Scenario:Je viens de recevoir un message d’un numéro inconnu : "Ne réponds à aucun appel venant de ton propre numéro. C’est une question de vie ou de mort."
Je souris, pensant à une mauvaise blague, et je bloque le contact.
Quelques minutes plus tard, mon téléphone sonne. Mon propre numéro s'affiche.
Le cœur battant, je décroche.
Un silence. Puis une respiration rauque.
Ensuite, une voix identique à la mienne murmure :
"Pourquoi tu as décroché ?"
L’appel coupe net.
Et derrière moi, mon téléphone vibre. Un nouveau message :
"Tu aurais dû écouter."
Create my version of this story
Je viens de recevoir un message d’un numéro inconnu : "Ne réponds à aucun appel venant de ton propre numéro. C’est une question de vie ou de mort."
Je souris, pensant à une mauvaise blague, et je bloque le contact.
Quelques minutes plus tard, mon téléphone sonne. Mon propre numéro s'affiche.
Le cœur battant, je décroche.
Un silence. Puis une respiration rauque.
Ensuite, une voix identique à la mienne murmure :
"Pourquoi tu as décroché ?"
L’appel coupe net.
Et derrière moi, mon téléphone vibre. Un nouveau message :
"Tu aurais dû écouter."
I smiled at the message on my phone.
"Don't answer any calls coming from your own number. It's a matter of life or death."
This had to be a bad joke.
Who was sending such a stupid message around?
I looked at the number.
It was an unknown number.
Of course, I would not answer any call coming from an unknown number.
I decided to block the contact and threw my phone on the bed.
A few minutes later, my phone rang.
Looking at the screen, I froze.
My own number was calling.
I couldn't believe it.
It was calling me back?
My heart raced as I thought about the message again.
Was it true?
Should I answer the call or not?
Before I could make up my mind, I decided to answer it.
I lifted the phone to my ear.
There was silence on the other end.
No one spoke for a few seconds but I could hear a raspy breath.
Then a voice spoke, "Why did you answer?"
The voice was exactly like mine.
I was confused by the question.
"What do you mean by that?"
I asked.
"You were warned not to answer any calls coming from your own number. Why did you answer?"
There was no answer.
The person hung up the phone.
I stared at my phone in my hand, my heart still beating fast.
I felt cold suddenly and the room seemed to get colder.
I quickly blocked my own number, hoping that this would end the situation.
But I couldn't shake off the feeling of uneasiness that settled in my stomach.
I decided to go back to sleep, hoping that it was just a prank call.
I had to get up early tomorrow for work and I didn't want to be tired.
As I lay down on the bed, I heard a knock on the door.
I got up to open it and found Sarah standing there, her face pale.
"Lily, did you get a weird message too?"
She asked, holding her phone in her hand.
I nodded and we sat down on the couch together. "What happened?"
Sarah asked, her voice shaking a little.
I told her about the message and the call I got from my own number.
Sarah listened intently, her eyes wide with fear.
"I got a similar message," she said when I finished talking.
"But when I answered the call from my own number, they hung up on me."
I frowned, not understanding what was happening.
"This is so strange," I said, feeling a sense of uneasiness wash over me.
Suddenly, there was another knock on the door.
It was Mark, looking concerned.
"What's going on?" he asked us.
We told him about the messages we received and the calls from our own numbers.
Mark listened intently and then nodded thoughtfully.
"This is definitely strange," he agreed with me.
"But we need to figure out who is behind this. Maybe it's some kind of prank." "But why would someone play such a prank?"
Sarah asked, her voice still shaking with fear.
Mark shrugged.
"I don't know. But we need to trace where these messages are coming from. Maybe they're using some kind of spoofing app."
Sarah and I nodded in agreement and Mark took out his phone to start tracing the calls.
As he worked, Sarah and I sat on the couch together, feeling uneasy about what was happening.
We were both scared but we tried to stay calm and figure out what was going on.
After a few minutes, Mark looked up from his phone with a frown on his face.
"I traced the call but it's coming from an unknown location," he said, his voice serious. Sarah and I exchanged worried glances at this news.