MidReal Story

The Heartbreak Diaries

Scenario:Journey to Atheistism helping others
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Journey to Atheistism helping others
I was a Christian for a long time until I lost my faith and became an atheist.
It happened when my mother died.
It was as if I couldn't reconcile the fact that someone I loved so much could be taken away from me with the idea that there was a God who loved me.
I couldn't understand why He would take her away from me and so I stopped believing in Him.
It wasn't something that happened overnight but it was a process that took months.
It was also something that happened unconsciously.
It wasn't until I realized I hadn't prayed in weeks that I understood what had happened.
It made me feel guilty because I knew my mother would have wanted me to keep praying and to keep believing.
I knew she believed in a heaven and a hell and that it was her faith that gave her the strength to fight as hard as she did while she was sick.
It also gave her the peace when she knew that she was going to die.
The Heartbreak Diaries