MidReal Story

The Gentle Mafia King

Scenario:My name is Ashley and I started working for a company as a assistant not known that it was a mafia boss company my boss name is Dominic Russo he started becoming a little to close to me acting really nice and sweet only on me tho because he heated everybody even his family I learned from my best friend that work in the company that the assistants that use to work for him only lasted a few months because he always use to be so rude to them but to this day am still trying to figure out why is he so sweet to me my friend thinks that he likes me but I don’t think that because why would he like someone like me
Create my version of this story
My name is Ashley and I started working for a company as a assistant not known that it was a mafia boss company my boss name is Dominic Russo he started becoming a little to close to me acting really nice and sweet only on me tho because he heated everybody even his family I learned from my best friend that work in the company that the assistants that use to work for him only lasted a few months because he always use to be so rude to them but to this day am still trying to figure out why is he so sweet to me my friend thinks that he likes me but I don’t think that because why would he like someone like me
I don’t know what I was expecting when I started working for Dominic Russo, but it wasn’t this.
I’d heard the rumors, of course.
Everyone in New York City had heard the rumors.
Dominic Russo was a killer, a monster, a man who had clawed his way to the top of the city’s most powerful crime family through sheer ruthlessness and force of will.
He was a man who could order someone’s death with a casual flick of his wrist, and who never hesitated to do so when he felt it was necessary.
He was a man who had no heart, no soul, no mercy.
But that wasn’t the man I met on my first day of work at Russo Corp.
The man I met was tall and dark-haired and handsome as sin, with a jawline that could cut glass and eyes that seemed to pierce right through me.
The man I met looked like he’d just stepped off the cover of GQ magazine, not out of a police lineup.
The Gentle Mafia King
I sat at my desk, organizing files and trying to ignore the fluttering in my stomach.
The office was quiet, save for the hum of the air conditioner and the occasional rustle of paper.
I glanced at the clock, noting that it was almost time for Dominic to arrive.
My fingers fumbled with a stack of documents as I tried to focus on my work.
Suddenly, the door swung open, and Dominic Russo strode into the room.
His presence commanded attention, and I felt my breath catch in my throat.
He smiled warmly at me, a stark contrast to his usual demeanor with others.
"Good morning, Ashley," he said, his voice smooth and gentle.
"How's your day going so far?"
I swallowed hard, trying to steady my nerves.
The Gentle Mafia King
"It's been good, Mr. Russo," I replied, forcing a smile. "Just getting through some paperwork."
Dominic nodded, his eyes never leaving mine.
"That's good to hear," he said softly. "You're doing an excellent job."
My phone buzzed on the desk, and I glanced down to see a text from Jenna.
*Be careful around Dominic. He's dangerous.*
My heart skipped a beat as I read the message.
Dominic's gaze was intense, almost as if he could sense my unease.
"Everything alright?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Yes, just a message from a friend," I replied quickly, slipping my phone into my pocket.
He reached into his jacket and pulled out a small velvet box, placing it on the desk in front of me.
"I have something for you," he said, his tone gentle but insistent.
I hesitated for a moment before opening the box to reveal a delicate necklace with a single diamond pendant.
The Gentle Mafia King
"It's beautiful," I whispered, my fingers trembling as I lifted it from the box.
"I want you to wear it," Dominic said, his eyes locked onto mine. "It suits you."
I hesitated again but felt compelled to comply under his watchful gaze.
With shaky hands, I fastened the necklace around my neck, feeling its weight settle against my skin.
Dominic's expression softened as he watched me.
"You look perfect," he murmured, stepping closer. "You are special to me, Ashley."
My heart raced at his words, torn between fear and fascination.
Before I could respond, Dominic turned and walked towards the door.
As he reached for the handle, he paused and looked back at me.
"Remember that," he whispered. "You're special."
The Gentle Mafia King
My heart raced as I tried to make sense of everything.
The room felt smaller, the air thicker.
Jenna walked in, her eyes widening at the sight of the necklace around my neck.
"He gave you that?" Jenna whispered, glancing around nervously.
I nodded, feeling a mix of confusion and fear.
"Yeah," I said softly. "Just now."
Jenna's face paled.
"We need to talk," she said urgently, but before she could say more, Dominic's voice echoed from his office.
"Ashley, come in here."
I stood up, my legs trembling.
Jenna gave me a worried look but didn't say anything else.
I walked towards Dominic's office, each step feeling heavier than the last.
The door was slightly ajar, and I pushed it open gently.
Dominic sat behind his massive oak desk, his expression unreadable.
He motioned for me to sit.
"Close the door," he instructed.
I did as he asked and then took a seat across from him.
"I need you to do something important," he said, sliding a folder across the desk towards me.
My hands shook as I opened it.
The Gentle Mafia King
Inside were detailed plans for an upcoming deal—locations, names, dates.
"What is this?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.
Dominic leaned back in his chair, his eyes never leaving mine.
"It's a very lucrative deal," he explained. "And I need someone I can trust to oversee it."
My breath caught in my throat as I scanned the documents.
"But why me?" I asked, looking up at him.
He smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes.
"Because you're special," he said simply. "And because I know you won't let me down."
I swallowed hard, trying to process everything.
"What exactly do you need me to do?" I asked cautiously.
Dominic leaned forward, resting his elbows on the desk.
"I need you to ensure that everything goes smoothly," he said. "Make sure all parties are satisfied and that there are no... complications."
I nodded slowly, still trying to wrap my head around the situation.
"And if there are complications?" I asked hesitantly.
Dominic's eyes darkened.
"Then you handle them," he said coldly. "By any means necessary."
A shiver ran down my spine at his words.
"I understand," I said quietly.
The Gentle Mafia King
Dominic's expression softened slightly.
"Good," he said. "You can start by familiarizing yourself with the details in that folder."
I nodded again and stood up to leave.
As I reached the door, Dominic called out to me once more.
"Ashley," he said softly.
I turned to face him.
"Remember what I said earlier," he continued. "You're special."
I forced a smile and nodded before stepping out of his office.
Jenna was waiting for me outside, her face etched with concern.
"What did he want?" she asked urgently.
I handed her the folder without saying a word.
Her eyes widened as she flipped through the pages.
"This is serious," she whispered. "Are you sure you can handle this?"
I took a deep breath and nodded.
"I don't have a choice," I replied. "He's counting on me."
Jenna looked at me with a mixture of fear and admiration.
"Just be careful," she said softly. "You know what he's capable of."
I nodded again and started walking back to my desk.
As I sat down, the weight of the necklace seemed even heavier against my skin.
The Gentle Mafia King
My hands moved swiftly over the keyboard, but my mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and fears.
Dominic's trust in me felt like a double-edged sword, sharp and dangerous.
I double-checked every detail, ensuring there were no errors or oversights.
When I woke up, the first rays of dawn were just beginning to filter through my curtains.
My mind immediately raced with thoughts of Dominic and the deal.
The pressure of the task weighed heavily on me, making each minute feel like an hour.
Finally, I completed it and saved the file with a sigh of relief.
I couldn't afford to mess this up.
I gathered my things and left the office, my nerves frayed from the intense focus.
I got out of bed and dressed carefully, choosing a professional outfit that exuded confidence.
The city’s noises seemed louder as I walked home, each honk and shout amplifying my anxiety.
The diamond necklace Dominic had given me felt like a heavy weight around my neck, both physically and metaphorically.
My senses were heightened, every shadow and movement catching my eye.
I glanced at myself in the mirror, trying to muster some semblance of calm.
The subway ride to work was tense.
The weight of the diamond necklace felt heavier with each step, a constant reminder of Dominic’s expectations.
Every time the train stopped, I found myself glancing around, paranoid that someone might be watching me.
When I reached my apartment, I fumbled with the keys before finally getting the door open.
The faces around me were indifferent, but I couldn't shake the feeling of being observed.
I collapsed onto my bed, exhaustion and fear mingling into a heavy fog that clouded my mind.
The ceiling above seemed to spin as I lay there, trying to calm my racing heart.
When I finally arrived at the office, Dominic was already there, leaning against his desk with a knowing smile on his face.
My phone buzzed on the nightstand, jolting me from my daze.
"Good morning, Ashley," he greeted me smoothly.
It was Jenna calling.
"Are you ready for today's tasks?"
I nodded, trying to mask my anxiety with a confident smile.
"Yes, Mr. Russo. I'm ready."
The Gentle Mafia King
Her voice was filled with worry as soon as I answered.
Dominic's eyes lingered on me for a moment before he nodded approvingly.
"Ashley, are you okay?" she asked urgently.
"I'm fine," I replied, trying to sound reassuring despite the tremor in my voice.
The Gentle Mafia King
"Are you sure? You sounded so stressed earlier," Jenna pressed.
"Good. We have a lot to accomplish today."
As I walked to my desk, Jenna approached me with a supportive smile.
"I just... had a lot on my plate today," I said, rubbing my temples.
She leaned in close and whispered, "Stay vigilant. You never know who might be watching."
There was a pause on the other end of the line before Jenna spoke again.
"Listen, Ashley, if you're in over your head—"
I gave her a small nod, appreciating her concern but also feeling the weight of her warning.
"I'm not," I interrupted, though I wasn't sure if I believed it myself. "I'll be fine."
Taking a deep breath, I plunged into my work, determined to prove myself.
Jenna sighed deeply. "Just promise me you'll be careful."
The morning passed in a blur of emails, phone calls, and meetings.
Each task felt like a test, and I tackled them with meticulous care.
"I will," I assured her, though the words felt hollow.
After hanging up, I stared at the ceiling again, feeling more alone than ever.
Dominic's presence loomed over me like a shadow; every time he walked by my desk, my heart skipped a beat.
The room was silent except for the distant hum of traffic outside.
Around noon, Dominic called me into his office again.
I closed my eyes, hoping sleep would come quickly.
He was seated behind his massive oak desk, his expression unreadable as always.
"Ashley," he began, "how are you finding the work so far?"
But instead of sleep, memories of Dominic’s cold eyes and his chilling words replayed in my mind.
I could still feel his gaze piercing through me as he said I was special.
"It's challenging," I admitted honestly. "But I'm managing."
With a groan, I sat up and walked to the window, looking out at the city lights twinkling against the dark sky.
He leaned back in his chair, studying me with those piercing eyes.
The world outside seemed so normal compared to the chaos inside me.
"Good. Because we can't afford any mistakes."
"I understand," I replied firmly.
"Excellent," Dominic said with a nod. "Keep up the good work."
As I left his office, Jenna caught my eye from across the room.
The Gentle Mafia King
She gave me a thumbs-up and mouthed, "You're doing great."
Her encouragement bolstered my resolve.
The rest of the day continued in much the same way—tense but productive.
By the time evening rolled around, I felt like I'd run a marathon.
But despite the exhaustion, there was also a sense of accomplishment.
As I gathered my things to leave for the day, Dominic approached me one last time.
"Ashley," he said softly, "remember what I told you. You're special."
His words sent a shiver down my spine.
"I won't forget," I replied quietly.
With that, I left the office and headed back to the subway station.
The ride home felt just as tense as it had in the morning.
I kept glancing around nervously until I finally reached my apartment.
Once inside, I locked the door behind me and let out a long breath.
The weight of the day seemed to lift slightly as I changed into more comfortable clothes.
My phone buzzed with a message from Jenna: *You did great today. Proud of you.*
I smiled at her words and typed back: *Thanks for having my back.*
I set my phone aside and sank onto the couch, feeling both relieved and apprehensive about what tomorrow would bring.
The Gentle Mafia King
Determination surged through me as I remembered the task Dominic had assigned.
I needed to finish it perfectly.
After a quick shower and a cup of coffee, I dressed in a crisp white blouse and black slacks, fastening the diamond necklace around my neck.
Its weight was a constant reminder of Dominic's expectations.
The subway ride to work was uneventful but tense.
I kept my eyes on my phone, pretending to read emails while my mind raced with thoughts of the deal.
When I arrived at the office, Jenna was already there, her eyes meeting mine with a supportive nod.
"Morning, Ashley," she said softly, her voice filled with encouragement.
"Morning, Jenna," I replied, managing a small smile.
I settled into my desk and dove into the work.
Hours passed in a blur as I meticulously reviewed every detail of the deal.
Emails were sent, phone calls were made, and documents were scrutinized with painstaking care.
The hum of the air conditioner and the soft clatter of keyboards filled the office, creating a rhythm that helped me focus.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, I completed the last task.
The Gentle Mafia King
I gathered the neatly organized folder and stood up, taking a deep breath to steady my nerves.
Jenna gave me an encouraging thumbs-up as I walked towards Dominic's office.
I knocked lightly on the door before pushing it open.
Dominic looked up from his desk, his piercing gaze softening slightly as he saw me.
"All done," I said, handing over the folder.
He took it from me and began to review its contents.
The silence in the room was deafening as I watched him scan each page with meticulous attention.
After what felt like an eternity, he looked up at me intently.
"Why do you always call me special?" I asked, my voice steady but curious.
Dominic paused, his expression unreadable for a moment before he spoke.
"Because you are," he replied simply.
His words hung in the air between us, heavy with meaning.
I nodded slowly, feeling a mix of confusion and intrigue swirl within me.
"Thank you," I said softly before turning to leave his office.
As I stepped out into the hallway, Jenna was waiting for me just outside.
Her eyes were wide with curiosity.
"What did he say?" she asked urgently.
"He said I'm special," I replied quietly.
Jenna's eyebrows shot up in surprise.
"Special? What does that even mean?"
The Gentle Mafia King
"I don't know," I admitted. "But it feels important."
Jenna sighed and shook her head.
"Just be careful, Ashley. You never know what he's thinking."
"I will," I promised.
The rest of the day passed in a haze of routine tasks and lingering thoughts about Dominic's words.
By the time evening rolled around, I felt both mentally and physically exhausted.
As I gathered my things to leave for the day, Dominic approached me one last time.
"Ashley," he said softly, "remember what I told you."
"I won't forget," I replied quietly.
With that, I left the office and headed back to the subway station.
The ride home felt just as tense as it had in the morning.
I kept glancing around nervously until I finally reached my apartment.
Once inside, I locked the door behind me and let out a long breath.
The weight of the day seemed to lift slightly as I changed into more comfortable clothes.
Just as I set my phone aside and sank onto the couch.
My heart raced as I stood up and cautiously approached it.
The Gentle Mafia King
My heart raced.
Why was he here?
I opened the door cautiously.
Dominic stepped inside, his expression unreadable.
"We need to talk," he said, his voice low and urgent.
He moved closer, making me feel both nervous and intrigued.
"There's a situation," he continued, handing me a sealed envelope.
"Read it carefully. Your life depends on it."
His eyes bore into mine, filled with intensity.
I nodded, taking the envelope with trembling hands.
Dominic's presence lingered as he left, leaving me alone with a sense of impending danger.
I stared at the envelope for a moment before tearing it open.
Inside was a single sheet of paper with a list of names and addresses.
There was also a note in Dominic's handwriting: *Meet me at the first address tonight at 10 PM. Do not be late.*
My mind raced with questions, but I knew better than to hesitate.
I glanced at the clock; it was already 8 PM.
I had two hours to prepare.
I quickly changed into dark, inconspicuous clothing and grabbed my bag.
The city streets were bustling as I made my way to the subway station.
Every step felt heavy with anticipation and fear.
The subway ride was a blur of faces and noise.
I kept my eyes on the map, counting down the stops until I reached my destination.
The Gentle Mafia King
When I finally arrived, I stepped off the train and made my way to the address Dominic had given me.
The building was an old warehouse on the outskirts of town.
Its exterior was covered in graffiti, and broken windows hinted at years of neglect.
I took a deep breath and approached the entrance.
The door creaked open as I pushed it, revealing a dimly lit interior filled with shadows and dust.
Dominic stood in the center of the room, his back to me.
"Ashley," he said without turning around. "You're right on time."
I swallowed hard and stepped closer. "What's going on?"
He turned to face me, his expression serious. "We have a problem. One of our contacts has gone rogue."
My heart sank. "What do you need me to do?"
Dominic handed me another envelope. "Inside are instructions on how to handle this situation. Follow them precisely."
I nodded, feeling the weight of responsibility settle on my shoulders.
As I opened the envelope, Dominic placed a hand on my shoulder. "Remember, Ashley. You're special. I trust you to get this done."
His words were both reassuring and terrifying.
I scanned the instructions quickly: locate the contact, retrieve sensitive information they had stolen, and ensure they couldn't betray us again.
It was clear what "ensure" meant.
"I understand," I said quietly.
Dominic nodded approvingly. "Good. Now go. Time is of the essence."
The Gentle Mafia King
With that, I turned and left the warehouse, my mind focused on the task ahead.
The first address on the list led me to a small apartment building in a rundown part of town.
I climbed the stairs quietly, my heart pounding in my chest.
When I reached the door marked 3B, I took a deep breath and knocked softly.
There was no answer at first, but then I heard shuffling from inside.
The door cracked open slightly, revealing a pair of wary eyes.
"Who are you?" a voice demanded from behind the door.
"I'm here for Dominic," I replied firmly.
The door opened wider, revealing a disheveled man who looked like he hadn't slept in days.
He eyed me suspiciously before stepping aside to let me in.
As soon as I entered, he closed the door behind me and locked it.
"What do you want?" he asked nervously.
"I need what you took," I said calmly but firmly. "And then we need to talk."
His eyes widened in fear. "I didn't mean to—"
"Save it," I interrupted. "Just give me what Dominic wants."
He hesitated for a moment before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a small USB drive.
"This is everything," he said shakily.
I took it from him and slipped it into my bag. "Now we need to discuss your future."
Before he could react, there was a loud crash from outside followed by heavy footsteps approaching rapidly.
"What's happening?" he whispered frantically.
The Gentle Mafia King
I darted to the window, scanning for an escape route.
The door burst open, and Dominic's enforcers stormed in, guns drawn.
"We need to go," one of them barked.
I hesitated but followed them out a back exit.
We sped through dark alleys until we reached a black SUV.
Dominic was inside, his face stern.
"Did you get it?" he asked.
I handed him the USB drive, my hands shaking.
Dominic nodded approvingly but then turned serious. "There's more to this than you know," he said, his eyes locking onto mine.
"What do you mean?" I asked, trying to steady my voice.
He leaned in closer. "This information is just the tip of the iceberg. There are bigger players involved."
My mind raced with questions, but before I could ask anything else, the SUV lurched forward.
"Where are we going?" I asked, gripping the seat for balance.
"We need to get you somewhere safe," Dominic replied curtly.
The city lights blurred past as we sped through the streets.
The tension in the car was palpable; even Dominic's enforcers seemed on edge.
After what felt like an eternity, we pulled into an underground parking garage.
"Out," Dominic ordered.
I stepped out of the SUV, my legs feeling unsteady.
We walked briskly to a service elevator at the far end of the garage.
The Gentle Mafia King
One of Dominic's men swiped a keycard, and the elevator doors slid open.
We entered, and as the doors closed behind us, Dominic turned to me.
"Listen carefully," he said. "The people we're dealing with won't hesitate to eliminate threats. You need to be on your guard at all times."
I nodded, absorbing his words. "What exactly is on that USB drive?"
Dominic's eyes narrowed. "Classified information about a high-level conspiracy. It's dangerous knowledge."
The elevator dinged softly as it reached our floor.
We stepped out into a dimly lit corridor lined with metal doors.
Dominic led me to one at the end and unlocked it with another keycard.
Inside was a small room with basic furnishings—a bed, a desk, and a chair.
"You'll stay here for now," Dominic said. "It's secure."
I glanced around the room. "For how long?"
"Until it's safe," he replied cryptically.
One of his enforcers handed me a phone. "If you need anything, use this."
I took it and nodded. "Thank you."
Dominic looked at me one last time before turning to leave. "Remember, Ashley. Stay vigilant."
As soon as they left, I locked the door behind them and sank onto the bed.
My mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and fears.
What had I gotten myself into?
The weight of the diamond necklace around my neck felt heavier than ever.
The Gentle Mafia King
Just as I began to relax slightly, there was a soft knock on the door.
My heart leaped into my throat as I stood up cautiously and approached it.
"Ashley?" Jenna's voice called softly from the other side.
I unlocked the door quickly and pulled her inside. "Jenna! What are you doing here?"
She looked around nervously before speaking. "Dominic sent me. He thought you'd need someone familiar."
Relief washed over me as I hugged her tightly. "I'm so glad you're here."
Jenna pulled back slightly and looked me in the eyes. "Ashley, there's something you need to know."
"What is it?" I asked urgently.
Before she could answer, there was another knock on the door—this one loud and insistent.
We both froze.
"Open up! Now!" a gruff voice commanded from outside.
Jenna's eyes widened in fear as she whispered urgently, "Hide! Quickly!"
Without thinking, I grabbed the USB drive from my bag and slipped it under the mattress before diving into the closet.
The door crashed open just as I closed the closet door behind me.
From my hiding spot, I heard heavy footsteps enter the room and Jenna's voice trembling as she tried to stall them.
"She's not here," Jenna said shakily.
"Search everywhere," the gruff voice ordered.
The Gentle Mafia King