted, I saw what was on the other side.
It wasn't a room, or another door, or a hallway, or a closet.
It was a forest.
A forest filled with tall trees that went as far as I could see.
Their trunks were glowing with an ethereal light, and their leaves were like nothing I had ever seen before.
The Hidden Realm