MidReal Story

The Girl Who Can Shrink Herself


3d ago
Scenario:a shy girl at the age of 16 named Ella has the naturally gifted ability to compress herself into a ball and use that ability to her advantage as she struggles through her last couple years of high school.
Create my version of this story
a shy girl at the age of 16 named Ella has the naturally gifted ability to compress herself into a ball and use that ability to her advantage as she struggles through her last couple years of high school.
I'm Ella
The Girl Who Can Shrink Herself
I'm 16 years old and I'm a shy girl.
I don't like my appearance and I don't like to talk with anyone.
I'm introverted and self-conscious.
I think that I'm not beautiful at all.
I have an ability that can help me a lot.
I can compress into a ball!
It might sound weird, but it's true!
I can compress into a ball and use my body as a ball to roll wherever I want.
It might be useful for me!
Sometimes I use this ability when I'm in school.
When I see that someone is coming towards me while I'm sitting at the table, I compress myself into a ball and roll under the table to hide myself!
It's very helpful!
No one can see me while I'm under the table!
And sometimes I hide in my locker.
It's big enough to hide me!
It keeps me safe from everyone!
Nobody can see me while I'm hiding in my locker!
It makes me feel safe and secure!
Besides using this ability to hide from others, it has other advantages.
For example, if someone is running after me, I can compress myself and roll away very fast to escape from him.
It also helps me to avoid fighting with others.
If someone wants to fight with me, I can compress myself and roll away very fast to avoid fighting with him.
It also helps me to avoid getting in trouble.
The Girl Who Can Shrink Herself