Scenario:A girl that is going blind who is trying to find her way in the world before her sight is all gone.
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A girl that is going blind who is trying to find her way in the world before her sight is all gone.
Lily Hart
resilient, and introspective. Despite her impending loss of sight, she decides to travel to New York City to experience life before it's too late. She faces challenges navigating unfamiliar places and people but finds solace in her new job at a bookstore and her growing friendship with Max. Lily's journey is marked by selfdiscovery and the pursuit of independence.
Daisy Bennett
outspoken, and protective. Daisy initially clashes with Lily over misunderstandings but eventually warms up to her as they bond over shared interests like books and music. Her presence adds a familial dynamic to the story as she looks out for Lily like a sister figure.
Max Bennett
supportive, and laidback. Max becomes Lily's friend and confidant as she navigates her new life in the city. He helps Lily adjust to her new job and offers emotional support when she faces challenges related to her blindness. Max has a casual relationship with Lily but values their friendship deeply, showing his caring nature through his actions.
I always knew I’d go blind.
It was only a matter of time.
I’ve had progressive blindness since birth.
My sight has been deteriorating over the years and soon I’ll be completely blind.
The doctors can’t give me an exact time frame, but they all agree it’ll be soon.
Soon I’ll be in complete darkness forever.
That’s why I’m here.
I’m trying to make the most of the little time I have left and experience everything life has to offer before it’s too late.
I’ve always wanted to travel to New York City.
It’s my favorite city in the world and I’ve always dreamed of living here one day.
Now I finally have the chance.
I turned twenty-one a few days ago and inherited enough money from my grandparents to move here and start a new life.
I quit my job back home and said goodbye to my family and friends.
Starting over will be hard, but I’m ready for it.
I’m ready to start my new life and be independent for the first time in my life.
I’ve been here a few days now and everything is going great.
I already have a new job working at a bookstore owned by Max Bennett’s family.
Max is a friend I made online and he’s helped me out a lot since I got here.
I decided to spend the day exploring the city.
I started in Times Square.
It’s one of my favorite places in the world and I could spend hours here.
The crowds are huge and the noise is deafening, but I love it.
Max came with me and helped guide me through the crowds.
We stopped at the big billboards and I stared at them for a while.
The colors are so bright and vibrant, but they’re fading for me.
I can’t see them as well as I used to, but I still love them.
Max told me what was on them and helped me visualize what I couldn’t see anymore.
We walked around some more, then headed to the Statue of Liberty.
I’ve always wanted to see it up close and it did not disappoint.
I stood at the base of it and ran my hand over the rough stone.
I felt every bump and crevice, trying to memorize it so I’d never forget. We took a ferry to Ellis Island next, then headed to Central Park for a walk.
I love walking in the park and listening to all the sounds around me.
I sat on a bench for a while, taking it all in.
The birds chirping, children laughing, people talking as they walked by.
After a while, Max said it was time to head back.
We walked back to the bookstore and I told him all about my day.
I love telling him about the things I see and experience.
He’s always so interested and listens to every word.
I went home after that and fell into bed.
I was exhausted from the day’s adventures.
I woke up early the next morning and decided to go for a walk.
I love walking around the city and exploring new places.
I walked for a while, then headed to the bookstore.
It was still early, but I wanted to get there before Max did.
When I got there, I heard voices coming from the back room.
They were hushed, but I could tell they were talking about something important.
I wondered what it was and decided to listen in. I walked over to the door and stood there quietly, trying not to make a sound.
The voices were louder now and I could make out what they were saying.
Max was talking to another man, but I didn’t know who it was.
"I don’t know if this is a good idea," Max said.
"We can’t trust him."
"We have no choice," the other man replied.
"He’s our only hope."
"What if he betrays us?"
Max asked.
"He won’t," the man said confidently.
"He has too much to gain."
"Are you sure?"
Max asked skeptically.
"Yes," the man replied firmly.
"I’ve done my research. He’s trustworthy."
"Okay," Max said finally.
"I’ll do it. But if he betrays us, it’s on you."
"I know," the man said.
"And if he does betray us, we’ll take care of him."
"Good," Max said.
"Let’s get started then." The men left after that and I went into the store to start my shift.
I couldn’t stop thinking about what they had been talking about all day though.
Who were they?
And what were they planning?
I tried to focus on my work, but my mind kept wandering back to them.
I wondered if they were spies or something like that.
The idea of a secret society meeting in hidden corners of New York City was intriguing and I couldn’t stop thinking about it. When my shift ended, I went home and thought about it some more.
I decided I had to find out more information about them and what they were doing.
I’d always been curious and this was too interesting to ignore.
The next morning, I got to the bookstore even earlier than usual.
I wanted to see if I could hear anything else.
When I got there, I heard voices again.
This time it was Max and his sister, Daisy.
I stood outside the door and listened in.
They were talking about their parents’ upcoming anniversary.
Max’s parents owned the bookstore and he and his sister were in charge of planning the party.
They were going to surprise them with a big celebration at the store.
Daisy was telling Max that she had everything under control and he didn’t need to worry.
Max thanked her and then they started talking about something else.
"I have a secret," Daisy said quietly.
"What is it?"
Max asked, sounding surprised.
"I’m not telling you," Daisy said, laughing.
"You’ll just have to wait and see."
"Is it about Mom and Dad’s anniversary?"
Max asked, but Daisy just laughed again.
"No, it’s something bigger than that," she said mysteriously. Max asked her again, but she refused to tell him what it was.
I couldn’t help but wonder what she was talking about too.
Was it something about Max?
Was he going to propose to me?
I felt a flutter in my chest at the thought of it.
I knew it was unlikely, but a girl could dream, right?
I decided to keep listening in on their conversations for now and see if I could find out anything else.
Maybe I could even get some information from Max himself.
After all, he was my boyfriend now and he should be open with me about these things.
I went into the store after that and started shelving books like usual.
I tried to focus on my work and not think about what I had heard anymore, but I couldn’t help but wonder what was going on. When my shift ended, I went home and got ready for bed as usual.
I thought about what I had heard some more before falling asleep though.
The next day was busy at the bookstore, so I didn’t get a chance to talk to Max much until lunchtime.
We sat down at one of the tables together and ate our sandwiches in silence for a while.
Then I decided to try and get some information from him myself.
"So," I said casually, "how’s your family doing?"
"They’re good," he replied easily enough.
"We’re getting ready for our parents’ anniversary party though. It’s coming up soon."
"That sounds like fun," I said politely enough.
"Are you planning anything special?"
Max hesitated, then smiled. "You'll just have to wait and see."
"We’re having a big party at the store," he said.
"My sister is in charge of all the details."
"That sounds nice," I said again.
"Is there anything else going on? Anything exciting?"
Max paused for a second before answering.
"No, nothing. Just the usual."
I knew he was lying, but I didn’t press him on it.
I decided to drop it for now and see if I could get any more information from Daisy instead.
When she got to the store later, I asked her if she wanted to go to lunch together.
She agreed and we went to a small café nearby.
We sat down at a table by the window and ordered our food.
The café was busy, but it was still quiet enough that we could talk easily.
I looked around and tried to take in as much as I could.
The café was small, with only a few tables and chairs scattered around the room.
The walls were painted a warm yellow color and there were plants hanging from the ceiling. The air was thick with the smell of coffee and baked goods.
It smelled delicious and my stomach growled with hunger.
I looked back at Daisy and saw that she was staring out the window, lost in thought.
"Hey," I said softly, trying to get her attention.
She turned back to me and smiled weakly.
"What’s up?"
I asked her gently.
"Nothing," she said quickly, shaking her head.
"Just thinking about things."
I nodded sympathetically, knowing what that was like all too well.
"Things with Max?"
I asked, trying to pry some more information from her.
Daisy sighed heavily and shook her head again.
"No, not really. It’s just family stuff."
"What kind of family stuff?"
I pressed, wanting to know more about what was going on with Max’s family. Daisy looked around nervously before leaning in closer to me.
"My parents are expecting me to take over the bookstore when they retire," she said quietly enough that no one else could hear us.
"But I don’t want to."
"I see," I said, nodding slowly as I took in what she had just told me.
"I can understand that. It’s a lot of responsibility."
"Yeah," she said sadly.
"And they’re not even listening to me when I tell them that. They just keep pushing me forward."
"I’m sorry," I said softly, reaching out to touch her hand across the table.
Daisy squeezed my hand back gratefully and smiled weakly at me again.
We sat there for a few minutes in silence, thinking about things.
The café was starting to get busy now and the noise of the other customers filled the air.
I looked around and tried to take it all in, but my mind kept wandering back to what Daisy had just told me.
I wondered if Max knew how she felt about taking over the bookstore.
And if he did, why wasn’t he doing anything about it?
I decided to ask him about it when I got back to the store.
When we finished our food, we went back to the bookstore and started shelving books again.
I worked on one side of the store and Daisy worked on the other.
We were both quiet as we worked, lost in our own thoughts.
After a while, I heard voices coming from the back room again.
I looked over at Daisy and saw that she was looking at me nervously.
I shrugged my shoulders and went to listen in. When I got to the door, I heard Max talking to someone else.
It sounded like they were discussing something important, but I couldn’t make out what it was.
I stood there for a few minutes, trying to figure out who he was talking to and what they were saying.
But then I heard footsteps coming from inside the store and I knew I had to leave before I got caught.
I hurried back to where Daisy was working and pretended like nothing had happened.
Daisy looked over at me curiously, but she didn’t say anything.
We continued working in silence for a while longer, then went home when our shift ended. The next day was much of the same.
We worked quietly at the bookstore, with only occasional breaks to talk or go for lunch.
I tried to listen in on Max’s conversations again, but I couldn’t hear anything interesting this time.
When my shift ended, I went home and fell into bed exhausted.
I woke up early the next morning though and decided to go for another walk around the city before heading to work.
As I walked, I thought about what Daisy had told me yesterday and wondered if she would ever be able to convince her parents that she didn’t want to take over the bookstore when they retired.
And what would happen if she couldn’t?
Would she be stuck running a business she didn’t want anything to do with?
I resolved to help Daisy find her voice, no matter what it took.
When I got to the subway, I decided to visit my cousin, Sarah.
She lived on the other side of town, so I would have to take a few trains to get there.
I had never gone anywhere alone on the subway before, but I was determined to figure it out.
The subway station was busy when I got there, with people rushing to and from work.
I stood on the platform for a while, listening as the trains screeched in and out of the station.
The air was thick with the smell of sweat and grease.
I could hear the sound of voices and footsteps all around me.
I took a deep breath and stepped onto the platform, gripping my cane tightly in my hands.
I counted my steps carefully as I walked down the platform, trying not to bump into anyone or anything. When the train came, I got on and sat down in an empty seat.
The ride was long and bumpy, but I tried to focus on where I was going instead of how uncomfortable it was.
When we finally got to Sarah’s stop, I stood up and made my way off the train.
I waited for everyone else to get off first, then followed the sound of their footsteps out of the train car.
Once I was out on the platform again, I listened as people walked past me in every direction.
I waited until it sounded like most people were gone before making my way down to the street.
When I got outside, I heard Sarah calling my name.
"Hey Lily," she said excitedly as she hugged me tightly.
"It’s so great to see you."
I hugged her back just as tightly and smiled weakly at her. "Hey," I said softly back.
"I thought it would be nice to come visit you."
Sarah nodded and took my arm in hers as she led me back to her apartment.
Her apartment smelled like home-cooked meals and fresh laundry when we walked inside.
I sat down on the couch and listened as Sarah talked about her job and her friends.
She asked me about my job at the bookstore, but I didn’t want to talk about that.
I was still trying to figure out what was going on with Max and I didn’t want to share any of that with Sarah until I knew more.
After a while, I said goodbye to Sarah and headed back to the subway.
I took the train back to work, lost in my own thoughts.
When I got to the bookstore, I could tell that something was wrong.
The air felt thick and heavy, like there was a storm brewing outside.
Daisy was rearranging books on one of the shelves, her movements quick and focused.
I walked over to where she was working and stood there for a minute, watching her.
She didn’t seem to notice me though, so I went over to where Max was sitting at his desk.
He looked up when I approached him, but he didn’t smile or say hello.
"Is everything okay?" he asked softly, looking at me with concerned eyes. "Yeah," I said quickly, not wanting to worry him.
"I just wanted to ask you something."
Max nodded slowly and leaned back in his chair.
"What is it?"
I hesitated for a second before asking him what I had been wondering about all day.
"Is everything okay? You seem distracted lately."
Max sighed heavily and ran his hand through his hair.
"Yeah, everything’s fine," he said finally, looking up at me again.
"I’m just stressed out about some things."
"What kind of things?"
I asked softly, not wanting to push him too hard.
Max looked at me for a long time before answering.
"Just stuff," he said finally, shaking his head.
"It’s nothing you need to worry about."
I nodded slowly and looked away from him for a minute.
Then Daisy came over and stood next to us.
"Hey," she said softly, looking at Max with concerned eyes. "Hey," Max said back, smiling weakly at her.
"What’s going on?"
Daisy glanced over at me quickly before answering him.
"It’s time," she said softly, looking back at him again.
Max sighed heavily and turned back to me.
"Just getting some work done," she said softly.
Max nodded slowly and looked back at me.
"Well, I should get back to work," he said finally, standing up from his desk.
I nodded slowly and watched as he walked away.
Daisy stood there for a minute, watching him go, then turned back to me.
"Hey," she said softly, looking at me with concerned eyes.
"Is everything okay?"
"Yeah," I said quickly, not wanting to worry her.
"I was just asking Max if he was okay. He seems distracted lately."
Daisy nodded slowly and looked away from me for a minute.
"Yeah, he has been," she said softly.
"I’m not really sure what’s going on."
I nodded slowly and looked around the store for a minute.
It was still early in the morning, so there weren’t many customers yet.
The store was quiet except for the sound of books being moved around on the shelves. I decided to get to work and started organizing the books on one of the shelves.
I worked quietly for a while, listening as Daisy moved books around on the other side of the store.
After a few minutes, I heard the door open and looked up to see who it was.
It was another employee coming in for her shift.
She smiled weakly at me as she walked over to where Daisy was working.
I went back to organizing my shelf, listening as they talked about their weekend. The store started to get busy after that and I didn’t have time to think about anything else for a while.
When my shift ended, I went home and fell into bed exhausted.
The next morning I woke up early again and decided to go for another walk before heading to work.
I walked around the city for a while, thinking about what had been going on at the bookstore lately.
I knew something strange was happening with Max and Daisy, but I couldn’t figure out what it was.
I decided that today would be the day I figured out what was going on with them once and for all.
When I got to the bookstore, it was still early in the morning and no customers were there yet.
I went inside though and saw that Daisy hadn’t gotten there yet either.
I decided to take advantage of the time alone and do some snooping around. I started by going into Max’s office and looking through his desk drawers.
They were all locked though, so I couldn’t find anything interesting in there.
Next, I decided to go into the back room and see if I could find anything there.
I walked over to the door and listened for a minute, making sure that no one was inside.
When I didn’t hear anything, I slowly turned the handle and opened the door.
The room was dark and quiet when I walked inside.
I stood there for a minute, listening as my eyes adjusted to the darkness.
When I could see again, I looked around the room and saw that it was filled with boxes of books.
I started to search through them, looking for any clues about what was going on with Max and Daisy.
After a while, I heard the door open behind me and turned to see who it was.
It was Daisy, looking at me with concerned eyes.
"Hey," she said softly, walking over to where I was standing.
"What are you doing?"
I looked at her for a minute before answering.
"Just looking for something," I said finally, not wanting to tell her what I was really doing.
Daisy nodded slowly and looked around the room.
"Find anything interesting?" she asked softly. "No," I said quickly, not wanting to tell her about the strange things I had seen in the boxes.
Daisy looked at me for a minute, then turned and walked out of the room.
I stood there for a minute, thinking about what had just happened.
Then I decided that today would be the day I figured out what was going on with Max and Daisy once and for all.
I walked out of the back room and went over to where Max was sitting at his desk.
He looked up when he saw me coming and smiled weakly at me.
"Hey," he said softly, looking at me with concerned eyes.
"What’s up?"
I took a deep breath before asking him what had been on my mind all morning.
"Can we talk?" he asked softly, looking at me with worried eyes.
"Yeah," I said quickly, not wanting to make him any more stressed than he already was. "Let’s go get some coffee," he said finally, standing up from his desk and walking over to where I was standing.
We walked out of the bookstore together and down the street to a café that Daisy and I used to go to all the time.
The café was busy when we got there, with people talking loudly over their drinks.
Max found us a table in the corner though and we sat down quietly together.
A waitress came over right away and took our orders, then left us alone again.
I leaned forward, trying to keep my voice steady.
"Max, I need to know what's really going on between you and Daisy," I said, meeting his eyes.
He hesitated, glancing around the café before finally speaking.
"Daisy and I... we've been working on something big, something that could change everything for us."
I sat back in my chair, trying to process what he was saying.
The idea of something big happening was intriguing, but he wasn't giving me any details.
We sat there for a minute, sipping our coffee and not saying anything else.
I glanced over at Max and saw that his hands were shaking slightly as he held his cup.
He was nervous about something, but he wasn't telling me what it was.
I decided to push him a little bit more, hoping that he would crack and tell me what was going on.
"Max, you have to tell me what's going on," I said softly, reaching out and putting my hand on his arm.
He looked at me for a minute, then shook his head slowly.
"You'll know soon enough," he said finally, smiling weakly at me.
I nodded slowly and took another sip of my coffee.
We sat there for a few more minutes, not saying anything else.
Then Max looked at his watch and stood up from the table.
"I have to get back to work," he said softly, looking at me with concerned eyes. I stood up too and followed him out of the café.
We walked back to the bookstore together, not saying anything else along the way.
When we got there, Daisy was rearranging some of the displays in the front window.
She looked up when she saw us coming and gave me a reassuring nod before going back to work.
I watched her for a minute, wondering what she and Max were hiding from me.
"Hey, Daisy," I said, walking over to her.
She glanced up, her eyes searching mine. "Did Max tell you anything?"
I shook my head, feeling the weight of their secret between us. "No, but he said it's something big."