MidReal Story

The Enchanted Forest


15h ago
Scenario:daffy duck
Create my version of this story
daffy duck
"You know, Daffy…"
Porky Pig was saying.
"I really don’t think this is such a good idea."
"What are you talking about, Porky? It’s a great idea! The best… the best… the BEST!"
I quacked.
I was getting a little excited, I admit.
I was standing at the edge of a forest, pointing at it with one of my wings.
It was a very special forest, or so I had been told.
An enchanted forest, they called it.
A place where magic was real and anything could happen.
"Anything could happen?" said Porky, his voice shaking a little.
"That’s what I’m worried about."
"Oh, come on, Porky. Don’t be a scaredy-duck. Besides, you’re not going in there by yourself, are you? I’m coming with you! I’m your best buddy, remember?"
"Your best buddy, Daffy. But that doesn’t mean I have to follow you everywhere you go."
"Well, in this case, you do. You’re coming with me, whether you like it or not!"
Before Porky could stop me – or even try to – I took off running into the forest.
Porky sighed and followed after me.
After all, he was my best buddy, too.
He had to make sure I didn’t get into any trouble.
The Enchanted Forest