MidReal Story

The Deadly Ranking Game

Scenario:1. Doomsday Atmosphere - Describe the twilight in Avalon, emphasizing the crimson sky and the shadows of ancient temples. 2. Cheng Shi's Monologue - A monologue from the protagonist, Cheng Shi, introducing his principles and views on the doomsday. 3. Revelation of the Ranking Game - Cheng Shi's discovery of the game's secret and his reaction to this new revelation. 4. Trial Scenario - Design the environment and challenges of the first ranking trial. 5. Character Assembly - Describe the first encounter among the main characters, including their appearances, personalities, and backgrounds. 6. Supernatural Encounter - The characters' first encounter with supernatural phenomena from the Cthulhu Mythos. 7. Infinite Stream Experience - The characters experience the cycle of life and death, and the psychological and emotional changes that follow. 8. Humor Interlude - Design some light-hearted and humorous scenes to relieve tension. 9. Awakening of Power - The characters gain new powers in the game and how it affects them. 10. Doomsday Challenge - Describe the specific challenges brought by the doomsday and the characters' strategies for coping. 11. Climax of the Ranking - The climax of the ranking game, with significant decisions the characters must make. 12. Betrayal and Loyalty - The revelation of a traitor and the test of loyalty among the characters. 13. Power of the Divine Sign - The characters uncover the truth of the divine sign and how it changes the world. 14. Preparation for the Ultimate Ranking - The characters prepare for the final ranking, showcasing their growth and strategies. 15. Reveal of the Gods' Folly - The true meaning of "The Divine Folly" is revealed, and the characters' reactions. 16. Prospect of a New Prologue - The world after the conclusion, the fate of Cheng Shi, and his outlook on the future. Could you please use these prompts to generate detailed scenes, character interactions, and plot developments that align with the novel's theme and atmosphere?
Create my version of this story
1. Doomsday Atmosphere - Describe the twilight in Avalon, emphasizing the crimson sky and the shadows of ancient temples. 2. Cheng Shi's Monologue - A monologue from the protagonist, Cheng Shi, introducing his principles and views on the doomsday. 3. Revelation of the Ranking Game - Cheng Shi's discovery of the game's secret and his reaction to this new revelation. 4. Trial Scenario - Design the environment and challenges of the first ranking trial. 5. Character Assembly - Describe the first encounter among the main characters, including their appearances, personalities, and backgrounds. 6. Supernatural Encounter - The characters' first encounter with supernatural phenomena from the Cthulhu Mythos. 7. Infinite Stream Experience - The characters experience the cycle of life and death, and the psychological and emotional changes that follow. 8. Humor Interlude - Design some light-hearted and humorous scenes to relieve tension. 9. Awakening of Power - The characters gain new powers in the game and how it affects them. 10. Doomsday Challenge - Describe the specific challenges brought by the doomsday and the characters' strategies for coping. 11. Climax of the Ranking - The climax of the ranking game, with significant decisions the characters must make. 12. Betrayal and Loyalty - The revelation of a traitor and the test of loyalty among the characters. 13. Power of the Divine Sign - The characters uncover the truth of the divine sign and how it changes the world. 14. Preparation for the Ultimate Ranking - The characters prepare for the final ranking, showcasing their growth and strategies. 15. Reveal of the Gods' Folly - The true meaning of "The Divine Folly" is revealed, and the characters' reactions. 16. Prospect of a New Prologue - The world after the conclusion, the fate of Cheng Shi, and his outlook on the future. Could you please use these prompts to generate detailed scenes, character interactions, and plot developments that align with the novel's theme and atmosphere?
I had a dream last night.
In the dream, I was standing in front of an ancient temple.
The temple was covered in moss and vines, and the stone steps were broken and covered with weeds.
The door to the temple was wide open, and a faint light shone from inside.
I walked into the temple, and as I got closer to the light, I saw that it was coming from a stone altar in the center of the room.
There was a strange symbol carved into the stone, and it was glowing with a soft blue light.
I reached out to touch it, and as soon as my fingers made contact with the stone, everything went dark.
When I woke up, I was covered in sweat, and my heart was pounding in my chest.
It felt so real, like I had actually been there, in that ancient temple, touching that glowing symbol.
But it was just a dream.
I sat up in bed and looked around my room.
Everything was exactly as it should be—the same old furniture, the same old posters on the walls.
The Deadly Ranking Game
But the unease wouldn't leave me.
I swung my legs over the side of the bed and stood up, feeling the cold floor beneath my feet.
I needed to clear my head.
I got dressed quickly, pulling on a simple tunic and trousers.
The air outside was cool and crisp as I stepped out into the twilight of Avalon.
The sky was a deep crimson, casting an eerie glow over the ancient temples that dotted the landscape.
I walked through the deserted streets, my footsteps echoing off the stone walls.
Avalon was usually bustling with activity at this hour, but tonight it was eerily silent.
As I walked, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was terribly wrong.
The Deadly Ranking Game
My mind wandered back to the dream and the strange symbol on the stone altar.
What did it mean?
Was it a warning?
A premonition?
I shook my head, trying to dispel the thoughts.
I needed to focus on the present, on what I could control.
The impending doomsday weighed heavily on my mind.
The prophecies had been clear—our world was in danger, and time was running out.
We needed a solution, and fast.
Lost in thought, I almost missed the narrow alleyway that led to one of Avalon's hidden corners.
Something compelled me to turn down it, and I found myself standing in front of an old wooden door, half-hidden by ivy.
I hesitated for a moment before pushing it open and stepping inside.
The Deadly Ranking Game
The room beyond was dimly lit, filled with dusty shelves and forgotten relics.
In the center of the room, on a pedestal, lay a scroll bound with a red ribbon.
My heart raced as I approached it, my fingers trembling as I untied the ribbon and unrolled the parchment.
The scroll detailed a deadly ranking game—a competition where participants would face unimaginable challenges for a chance at survival.
My eyes widened as I read further, realizing that this game might be our only hope to avert disaster.
But it was dangerous.
Deadly even.
Yet, what choice did we have?
I clenched my fists, determination flooding through me.
I had to uncover its secrets.
For Avalon.
For our future.
The Deadly Ranking Game
I tightened my grip on the scroll, eyes scanning the dimly lit space.
"Who's there?" I demanded, my voice steady despite the racing of my heart.
A figure emerged from the shadows, and I recognized her immediately.
Mei Lin stepped forward, her face pale and eyes wide.
"I followed you," she whispered, clutching a small dagger in her hand.
"We can't trust anyone."
Relief mingled with tension as I nodded.
"You're right," I said, glancing around the room once more to ensure we were alone.
Suddenly, a loud crash echoed from outside, shattering the fragile calm.
We exchanged a glance and rushed to the door without another word.
As we flung it open, Zane stood there, bloodied and panting.
"They're coming," he gasped, his voice urgent and strained.
"We need to move now."
The urgency in his voice left no room for doubt.
"Let's go," I said, grabbing Mei Lin's arm and pulling her along as we followed Zane.
We sprinted through the narrow alleyways of Avalon, the crimson sky casting an eerie glow over our path.
The Deadly Ranking Game
The sound of our footsteps echoed off the stone walls, mingling with distant shouts and the clanging of metal.
"What happened?" I asked Zane as we ran.
"They found out about the scroll," he replied between labored breaths. "They're after us."
My mind raced as I tried to process his words.
Who were "they"?
And how had they discovered our plan so quickly?
We rounded a corner and nearly collided with a group of armed guards blocking our path.
Zane skidded to a halt, raising his hands in surrender.
"Wait!" he shouted. "We're not your enemies!"
The guards hesitated for a moment before lowering their weapons slightly.
"State your business," one of them demanded.
"We have information that could save Avalon," I said, stepping forward and holding up the scroll. "But we need your help."
The guard eyed me suspiciously but seemed to consider my words.
"Follow us," he finally said, motioning for us to move.
We were led through a maze of corridors until we reached a heavily fortified chamber deep within Avalon's heart.
Inside, a council of elders sat around a large table, their faces grave and lined with worry.
"What's this about?" one of them asked as we entered.
The Deadly Ranking Game
I took a deep breath and unrolled the scroll on the table.
"This scroll details a deadly ranking game—a competition that might be our only hope to avert disaster."
The elders exchanged uneasy glances as they examined the parchment.
"And you believe this game can save us?" another elder asked skeptically.
"It's dangerous," I admitted. "But it's our best chance."
Before they could respond, an explosion rocked the chamber, sending debris flying and knocking us off our feet.
The room filled with smoke and chaos as alarms blared.
"We're under attack!" someone shouted.
I scrambled to my feet, helping Mei Lin up as Zane drew his weapon.
"We need to get out of here," he said urgently.
The elders were already moving toward a hidden exit behind the chamber's wall.
"Follow us!" one of them called out.
We didn't hesitate, rushing after them as more explosions shook the ground beneath us.
The hidden passageway was narrow and dark, but it offered some semblance of safety from the chaos above.
As we emerged into an underground tunnel system, I couldn't shake the feeling that this was only the beginning.The passage opened into a cavern where a mystical creature awaited, its eyes glowing with wisdom.
The Deadly Ranking Game
We stood frozen, our breaths shallow.
The creature's presence was overwhelming, and the air around it seemed to hum with ancient energy.
Its scales shimmered in the dim light, reflecting hues of emerald and sapphire.
"Who dares enter my domain?" it spoke in an ancient tongue, its voice resonating through the cavern.
I glanced at Mei Lin and Zane, their faces mirroring my own mix of awe and fear.
"We seek the sacred relic," I replied, my voice steady despite the tension.
The creature's eyes narrowed, studying us intently.
"To retrieve the relic, you must first pass a trial," it declared. "Only then will you be deemed worthy."
Mei Lin's eyes darted around, calculating our next move.
"What is the trial?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.
"You must venture into the depths of this cavern and retrieve the relic from the abyss," the creature explained. "But beware, for many have tried and failed."
Zane clenched his fists, ready for action.
"We're ready," he said firmly.
I nodded in agreement, signaling our acceptance of the challenge.
With a final glance at the creature, we ventured deeper into the cavern.
The Deadly Ranking Game
Each step echoed with tension, the sound bouncing off the walls and amplifying our anxiety.
Shadows danced on the walls as we approached a narrow ledge overlooking an abyss.
The drop was dizzying, and I could barely make out the bottom through the darkness.
Mei Lin whispered strategies while Zane scouted ahead.
"We need to find a way across," Mei Lin said, her eyes scanning the surroundings. "There must be something we can use."
Zane returned, pointing to a series of narrow rock formations jutting out from the wall.
"We can use those as stepping stones," he suggested. "But we'll need to be careful."
I took a deep breath and nodded.
"Let's do it."
One by one, we carefully made our way across the ledge, using the rock formations for support.
The air grew colder as we descended further into the abyss, and an eerie silence enveloped us.
Halfway across, a loose rock gave way beneath my foot.
I stumbled, my heart racing as I struggled to regain my balance.
Zane reached out and grabbed my arm just in time, pulling me back to safety.
"Thanks," I muttered, my voice shaky.
"Stay focused," Zane replied. "We can't afford any mistakes."
We continued our descent until we finally reached a small platform on the other side of the abyss.
The Deadly Ranking Game
A faint glow emanated from a crevice in the wall ahead.
"There," Mei Lin said, pointing to the source of light. "That must be where the relic is hidden."
We approached cautiously, peering into the crevice.
Inside, nestled among jagged rocks, lay a small crystal orb radiating a soft blue light—the same light from my dream.
"This is it," I whispered. "The sacred relic."
As I reached out to grab it, a sudden rumbling shook the cavern.
The ground beneath us began to crumble, and rocks tumbled from above.
"Hurry!" Zane shouted. "We need to get out of here!"
I snatched the relic and turned to run just as a massive boulder crashed down behind us, blocking our path back to the ledge.
"We're trapped!" Mei Lin exclaimed, panic rising in her voice.
"No," I said firmly. "There has to be another way."
I scanned the cavern frantically until I spotted a narrow tunnel leading away from our current position.
"Over there!" I pointed. "That tunnel might lead us out."
Without hesitation, we sprinted towards it as more debris fell around us.
The tunnel was tight and winding, but it offered a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos.
As we emerged into another chamber bathed in an ethereal glow, I couldn't help but feel a surge of relief.
The Deadly Ranking Game