MidReal Story

The Cat Lawyer's Trial

Scenario:I am a cat who has been taking advantage of the recent rise in video conference trials to elevate my legal career. One day, my human video filter stops working, and I need to convince the judge that I am a real, human lawyer licensed to practice law in the state of Texas.
Create my version of this story
I am a cat who has been taking advantage of the recent rise in video conference trials to elevate my legal career. One day, my human video filter stops working, and I need to convince the judge that I am a real, human lawyer licensed to practice law in the state of Texas.

Whiskers Jones

ambitious, and adaptable. Whiskers has been using a video filter to appear human during virtual trials, but it malfunctions, revealing her true feline form. Despite the shock, she convinces the judge of her legal prowess and continues practicing law. Her human colleagues are oblivious to her true nature, and she navigates the complexities of human law with ease.


Judge Thompson

authoritative, and fairminded. Initially startled by Whiskers' sudden transformation from human to cat during a trial, he questions her identity but remains open to her explanation. Impressed by her legal knowledge and persuasive arguments, he allows her to continue practicing law despite the unusual circumstances.


Lily Chen

naive, and diligent. Unaware of Whiskers' true identity as a cat, Lily respects her professional abilities and often seeks advice on cases. Her friendship with Whiskers remains strong despite Whiskers' secret life as a feline lawyer.

I was in the middle of a trial when my video filter stopped working.
One minute I was arguing a point of law as a human lawyer might, and the next I was a cat sitting in front of a litter box.
I could hear Judge Thompsonā€™s shocked cry.
"Ms. Jones, whatā€”"
But I didnā€™t let him finish.
"Iā€™m still here, Your Honor. Justā€¦ just experiencing some technical difficulties with my video."
I kept my voice steady and calm, though my tail twitched behind me.
The judge looked at me skeptically, but then seemed to relax.
"Very well. Ms. Chen, are you ready to proceed?"
Lily Chen, my human colleague and friend, looked startled, but she recovered quickly.
"Yes, Your Honor. But may I request a short recess first?"
The judge nodded.
"I think we all need to collect ourselves. Five minutes."
I heard the other parties clicking out of the trial, but then the judge leaned forward, looking at me more closely.
"Ms. Jones," he said, "are youā€¦ do you have any idea when your video will be fixed?"
I sat up straight, trying to look as professional as possible while still being a cat.
"It should be momentarily, Your Honor. In the meantime, if you look at the law regarding video trial appearances in Texasā€”"
I quoted several relevant statutes and gave my analysis of how they applied to my current situation.