authoritative, and enigmatic. Benedict oversees the daily life of the monks and ensures their adherence to tradition. His presence commands respect from both his fellow monks and visitors like Caelum. Despite initial reservations about outsiders, Benedict warms up to Caelum over time, revealing a deeper understanding of human nature beyond monastic boundaries.
compassionate, and curious. Alistair is one of the first monks Caelum meets and becomes his guide and friend within the monastery. He helps Caelum understand their customs and traditions, including their greeting of offering hands for kissing. Alistair's innocence and kindness make him an endearing figure in Caelum's journey.
adventurous, and openminded. Caelum stumbles upon a hidden monastery where he meets the Discalced monks, who intrigue him with their unique appearance and customs. He forms a bond with Brother Alistair, learning about their way of life and traditions. Despite initial misunderstandings, Caelum develops a deep connection with the monks and their leader, Father Benedict.