Scenario:My name is hawks. the number two hero. as soon as i became number 2 i got a sidekick. i thought "if this person isnt cool im firing them" but shockingly she is sweet. her name is Airi. her quirk? adorable dog. she has light orange hair which is fluffy, scruffy, and long. she has the cutest freckles on her face and her eyes are a light brown. her hero name is Chiffon. she is 16. i see her like a daughter. she is sweet, bubbly, kind, and is the most cheerful person ever. she graduated from school at 12. I thought "theres no way im firing her" Based off of my hero academia
Create my version of this story
My name is hawks. the number two hero. as soon as i became number 2 i got a sidekick. i thought "if this person isnt cool im firing them" but shockingly she is sweet. her name is Airi. her quirk? adorable dog. she has light orange hair which is fluffy, scruffy, and long. she has the cutest freckles on her face and her eyes are a light brown. her hero name is Chiffon. she is 16. i see her like a daughter. she is sweet, bubbly, kind, and is the most cheerful person ever. she graduated from school at 12. I thought "theres no way im firing her" Based off of my hero academia
As soon as I became number two I got a sidekick.
I thought "if this person isnt cool im firing them" but shockingly she is sweet.
Her name is Airi Hoshino and her quirk is "Adorable Dog".
She has light orange hair which is fluffy, scruffy, and long.
She has the cutest freckles on her face and her eyes are a light brown.
She is 16 years old and graduated at 12 from U.A. High School.
I see her as a daughter.
She is sweet, bubbly, kind, and is the most cheerful person I have ever met.
Her hero name is Chiffon.
I thought "theres no way im firing her".
I was surprised that she looked up to me so much.
I didn't know until we had a talk about how I should train her.
She said "Hawks-san, I want to be just like you one day. I want to help people and stop villains".
I said "Well Airi, being a hero isnt all fun and games. Its dangerous and hard. If you want to be a hero like me then you have to go through hard training".
She said "I am ready Hawks-san. I will do whatever it takes".
I smiled and patted her on the head.
"You know you remind me of someone I used to know. Her name was Sally. She was sweet, kind, and beautiful. She had the most gorgeous blue hair and the prettiest blue eyes I have ever seen."
I said "Well Airi, I think it is time for you to see what hero work is like. So we are going on patrol".
We set out and headed to the city.
The city was bustling with people.
I kept a close eye on her as we walked through the crowded streets.
Her eyes were wide with wonder as she looked at all the vendors and people hurrying to get to their destinations.
I smiled at her enthusiasm.
We stopped when we heard a child crying.
He was sitting on the sidewalk crying his eyes out.
Airi knelt down next to him and started rubbing his back.
She said "Hey there little guy, what's wrong?"
He sniffled and said "I cant find my mommy. I was walking with her and then I saw a big dog and I ran away. When I came back she wasnt there."
Airi smiled and said "Well dont worry, we will help you find your mommy. But first let me ask you something. What is your mommies name?"
He said "M-mommy".
Airi smiled again and said "Okay, well let me go talk to my partner for a second. You just stay here okay?"
He nodded and she stood up.
She whispered to me "Hawks-san, I am going to transform into my dog form so I can comfort him. Is that okay?"
I nodded and she transformed into a small golden retriever puppy.
She went back over to the little boy and he smiled when he saw her. She licked his face and he giggled.
She snuggled up next to him and he hugged her tightly.
After a few minutes, he calmed down enough for us to ask him more questions about his mother.
He told us that they were shopping when he saw a big dog and got scared so he ran away.
We asked him what his mother looked like but he just shrugged his shoulders.
I sighed and said "Well let's go look for your mommy then."
We walked through the city asking people if they had seen a woman with a little boy but no one had seen anything.
As we were walking, I noticed someone lurking in the shadows watching us.