MidReal Story

The Giant Cat


3d ago
Scenario:Woke up in room and everything is larger
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Woke up in room and everything is larger
I woke up groggily, like you do after a long night of sleep.
My eyes slowly opened and I sat up.
Everything was normal until I looked at the window next to me.
The normal sized window had a tiny curtain, not big enough to cover even a section of it.
I rubbed my eyes thinking that maybe I was still dreaming but when I opened them again everything was still huge.
I looked around and everything else was huge too.
The bed I was on was as big as a trampoline and the dresser in the corner looked like you could land a small plane on it.
I jumped out of the bed and landed with a thud.
It felt like I had jumped off of a cliff and ran as fast as I could to the door.
I grabbed the gigantic handle and pulled with all my might.
It budged a little so I kept pulling until it swung open, revealing a hallway of doom.
The walls were as tall as a skyscraper and the carpet looked like a giant’s fur.
I took my first step into the unknown and my stomach twisted into a knot.
Something touched my leg and I looked down.
A black streak flew down the hall with a loud meow making me jump onto the bed.
A giant cat was loose in the house!
I took a deep breath, trying to regain courage, when my phone buzzed on the nightstand.
The Giant Cat