MidReal Story

The Black Op Specialist


5d ago
Scenario:Damian McCloud is the younger brother of Fox McClould leader of the star fox team Damian's role in the team is the Black op and covert op specialist skills he had gained during his tours in the silver beret one of the special forces of the cornaira military the best of the best but later joined the star fox team as promised after his last tour of duty. Damian had been facing what is called war shock syndrome it is similar to PTSD after one night where he woke up and fired his blaster at the door it made Fox worried along with Peppy who had raised the brothers in behalf of their late father. Since then Damian as agreed kept his comms on him in case of another episode however one day Damian was sitting calm in the dining facility of the great fox Peppy came to check up on him as he has been along with Fox and even Falco. "Hey lad I came to check up on ya" Damian rather than sad had a look of determination in his eyes. "I have an ideal cure take me back to that same spot on on Titania I will face this head on this battle of the mind ends now I don't have for fear I will not be broken" Fox had just walked in and took a seat at that table. "Won't that make it worse?" Damian speaks "I have faced many enemies in may wars when I was a silver beret before I joined the star fox team if I can defeat enemies on the battle field why should this be any different do you know why some times I do martial arts forms sometimes with a blind fold?" Fox had to admit he always wanted to know. " Well little brother I would like to know" Damian replies "Because I picture myself facing foes so why should war shock syndrome be any different it is an enemy that is standing in my way and I don't like it when a foe poses a threat to me or this team be it on the field or in this case my mind the silver beret has many sayings one is never give up never give in I must reclaim that which war shock took from me and if it makes you feel better I will wear a neural monitor headband if something goes wrong teleport me back and into the med bay and we will find other ways Fox you wanted to finest for a black ops specialist then you got it only who knows if this works you may get triple of what you wanted" Fox was willing to do this the next day the great fox is in orbit of Titania in the same spot where Damian did the recovery mission to get his old tank he used in the war out of the sand and into the hanger Damian was in his martial arts attire and he had a few of his weapons he uses in practice his rattan sticks and his bo staff. He was teleported to that area it just so happens it was raining nothing heavy Damian put on his blind fold and began with empty handed forms and moves then forms and moves done with his rattan sticks then finally his bo staff and he would repeat the pattern again then he sat on the ground meditating he was there for a few hours then he stood up and took of the blind fold then talked into the comms. "The enemy of my mind is defeated I am back ready for teleporttation" He was now in the hanger he heads for his quarters and changes and heads to the dining facility of the great fox where Fox asks him how is he. "Fox I have never felt this great in a while I don't ever want you or Peppy or the rest see me like that again you wanted a black ops specialist for the team and you got it but this time sharper and wiser I am back to myself"
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Damian McCloud is the younger brother of Fox McClould leader of the star fox team Damian's role in the team is the Black op and covert op specialist skills he had gained during his tours in the silver beret one of the special forces of the cornaira military the best of the best but later joined the star fox team as promised after his last tour of duty. Damian had been facing what is called war shock syndrome it is similar to PTSD after one night where he woke up and fired his blaster at the door it made Fox worried along with Peppy who had raised the brothers in behalf of their late father. Since then Damian as agreed kept his comms on him in case of another episode however one day Damian was sitting calm in the dining facility of the great fox Peppy came to check up on him as he has been along with Fox and even Falco. "Hey lad I came to check up on ya" Damian rather than sad had a look of determination in his eyes. "I have an ideal cure take me back to that same spot on on Titania I will face this head on this battle of the mind ends now I don't have for fear I will not be broken" Fox had just walked in and took a seat at that table. "Won't that make it worse?" Damian speaks "I have faced many enemies in may wars when I was a silver beret before I joined the star fox team if I can defeat enemies on the battle field why should this be any different do you know why some times I do martial arts forms sometimes with a blind fold?" Fox had to admit he always wanted to know. " Well little brother I would like to know" Damian replies "Because I picture myself facing foes so why should war shock syndrome be any different it is an enemy that is standing in my way and I don't like it when a foe poses a threat to me or this team be it on the field or in this case my mind the silver beret has many sayings one is never give up never give in I must reclaim that which war shock took from me and if it makes you feel better I will wear a neural monitor headband if something goes wrong teleport me back and into the med bay and we will find other ways Fox you wanted to finest for a black ops specialist then you got it only who knows if this works you may get triple of what you wanted" Fox was willing to do this the next day the great fox is in orbit of Titania in the same spot where Damian did the recovery mission to get his old tank he used in the war out of the sand and into the hanger Damian was in his martial arts attire and he had a few of his weapons he uses in practice his rattan sticks and his bo staff. He was teleported to that area it just so happens it was raining nothing heavy Damian put on his blind fold and began with empty handed forms and moves then forms and moves done with his rattan sticks then finally his bo staff and he would repeat the pattern again then he sat on the ground meditating he was there for a few hours then he stood up and took of the blind fold then talked into the comms. "The enemy of my mind is defeated I am back ready for teleporttation" He was now in the hanger he heads for his quarters and changes and heads to the dining facility of the great fox where Fox asks him how is he. "Fox I have never felt this great in a while I don't ever want you or Peppy or the rest see me like that again you wanted a black ops specialist for the team and you got it but this time sharper and wiser I am back to myself"
I'm Damian McCloud the younger brother of Fox McCloud the leader of the star fox team.
My role in the team is black op and covert op specialist I have all the skills needed for that job when I served tours in the silver beret one of the special forces in the cornaira military.
The best of the best in the military however I left after my last tour of duty to join my brother and the star fox team as promised.
I had been doing alright until one night I woke up screaming and fired my blaster at the door.
That incident made Fox worried about me and so did Peppy Hare another member of the star fox team who had been like a father to us since our father was killed when we were young.
"Hey little brother I heard about what happened last night" Fox had said as he sat on my bed in my quarters on the great fox.
"I'm fine big brother just a little spook that's all" I had replied but deep down I knew something was wrong with me.
"Are you sure?" he asked me again.
"Yes I'm sure" I said to him.
"Alright well if you don't mind I would like to check your vitals to make sure" he said.
"I'm fine Fox" I said and he gave a look that said please do it.
The Black Op Specialist
I knew he wasn't going to give up so I agreed and let him check my vitals.
He was satisfied when he saw that they were normal.
"Alright but if you have another episode like this I want to know about it" he said.
"I will big brother" I said to him.
I had a few more episodes of this war shock syndrome but not as bad as the first one.
I kept quiet about them because I knew Fox would be worried but one day I was sitting in the dining facility eating a meal when Peppy came over to me and sat down.
"Hey lad how are you?"
Peppy asked me.
I looked at him for a moment then replied "I'm not okay Peppy" my hands were shaking a little bit as I tried to keep them still.
Fox had just walked in and sat at the table with us and he saw my hands shaking.
"What's wrong?" he asked me.
"It's the war shock syndrome it's getting worse I have been having flashbacks and nightmares more often then before" I said.
The Black Op Specialist
Fox leaned forward and he looked at me with concern in his eyes.
I explained to him about the recent episodes of war shock syndrome that I had been having and how it was affecting me more often than before.
Fox listened intently, occasionally nodding his head as he heard what I had to say.
When I finished, he sat back in his chair and thought for a moment before speaking up.
"Well, we can't have you going through this alone," Fox said, his voice filled with determination.
"We need to find a way to make it stop."
"I know," I replied, my voice filled with frustration.
"But how?"
Fox thought for a moment before coming up with an idea.
"Why don't we ask Peppy? He might know something from his time in the military. He could help us figure out what's going on with you."
I nodded, feeling a mix of relief and fear wash over me.
The Black Op Specialist