MidReal Story

The Escape

Scenario:Sometimes life is so cruel and hard that I just want to escape and ever look back
Create my version of this story
Sometimes life is so cruel and hard that I just want to escape and ever look back
Sometimes life is so cruel and hard that I just want to escape and never look back.
I don’t want to be poor, or struggling, or living in a town where everyone is competing for the little resources available.
I don’t want to be held back by my family and their needs, or be in a relationship where I’m not valued, but used instead.
I want to be free… to have fun… to be loved and respected.
That was what my dreams had been about lately… escaping into a world where none of the troubles above existed.
It was what I had been doing every night for the past week now.
Running away into the comfort of my imagination.
A voice called out to me, halting my steps as I made my way home.
I turned to find a boy about my age sitting on the bonnet of his car, watching me with interest.
He called out to me again, asking me where I was headed.
I pointed out my location just a few blocks away, hesitant to engage him in conversation.
I didn’t know who he was, plus I wasn’t allowed to talk to strangers.
"Want a ride?"
The Escape