MidReal Story

The Crush


3d ago
Scenario:In an English class, Devin asks Ella for her eraser. When he catches sight of her blonde hair and smoky blue eyes, he feels a sudden spark. He begins to fall for her and takes steps to become her friend.
Create my version of this story
In an English class, Devin asks Ella for her eraser. When he catches sight of her blonde hair and smoky blue eyes, he feels a sudden spark. He begins to fall for her and takes steps to become her friend.
I didn’t mean to fall for her.
It started when I borrowed her eraser, the one she had wrapped around her finger, and got my first good glimpse of her.
She was a new student at my high school, and until then I hadn’t paid her much attention.
I didn’t know her name.
Didn’t know anything about her.
What I did know was that she had blonde hair the color of honey and eyes like smoky quartz.
Later I would find out she was confident, friendly, smart, intriguing, maddening, and scary as hell.
She was also off-limits.
That day in class I leaned over to her and asked to borrow her eraser.
As she lifted her hand and turned to me, I caught a whiff of something flowery and spicy.
The scent would haunt me for the rest of the year and most of the next.
I gave the eraser back with my fingers touching hers and got another whiff.
The Crush