MidReal Story

The CEO's Sweetheart Is A Villager

Scenario:A small village girl attaining her dream by herself
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A small village girl attaining her dream by herself
I am a small village girl.
Since I was a child, I had a crazy dream: to be a businesswoman.
In my village, everyone thought I was crazy.
Most of the girls in the village at the age of 18-20 would marry someone, work in the fields and give birth to children.
They never went to college, let alone had a career.
But I wanted to make my dream come true.
I studied very hard and got good grades.
After graduating from high school, I took the college entrance examination and got a good score, but none of the key universities in our province accepted me.
It didn't matter.
I still got into a very good university in another province.
My parents were proud of me.
They cried because they were touched by my going far away to pursue my career and they were proud of me for being so determined.
I worked part-time during my college years and kept a good record.
After graduating from college, I got many interview invitations from famous companies.
After several rounds of interviews, I finally landed a job at a very prestigious company.
Now, I am living my dream.
I am grateful to my parents for their support.
They never restricted me but gave me freedom to make my own choices.
I am also grateful to my boyfriend, Jason Li, who never left me behind all these years.
The CEO's Sweetheart Is A Villager