Scenario:Write me a scene for a rings of power based fanficiton story in which the child OC, Milliel comes running into the tent where she finds her adopted father, Adar, sitting across from Galadriel. The female elf is surprised to see a beautiful elfling running to him. She gasped, surprised He smirks as Milliel whispers to him in ancient Quenya, unsure of the new person. All day, Milliel had sensed the tension throughout the orc encampment. Write it in thrid person
Create my version of this story
Write me a scene for a rings of power based fanficiton story in which the child OC, Milliel comes running into the tent where she finds her adopted father, Adar, sitting across from Galadriel. The female elf is surprised to see a beautiful elfling running to him. She gasped, surprised He smirks as Milliel whispers to him in ancient Quenya, unsure of the new person. All day, Milliel had sensed the tension throughout the orc encampment. Write it in thrid person
I run as fast as my little legs can carry me.
Reaching the tent, I slow to a stop and pull back the flap.
Inside, I find my father sitting at a table with a beautiful female elf.
She looks up in surprise as I run in.
The female elf gasps as she sees me.
I run up to Adar and jump in his lap.
He puts an arm around me and smiles.
"Who do we have here, Milliel?"
I look at the female and smile.
"Is that an elf?"
"Yes, it is. Milliel, this is Galadriel. She is the queen of a realm not too far from here."
I turn to her and bow.
"Greetings, Milliel El'goroth," she says in perfect Quenya.
How interesting, I think, that she knows my full name.
All day, the orcs have been walking around with their hands on the hilts of their swords.
It made me nervous and I want to be with Adar.
I sense danger in the air and seek Adar’s lap for comfort.
He speaks to me in ancient Quenya which only a select few can understand.
"Why did you come here, Little One? Were you not with the other children?"