MidReal Story

The Dungeon's Daughter


2d ago
Scenario:J'ai toujours pensé que j'étais juste une orpheline essayant de m'en sortir avec une petite ferme à l'extérieur d'un petit village. Mais lorsque des monstres commencent à sortir du donjon local et semblent me cibler, je découvre que je suis la fille du Cœur du Donjon, une aventurière humaine de haut niveau.
Create my version of this story
J'ai toujours pensé que j'étais juste une orpheline essayant de m'en sortir avec une petite ferme à l'extérieur d'un petit village. Mais lorsque des monstres commencent à sortir du donjon local et semblent me cibler, je découvre que je suis la fille du Cœur du Donjon, une aventurière humaine de haut niveau.
I still remember the day I read the letter for the first time.
I was alone.
The monsters had already started coming and my father had left without a word almost six months before that.
But even after all that time, I still couldn't believe he was really gone.
I kept hoping he would come back.
That it had all been a test, or a joke.
That he didn't really mean to leave me here all alone with absolutely no explanation.
But as I stared at the letter in my hand, I realized that it wasn't a joke.
It wasn't a test, either.
It was real and it changed everything about me and my life.
Before that letter, I had been just an orphan trying to make ends meet on a small farm she inherited from her father.
The farm was close to a village but not too close and we didn't get many visitors.
Which was perfect for me because I didn't really know how to act around other people.
All my life I had been stuck in the house with my father and the few visits that we got were from the villagers who came to sell me goods or to help with the farmwork.
The Dungeon's Daughter