spontaneous, and passionate about life. Jack wins his ticket in a poker game and boards the ship seeking adventure and inspiration for his art. His chance encounter with Lilly leads to a deep emotional connection that transcends their social differences. Despite their brief time together, he leaves a lasting impact on Lilly's life.
arrogant, and possessive. Cal represents the societal expectations placed on women during the early 20th century. His relationship with Rose is strained due to his lack of emotional connection with her and his desire for control over her life choices. His presence serves as a foil to Jack's carefree nature.
reserved, and conflicted. Rose struggles with her impending marriage to Cal due to societal pressures rather than love. Her relationship with Lilly is close but strained by their differing personalities and circumstances. Rose's interactions with Jack reveal her own desires for freedom and passion, which she ultimately sacrifices for social obligations.