MidReal Story

The Forbidden Love

Scenario:The Land Before Time fanfiction female Dinosaur love Little Foot both the pointers and the meat eaters smut
Create my version of this story
The Land Before Time fanfiction female Dinosaur love Little Foot both the pointers and the meat eaters smut
I am Cera.
I am a triceratops.
I live in the Great Valley with my friends Littlefoot, Ducky, Spike, and Chomper.
Chomper is a Sharptooth.
Yes, a meat eater.
But he is also our friend.
He grew up with us in the Great Valley.
We found him when he was a baby stuck in the Big Water.
His parents came for him that night but left him to die.
They thought he would drown.
He did not drown.
He swam out of the Big Water and fell asleep on the beach.
The next morning we found him and brought him to the Great Valley.
We gave him the milk from Ducky's mom and he grew up with us.
He speaks our language and understands it very well.
He speaks Sharptooth as well.
He can talk to his parents in Sharptooth.
He loves us and would never hurt us.
We know this.
We have known it for many suns now.
Littlefoot loves him like a brother and they go off on adventures together just the two of them.
This bothers me.
I do not want Littlefoot to be that close to a male who is not me.
I love Littlefoot.
I always have.
I just do not know how to tell him this.
I am afraid he does not feel the same way.
The Forbidden Love