MidReal Story

The Boy I Met Online


3d ago
Scenario:Deux enfants sont tombés amoureux en ligne, leur lien se renforçant à chaque message échangé. Cependant, les kilomètres entre eux ont créé une barrière invisible, faisant que leur amour semblait toujours hors de portée.
Create my version of this story
Deux enfants sont tombés amoureux en ligne, leur lien se renforçant à chaque message échangé. Cependant, les kilomètres entre eux ont créé une barrière invisible, faisant que leur amour semblait toujours hors de portée.
They never met, yet they fell in love.
Two kids who were worlds apart, connected through a piece of paper and a string.
Their love grew with every letter they exchanged.
The miles between them became an invisible wall, and their love remained on the other side of the wall, always out of reach.
A beautiful, heartbreaking love story.
Once upon a time, in a small town in California, there lived a girl.She was shy, quiet, introspective, and had a wild imagination.
She was not much different from other girls her age.
She had her secrets and dreams, and she was waiting for her life to begin.
One day, while browsing through a website, she stumbled upon a boy’s profile.
His name was Jake, and he was from New York.
Without thinking twice, she sent him a message, and thus began their story.
Day by day, the girl and the boy exchanged letters online.
They talked about their lives, their families, their friends, their dreams, and their fears.
With every message, they felt more connected.
Their bond grew stronger with each passing day.
The miles between them started to seem less important as they found comfort in each other’s words.
The girl felt as though she had known the boy her entire life.
She felt connected to him on a deeper level.
As for the boy, he found solace in the girl’s words and actions.
He started to look forward to her messages every day.
The Boy I Met Online