MidReal Story

The Crush


3d ago
Scenario:Encouraged by friends, a shy girl takes a brave step toward her crush during lunch.
Create my version of this story
Encouraged by friends, a shy girl takes a brave step toward her crush during lunch.
I was a shy girl who never said no to any request.
I always said yes to any work or favor.
I thought that if I said no, then they would think I was rude or selfish.
But I was not like that.
I just didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings.
I didn't have any guts to reject anyone's proposal.
If anyone asked my help, then I had to give it.
I thought that everyone was good.
But I didn't know that my feeling of saying yes to everyone's request would put me in trouble one day.
My best friend Emily had a boyfriend named Jake Wilson.
My secret was that I had a crush on Jake, but it was my secret and not anyone's else problem.
I didn't tell anyone about my feeling.
I just kept it inside my heart and loved him from afar.
However, I didn't know that my best friend Emily would come to know about my feeling.
One day, she asked me about it when we were in the library.
Then I told her everything.
She asked me to tell her whether I liked her boyfriend or not.
Then I told her the truth.
Then she smiled and said that she knew it already.
Then I asked her how she came to know about it.
The Crush