MidReal Story

The CEO's Heart


4d ago
Scenario:I was on a date with my bf
Create my version of this story
I was on a date with my bf
We were in a dimly lit room with red lights and a slow ceiling fan above us.
It was our anniversary date with my bf.
The slow spinning of the ceiling fan above us made that humming noise that could put one to sleep, but we weren't sleeping; rather, we were seated on the chair with our legs crossed.
We were talking and sharing stories, laughing in moderation.
The slow music playing in the background didn't seem to have any effect on us.
The slow fan and the slow music made the atmosphere very slow, but it was still not affecting us.
It felt like the world had slowed down, but we were fast; too fast for the place to catch up with us.
The slow stream of air from the fan didn't give any cooling effect.
Rather, it felt like it warmed us more, making our skin smooth with sweat.
It was as if the fan was blowing hot air.
Maybe it was because of the red lights or maybe because of our body heat.
It felt like we were secluded from the rest of the world, as if the whole world had been cut off from us and we were left alone in our world.
The CEO's Heart