MidReal Story

The Dental Dilemma

Scenario:i am a intern dentist in a clinic,today i help lots of patients to sovle their problem they met in the clinic.now,the last person who had finished his cure,stand beside the consult ,and pay for his fee,suddenly ,what happened
Create my version of this story
i am a intern dentist in a clinic,today i help lots of patients to sovle their problem they met in the clinic.now,the last person who had finished his cure,stand beside the consult ,and pay for his fee,suddenly ,what happened
Dr.Stevens started to prepare the access to the pulp of the tooth for cleaning and shaping to remove all of the infected tissues before filling it with gutta-percha later.
“Good morning, Emily,” Dr.
I assisted him by providing him with the files and instruments that he needed and by keeping track of his progress in our patient’s chart as he worked on cleaning and shaping the canal to remove all of the infected tissues and to make room for filling material later on.
It was a complex root canal procedure that required intense focus, patience and precision to complete because we had to make sure that all of the infected tissues were cleaned and removed before we could fill it with gutta-percha and seal it with a temporary filling to prevent any further infections in the future.
Mark Stevens greeted me as I walked into the clinic.
“Good morning, Dr.
The procedure took us over an hour to finish but we were finally able to complete it successfully with no complications thanks to Dr.Stevens’ skills and expertise and my hard work and assistance that day.
I replied with a smile.
“Good job, Emily,” Dr.
Stevens clapped me on the back when we finished treating our patient that afternoon.
He was already in his white coat and was ready to start the day’s work.
I was very tired from assisting him with the complex root canal procedure but I was also very proud of my work and I was happy that I was able to complete it successfully with no complications that day.
I quickly went to my office to drop my bag and then went to the changing room to put on my white coat.
“Thank you, Dr.
When I came out, Dr.
Stevens was already in the first treatment room, preparing for the first patient of the day.
“You did a great job today,” he said with a smile, “It was a challenging case but you were able to finish it successfully without any problems.”
“Thank you for your guidance and support, Dr.Stevens,” I replied with a smile.
I quickly joined him and we started our day’s work.
“Anytime,” he replied with a smile as well, “Don’t worry about making mistakes or asking questions because that’s how you learn.”
Dr.Stevens was a very good dentist and I was lucky to be his intern.
He had been very patient with me and had taught me a lot of things that I didn’t learn in dental school.
“Okay,” I replied with a smile as well, feeling grateful for his advice and guidance that day.
It had been very helpful for me and it had helped me become more confident in my work as an intern dentist in this clinic.
He had been very supportive of me and had guided me through my first few months as an intern dentist.
We were treating a patient with a complex root canal problem that morning and it took us almost two hours to finish the procedure.
Dr.Stevens had been a great mentor to me and I knew that he would help me become a great dentist in the future if I kept working hard and learning from him every day.
“Good job, Emily,” Dr.
We quickly went to the staff lounge to have some coffee after we finished treating our patient that afternoon.
Stevens clapped me on the back after we finished treating the patient.
I was very tired from the two-hour-long procedure that we had just finished treating but I was also very happy with the result.
I was very proud of my work and I was glad that I had Dr.
I knew that working as a dentist wasn’t easy and that there would be many challenges along the way but I was passionate about dentistry and that was why I decided to become a dentist in the first place.
I enjoyed working with my patients and helping them keep their teeth healthy so that they could have a beautiful smile every day.
Stevens as my mentor.
Working with him had been a great experience and I had learned so much from him.
Although there were many challenges along the way that I had to overcome to become a great dentist one day but I believed that I could get there if I worked hard and learned from my mentor every day as an intern dentist in this clinic.
“Thank you, Dr.
I was grateful for his guidance and support that day because it had helped me become a better dentist and a better person in so many ways that day.
“Let’s go to the staff lounge and have a coffee to celebrate,” he suggested and I nodded in agreement.
"The Dental Dilemma"
I followed him out of the treatment room and we went to the staff lounge to have a cup of coffee.
I was very tired after the two-hour-long procedure but I was also very happy with the result.
I took a deep breath as we walked into the second treatment room that day to check our patients in the schedule for that afternoon
Let’s see,” I said to myself as I quickly checked our schedule in the computer that day, “We have a new patient coming in for an examination at 2:00 p.”
I knew that I would be a good dentist one day but I needed to practice more and learn more about dentistry before I could get there.
“Okay,” he replied with a smile as well, “We will get some rest first before we start seeing our patients this afternoon.”
The only way for me to do that was to work hard and learn from my mentor.
“Alright,” I replied with a smile as well as we went to the staff lounge to have some coffee after we checked our schedule for that afternoon.
And that was exactly what I was doing.
I sat down on the sofa in the lounge and took a deep breath as I waited for my coffee that day.
The staff lounge was quiet and we were the only people there because it was still early in the morning and most of the staff hadn’t arrived yet.
I sat down at a table and Dr.
I was very tired from the two-hour-long procedure that we had just finished treating in the morning but I knew that there would be many challenges along the way that would help me become a great dentist if I kept working hard and learning from my mentor every day in this clinic.
Stevens went to the coffee machine to make us some coffee and soon he came back with two steaming cups of coffee in his hands.
I took my coffee from the vending machine after it finished making my coffee at 1:30 p.
and went back to the lounge to sit down on the sofa with a sigh of relief.
He handed me one of them and then sat down opposite me after he took a sip from his cup.
“How are you, Emily?
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath as I sat down on the sofa and drank my coffee at 1:30 p.
My body felt very tired from the two-hour-long procedure that we had just finished treating that day but my mind was still very awake and alert after drinking my coffee that day.
Are you tired from yesterday’s work?”
I was very grateful for the advice and guidance that Dr.Stevens had given me earlier that day because it had helped me become more confident in my work as an intern dentist in this clinic that day.
“I’m a little bit tired but I’m fine,” I replied with a smile.
The clinic was very busy recently but I didn’t mind it at all.
I knew that working as a dentist wasn’t easy and that there would be many challenges along the way that would help me become a great dentist but I believed that I could get there one day if I worked hard and learned from my mentor every day in this clinic.
In fact, I enjoyed the work and I was very happy to be working as an intern dentist in this clinic.
I took my book from my bag after finishing my coffee and started reading my book while waiting for my next patient to come in for an examination that afternoon.
“Now try to see if you can find the canal wall of the molar,” he said to me as he handed me the mirror after finishing accessing the tooth with a rubber dam that day.
Dr.Stevens had been a great mentor and he had taught me a lot of things that I didn’t learn in dental school.
“Okay,” I replied with a smile as I quickly checked the tooth with a mirror.
I was grateful for his guidance and support and I knew that he would help me become a good dentist one day.
“It’s very difficult to see the canal walls of molars sometimes because of their shape and curvature,” he said to me with a smile as he saw me struggling to see the canal wall of the molar that afternoon, “But if you can’t see them clearly then you can try adjusting your light source or your magnification so that you can see them better.”
“You’re doing a great job, Emily,” Dr.
“That’s right,” he said with a smile as he showed me how to adjust my light source or my magnification to see the canal walls of molars better that day, “You need to have proper lighting and magnification to see inside the canal walls of molars so that you can do your treatment properly.”
Stevens said with a smile, “You have only been working here for three months but you’re already one of the best interns that I’ve ever worked with.”
"The Dental Dilemma"
“Thank you, Dr.
I’m glad that you’re satisfied with my work.”
I quickly changed to the second round bur at 19mm to start cleaning the canals of the molar with a handpiece that afternoon.
“I am,” he replied, “You’re a very talented dentist and I’m sure that you will become a great dentist in the future.”
I said to myself with a sigh of relief as I started cleaning the canals of the molar that day, “I was almost finished with the root canal of the molar by that time after we had been treating him for more than two hours that afternoon.
“Thank you, Dr.Stevens.” I thanked him with a smile, feeling very happy about his compliment.
I couldn’t believe that we had managed to finish treating the most difficult root canal in the jaw that day without any complications or pain that day.
I enjoyed working as an intern dentist and I knew that it would help me become a great dentist in the future.
It felt like I had just finished running a marathon race when we finally finished treating him that day.
I just needed to keep working hard and learning from my mentor so that I could get there one day.
I took a deep breath as we finished treating him that afternoon, “I guess that’s everything that we need to do for today!”
The clinic suddenly became busy in the afternoon when more patients started to come in for treatment.
“Are you ready, Emily?”
“Yes,” he replied with a smile, “Great job on finishing the root canal of the molar today!”
Dr.Stevens asked when he walked into my office after lunch time.
“But don’t forget that we still need to do the filling on the molar before we finish treating him today,” he quickly added, “So let’s get this done quickly so that we can finish on time today.”
“I am, Dr.I replied with a smile.
“Okay,” I replied with a smile as we prepared everything that we needed to do the filling on the molar that day.
He came back into the room at 4:30 p.
“Great,” he said with a smile, “Let’s get started.”
He quickly led me to the first treatment room where our first patient of the afternoon was already waiting for us.
and put his mask and gloves back on so that he could help me finish the filling on the molar that day.
"The Dental Dilemma"
“Now try to see if you can find the margin of the filling,” he said to me as he handed me the mirror after we finished preparing everything that we needed for the filling that afternoon.
“Okay,” I replied with a smile as I checked the tooth in the mirror carefully before starting to do the filling on the molar that day.
“So how are you doing?”
he suddenly asked me while holding my hand very firmly when we were doing the filling on the molar in my last patient for that day.
“I’m doing okay,” I replied with a smile, “But my eyes are very tired right now because it’s almost 6 p.I guess they’re not used to working very long hours in front of a computer screen.”
“That’s right,” he said with a chuckle, “But don’t worry because we only have one more patient coming in for an examination at 6:30 p.”
“So let’s finish this filling on the molar and see our last patient for today right after this,” he added with a smile to encourage me to work even harder in my last patient for that day.
“Okay,” I replied with a smile as I continued doing the filling on the molar in my last patient for that day.
I couldn’t help but smile with a sigh of relief after we had finished seeing our last patient for the day and done all our notes and lab work at 7 p.
My body felt very tired from the four-hour-long procedure that we had just finished treating but I was very happy and satisfied with how well we had done on our patients today.
It was very difficult to treat all our patients properly but we had managed to overcome all the challenges and done our best to help them feel better today thanks to the advice and guidance from Dr.
Stevens earlier today.
I knew that I still had a very long way to go before I could become a great dentist but I believed that I could get there one day if I kept working hard and learning from my mentor every day in this clinic.
“How was your first week at work?”
"The Dental Dilemma"
Sarah asked me with a warm smile while walking towards me after she had put away all the instruments and equipment from our last patient for today in the tray set-up area in my second week at work.
“It was very tough,” I replied with a chuckle, “But I managed to survive and do my best to treat all our patients properly thanks to your help and guidance.”
“That’s good to hear,” she replied with a warm smile, “So how are you feeling now?”
“I’m totally exhausted,” I replied with a chuckle, “But I feel very happy and satisfied with how well I’ve done today.”
“I’m glad to hear that,” she said with a warm smile, “So keep up the great work because you’ll become an amazing dentist one day.”
“Thank you,” I replied with a warm smile, “And you did a great job on assisting me today.”
“Thank you,” she replied with a warm smile before we waved at each other and walked away back home to rest after another busy and productive day at work.
Dr Stevens continued to assist me in doing some simple check-ups, fillings, and extractions on our patients over the next few days at work.
He also helped me to improve my communication skills with the patients by teaching me how to talk to them properly and make them feel comfortable and confident while sitting in the dental chair during the treatment.
I felt like a competent dentist when I was doing all the things that Dr.
Stevens asked me to do under his watchful eye.
But it didn’t take long for me to realize that there were a lot of things that I still needed to learn and improve on to become a successful dentist in the future.
My mentor, Dr.Stevens, became more confident in my ability to treat all our patients properly and effectively over the next few days thanks to my great performance and hard work at work.
And that had made me very happy and proud of myself because it was very difficult to make him believe in me and my abilities to become a great dentist in the future.
I felt physically and mentally exhausted after we had finished seeing our last patient for the day and done all our notes and lab work at 7 p.
But I felt very happy and satisfied with how well I had done on all our patients today.
I couldn’t help but smile with a sigh of relief while walking towards the tray set-up area after we had finished seeing all our patients for the day at work.
I was very happy and excited because it was my last day as an intern at work.
I still remembered how nervous and scared I was when I first started working here as an intern over a month ago, but I could now face all my fears even though I was still very nervous and scared of making mistakes at work once in a while.
Dr Stevens decided to take me on as his associate next year after I had finished my internship earlier today because he believed that I had what it took to become a successful dentist in the future.
I knew that it wouldn’t be easy to become a great dentist one day but I was very excited and motivated to learn and improve my skills every day under his guidance with the help of my mentor, Dr Stevens, every day at work.
I couldn’t help but feel very grateful and thankful for having such a great mentor, Dr.
"The Dental Dilemma"
It was already 7 p.
And it was time for me to go home after I had finished doing all my notes for today.
I felt so grateful and blessed for having a great team to work with because my colleagues were one of the main reasons why I loved coming to work every day even though it was very stressful and tiring sometimes.
They had been like a family to me since I started working here as an intern over a month ago, which made me feel lucky and blessed to have them in my life during this difficult period of time.
I also loved working here because it was a good place for me to develop my skills and grow professionally thanks to my mentor, Dr.Stevens, who always encouraged and supported me in everything.
It was very difficult for me to leave my loved ones behind and start over again in a new city while pursuing my dream career.
But it took me a few days to adjust and adapt myself here after I had started working with Dr.
Stevens earlier this year because it was very different from what I had learned in dental school back home in Korea.
I still remembered how scared and nervous I was when I first started working here because I didn’t know what to expect or how things worked here in Canada at that time.
I was very excited, nervous, and scared at the same time because it was my first time working in the real world as an intern at work, but I didn’t know what I was supposed to do or how to treat our patients at that time because I didn’t have enough clinical experience back in dental school at that time.
It was very difficult for me to adjust and adapt myself here at first, but I didn’t give up on myself or my dreams because I knew that I could do anything if I put my mind into it even though I didn’t have any experience working as a dentist back in Korea before I came here earlier this year.
I was very lucky because Dr.
Stevens was there for me when I needed him at that time, which made it easier for me to learn, grow, and develop my skills as a dentist at work.
I still remembered how patient, kind, supportive, and helpful he was when he first met me at work as his intern over a month ago because he knew how stressed out, nervous, worried, scared, unprepared, unqualified, undertrained, underexperienced, unskilled, incompetent, clueless, and overwhelmed I was at first.
He always gave me some great advice on how to treat our patients properly at work even though I felt very uncomfortable doing all the things that he asked me to do at first because I wasn’t sure if I could do them properly or not at that time.
I couldn’t help but feel so grateful and thankful for everything that he did for me when I first started working with him as an intern at work because he helped me a lot during the most difficult period of my life while pursuing my dream career away from home earlier this year.
He had been like a father figure to me since the first day we had worked together as mentor and intern at work even though we were just colleagues who worked together every day at work.