MidReal Story

The Fisherman's Revenge

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I was reborn one day as a fish of moderate size.
This happened while I was on a fishing trip with my best friend, Mark, just like any other normal day.
We went to the river, I cast my rod, we waited for the fish to bite, and then I fell asleep.
It was a normal day; the sun was high up in the sky, the heat was overwhelming, and the wait for the fish was long.
I could not resist the urge to sleep as I lay down on the grass.
The last thing I remembered was how good the grass smelled and how warm the sun was against my skin.
The next thing I knew was how cool the water felt against my scales.
That was it; I was reborn as a fish.
At first, I did not understand what was happening to me.
I looked down at my body, and all I saw was a scaled-up body with fins.
I looked around, and all I saw was the water below me and the surface of the river above me.
I soon realized that I had no legs or hands and that my body had changed completely.
The Fisherman's Revenge