MidReal Story

The Closet Confession

Scenario:Me and my crush got stuck in a closet during a lock down in school that lasted for 4 hours
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Me and my crush got stuck in a closet during a lock down in school that lasted for 4 hours
I was sitting in class waiting for the bell to ring when the principal came over the intercom and announced it was time for our lockdown drill.
I got up and walked over to where we were instructed to go, which just happened to be right next to my closet of dreams.
My closet of dreams is the closet where my crush, Jake Thompson, would be stuck in with me.
Four years of buildup and finally, today was the day it would come true.
I walked over to the doorway and acted as if I didn't care that I would be in the closet with him.
He looked up at me and smiled.
"Hi," I said back.
The teacher counted to make sure everyone was in.
Once she made sure they had all 32 kids in class, she shut the lights off and locked the door.
We were going to be in here for four freaking hours.
Four hours with my crush, alone in the dark.
My heart was already beating fast, but it started beating even harder once I knew we were going to be locked in.
I didn't know if I would make it through four hours.
I felt like I was going to have a heart attack before we made it out.
After a few minutes, the adrenaline started to wear off, and I began to calm down.
The Closet Confession