MidReal Story

The Black Unit

Scenario:Gay white cop part of all black unit, smallest guy surrounded by huge muscled black cops
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Gay white cop part of all black unit, smallest guy surrounded by huge muscled black cops
I am Officer Jason Mitchell, police officer in an all black unit.
I am the only white cop, and I am the smallest guy on this team.
All my colleagues are huge muscled black cops.
I am partnered with the largest cop in the unit, Marcus Thompson.
Today we had a standoff with a suspect who barricaded himself in his house.
He was armed and dangerous.
He shot at us twice, missing us by inches.
The team leader, Darius Jackson, decided to call for SWAT.
As we waited for SWAT to arrive, the suspect came out of his house and started shooting at us again.
Darius and Lamar Washington took cover behind their patrol car.
Marcus and I took cover behind another patrol car.
The suspect was still shooting at us.
Marcus yelled at me to put on my gas mask.
I did and I yelled at him to do the same.
He did and we both exited our patrol car from opposite sides.
We started shooting back at the suspect.
After what felt like an eternity the suspect dropped his weapon and fell to the ground.
SWAT arrived and took him into custody.
After the suspect was taken away we searched him and he had no weapons on his person.
He had apparently dropped it on the ground when he surrendered.
The Black Unit