MidReal Story

The Chosen Defender


Aug 3
Scenario:I always thought I was just an orphan trying to get by with a small farm outside of a small village. But when monsters start coming out of the local dungeon and seem to be targeting me, I find out I'm the daughter of the Dungeon Core a top level human adventurer. Can I keep my secret from the village and kingdom soldiers while uncovering my past and unlocking my powers? human adventurer! Can I solve the mysteries of my past and unlock my power while hiding my true identity from the Kingdom's soldiers? on Forsaken Hill.
Create my version of this story
I always thought I was just an orphan trying to get by with a small farm outside of a small village. But when monsters start coming out of the local dungeon and seem to be targeting me, I find out I'm the daughter of the Dungeon Core a top level human adventurer. Can I keep my secret from the village and kingdom soldiers while uncovering my past and unlocking my powers? human adventurer! Can I solve the mysteries of my past and unlock my power while hiding my true identity from the Kingdom's soldiers? on Forsaken Hill.
I didn't know what was happening at first.
I'd been sleeping soundly in my bed when a loud crash woke me up.
My heart pounding, I sat up and looked around my room.
The moon shone through the window, casting everything in a silvery light, but I couldn't see anything out of the ordinary.
Another crash sounded from downstairs, and I jumped to my feet.
What was going on?
I ran to the door and opened it, stepping out into the hallway.
The house was silent now, but I could hear the sound of something moving around in the kitchen.
My blood ran cold.
The Chosen Defender
I cautiously descended the stairs, each step creaking under my weight.
My heart raced in my chest as I tried to keep my breathing steady.
The hallway was dimly lit by the moonlight filtering through the windows.
I spotted a pitchfork leaning against the wall and grabbed it, gripping the handle tightly.
The kitchen door was slightly ajar, and I could hear the unmistakable sound of something rummaging through my supplies.
I nudged the door open with the pitchfork, and it creaked loudly in protest.
Inside, a small goblin with green, leathery skin and beady eyes was tearing through my pantry.
Fear gripped me at first, but it quickly turned to anger.
This creature had invaded my home.
With a shout, I charged at the goblin, thrusting the pitchfork forward.
The Chosen Defender
The goblin screeched as the tines pierced its flesh, its small body collapsing to the floor.
My hands shook as I looked down at the dead monster.
Blood pooled around it, staining the wooden floorboards.
I took a step back, trying to steady myself when suddenly, Marcus burst into the room.
"Elara! What happened?" he exclaimed, his eyes wide with shock as he took in the scene.
"I... I heard a noise," I stammered. "It was in here. This goblin..."
Before I could finish explaining, Captain Aldric Vance and his soldiers stormed into the kitchen.
Their armor clanked loudly, and their stern faces demanded answers.
"What's going on here?" Captain Vance barked, his gaze shifting from me to the dead goblin on the floor.
I hid my trembling hands behind my back, feeling exposed under their scrutiny.
"I... I found it here," I said, trying to keep my voice steady. "It was stealing our supplies."
The Chosen Defender
Captain Vance's eyes narrowed as he studied me.
"Is that so?" he said slowly. "And you just happened to have a pitchfork ready?"
"It was in the hallway," Marcus interjected. "Elara must have grabbed it for protection."
One of the soldiers stepped forward and examined the goblin's body.
"This one's not alone," he muttered. "There could be more nearby."
Captain Vance nodded. "Search the house. Make sure there are no other intruders."
The soldiers spread out, their heavy boots echoing through the halls as they checked each room.
Marcus stayed by my side, his hand resting reassuringly on my shoulder.
"Are you alright?" he asked softly.
I nodded, though I wasn't entirely sure if I believed it myself.
The adrenaline was wearing off, leaving me feeling shaky and exhausted.
The Chosen Defender
Elara's heart pounded as she exchanged a worried glance with Marcus.
The tension in the room was palpable.
Moments later, a soldier shouted, "We've got another one!"
The sound of a struggle echoed down the stairs.
Elara gripped Marcus's arm, her mind racing.
She knew she had to act fast.
"Stay here," she whispered to Marcus before darting towards the stairs.
Captain Vance noticed and followed her with a stern expression.
As Elara reached the top, she saw another goblin pinned by a soldier, its eyes locked onto hers with a sinister recognition.
The hallway was dimly lit, shadows dancing on the walls from the flickering lanterns the soldiers carried.
The goblin snarled and thrashed, trying to break free from the soldier's grip.
"Hold it steady!" Captain Vance commanded as he approached.
Elara felt a chill run down her spine as she moved closer.
The goblin's eyes never left hers, filled with an unsettling intelligence.
"What do we do with it?" the soldier asked, struggling to keep the creature restrained.
Elara took a deep breath and stepped forward. "We need answers," she said firmly. "It might know why they're here."
Captain Vance nodded. "Agreed. Take it downstairs. We'll question it there."
The Chosen Defender
The soldier dragged the goblin towards the stairs, its claws scraping against the wooden floorboards.
Elara followed closely behind, her mind racing with questions and fears.
What if there were more of them?
What if this was just the beginning?
As they reached the bottom of the stairs, Marcus looked up, his eyes widening at the sight of the captured goblin.
"Another one?" he asked, his voice tinged with disbelief.
"Yes," Elara replied. "And we need to find out what it knows."
The soldier threw the goblin onto a chair in the kitchen and tied it securely with rope.
The creature hissed and spat, but couldn't break free.
Captain Vance stood in front of it, arms crossed. "Why are you here?" he demanded.
The goblin glared at him but remained silent.
Elara stepped forward, her voice steady despite her fear. "Tell us why you're here," she insisted. "Or things will get much worse for you."
The goblin's eyes flickered with something that might have been amusement or defiance.
"We come for... food," it finally rasped out in broken Common. "Hungry... many hungry."
Elara's stomach churned at the thought of more goblins lurking nearby.
"How many of you are there?" Captain Vance pressed.
The goblin sneered but didn't answer.
Frustration bubbled up inside Elara. She grabbed a nearby knife and held it close to the goblin's face. "Answer him!" she demanded.
The Chosen Defender
The goblin flinched but still didn't speak.
Captain Vance placed a hand on Elara's shoulder. "Enough," he said quietly. "We'll get nothing more from this one."
He turned to his soldiers. "Search the perimeter. Make sure there are no others hiding nearby."
The soldiers nodded and quickly exited the house, their footsteps fading into the night.
Elara let out a shaky breath and lowered the knife. She felt Marcus's reassuring hand on her back.
"We'll figure this out," he said softly.
She nodded, though doubt gnawed at her insides.
Suddenly, another crash sounded from outside, followed by shouts and clashing metal.
Elara's heart leapt into her throat as she rushed towards the door.
Captain Vance drew his sword and followed closely behind.
Outside, chaos reigned as soldiers battled more goblins that seemed to have appeared out of nowhere.
Elara grabbed a fallen sword from one of the soldiers and joined the fray without hesitation.
A goblin lunged at her with surprising speed, but she sidestepped and slashed at its side.
It screeched in pain and fell to the ground.
Another goblin charged at Captain Vance, who parried its attack effortlessly before delivering a fatal blow.
Elara scanned the area for Marcus and spotted him fending off two goblins near the barn.
The Chosen Defender
Marcus was struggling against the goblins, his face grim and determined.
"Hang on, Marcus!" I shouted, closing the distance between us.
One of the goblins turned its attention to me, snarling as it lunged forward.
With a fierce battle cry, I heaved my pitchfork forward, piercing through the goblin's tough hide and pinning it to the ground.
The goblin let out a guttural cry before collapsing to the ground.
Blood spattered across the dirt.
The second goblin saw its companion fall and charged at me with wild eyes.
I dodged its attack, feeling the rush of air as its claws swiped past my face.
With a swift movement, I yanked the pitchfork out of the dead goblin and pierced through its companion, blood gurgling past his unearthly grin.
The goblin crumpled to the ground, motionless.
"Elara, behind you!" Marcus yelled.
I spun around just in time to see another goblin leaping towards me from the shadows.
Before I could react, a blinding light erupted from the barn, illuminating everything in a harsh white glow.
The goblins screeched in terror and scattered in all directions, their fear palpable.
I shielded my eyes with my arm, trying to make sense of what was happening.
The Chosen Defender
As the light dimmed slightly, I saw a glowing crystal embedded in the barn wall, pulsating with an otherworldly energy.
"What is that?" Captain Vance demanded as he approached, his eyes wide with suspicion.
He kept his sword drawn, ready for any threat.
My heart pounded even harder as I realized what the crystal was.
It was connected to my heritage, a secret I had kept hidden for so long.
I had to protect it at all costs.
"It's... it's nothing," I stammered, trying to sound convincing. "Just some old relic."
Captain Vance's gaze narrowed. "That doesn't look like 'nothing' to me."
Marcus stepped forward, placing himself between me and Captain Vance. "We need to focus on the immediate threat," he said firmly. "The goblins are still out there."
Captain Vance hesitated for a moment before nodding. "You're right. Secure the area. We can't afford any more surprises."
He turned to his soldiers and barked orders, sending them to patrol the perimeter.
I took a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves.
Marcus looked at me with concern. "Elara, what is that thing really?"
The Chosen Defender
"It's complicated," I whispered. "But we can't let anyone else find out about it."
He nodded slowly. "Alright. We'll deal with it later. For now, let's make sure everyone is safe."
We moved towards the barn entrance, keeping our eyes peeled for any remaining goblins.
The night air was filled with tension as we scanned the surroundings.
The soldiers were doing their best to keep the area secure, but I couldn't shake the feeling that something bigger was at play.
Suddenly, a loud crash echoed from behind us.
I whipped around to see another group of goblins emerging from the treeline, their eyes gleaming with malice.
"Here they come again!" Marcus shouted.
We braced ourselves for another battle as the goblins charged towards us.
Captain Vance rallied his men. "Hold your ground! Don't let them through!"
The clash of metal and cries of battle filled the night once more.
I tightened my grip on my pitchfork and prepared to fight.
There was no time for hesitation or fear now.
We had to protect our home and each other.
The Chosen Defender