trusting, and impressionable. Sarah becomes entangled in Alex's schemes when he convinces her of a fabricated story about being a famous actor's son. Her belief earns Alex significant deception points but also creates tension when she discovers the truth later on.
manipulative, and ambitious. Jason seeks to outdo Alex in accumulating deception points by spreading false information and influencing others' beliefs. He often clashes with Alex as they compete for dominance within the system's framework. Jason's methods are more aggressive than Alex's, leading to conflicts between them as they vie for control over their shared reality.
skeptical, and resourceful. Alex discovers the system's power to make wishes real by manipulating people's beliefs. He navigates the complexities of the system, earning deception points by convincing others of his fabricated stories. His ultimate goal is to gain ultimate authority and control over his life and surroundings. Alex faces challenges from others who are also bound to the system, including his rival, Jason.