MidReal Story

The Core's Hidden Legacy

Scenario:One day, it was discovered that in the inner core of the planet, there was another civilization.
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One day, it was discovered that in the inner core of the planet, there was another civilization.
It was the opportunity of a lifetime, or more like many lifetimes.
We were the first humans to come down here, to this place no one had ever seen.
I could hardly believe I was part of the team.
After all, I was just a geologist.
But when we needed one, I happened to be the best there was.
And besides, Alex and Liam were my friends.
We’d spent months preparing for this moment, and we’d all trained for years.
Still, our mission was unprecedented.
And it wasn’t just another scientific expedition, either.
It was so much more than that.
It was an adventure that could potentially rewrite the very laws of science and history.
It was like something out of a science fiction movie.
Or maybe a fantasy movie, actually.
But no, this was real.
Our journey had begun quite a long time ago, when a team of astrophysicists discovered a mysterious pulsation in the Earth’s magnetic field.
They couldn’t explain it, so they came up with the most improbable solution: Another civilization existed inside the Earth itself.
Of course, no one believed them.
The scientific community was skeptical, to say the least.
I didn’t believe it either.
It sounded like a joke, or at least like a bunch of lunatics’ imagination running wild.
But I did believe in their data, and that had been confirmed by other groups as well—although no one dared to draw the same conclusions from it as they did.
The mystery of the pulsation had been left unsolved for years, until we managed to get funding for this project.
We’d spent months designing and building Prometheus: a high-precision drilling machine that could withstand extreme heat and pressure for long periods of time without failing.
Our plan was simple: We would go down there and find out what was going on by ourselves.
And maybe even establish contact with them.
The first stage of our journey had been the most challenging part, as we’d had to go through thousands of kilometers of solid rock and metal before we got to our destination.
Drilling had taken months on its own, but eventually we’d gotten there, even though it felt like we never would…
The three of us stood there, watching the screen in front of us.
“Are you sure about this?”
I asked, just to be safe.
Alex turned to look at me.
I nodded, even though I’d heard it from him many times before.
He smiled at me.
“Here we go.”
A few moments later, Prometheus’s metallic cylinder broke through the thin layer protecting us from the molten metal below.
We’d made it.
We were looking at the inner core of the planet.
And we were about to find out what—or who—was down here.
No one knew what to expect.
I’m not sure if any of us knew what to expect.
Not even Alex, who’d come up with this plan in the first place.
He’d never told us anything about it: What he thought we’d find, or what he hoped we’d find.
Then again, I didn’t think he knew that himself.
His plan had been to get here first and figure it all out later.
And now we were about to do just that.
“Let’s go,” I said.
Alex looked at me.
"The Core's Hidden Legacy"