MidReal Story

The Black Unit

Scenario:Gay white cop part of all black unit, smallest guy surrounded by huge muscled black cops
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Gay white cop part of all black unit, smallest guy surrounded by huge muscled black cops
I am a police officer in New York City in a unit that is comprised of all black men.
I happen to be the only white man in the group.
Now, you might think that because of this, I am somehow different or that I don't belong or shouldn't be trusted.
You might think that I stick out like a sore thumb or that I am somehow less capable than the other members of my team based on my race.
You might think a lot of things, but you would be wrong.
I am just as good a police officer as any of the men I work with.
I happen to be the smallest and lightest of the group, but what I lack in size, I make up for in wit and determination.
I know how to use my resources and rely on my teammates when necessary.
That being said, I also know how to hold my own.
I am not intimidated by any of the men I work with.
The Black Unit