freespirited, and passionate about his art. Jack meets Lilly by chance on the ship's deck and forms an instant connection with her through their shared love of art. His presence challenges Lilly's perceptions of life beyond her privileged upbringing and offers a glimpse into a world where creativity and freedom are valued over wealth.
arrogant, and manipulative. Cal represents the societal pressures that Lilly and Rose face as women in high society. He boards the Titanic with his fiancée Rose and Lilly, unaware of their growing discontent with their arranged marriage. His presence highlights the constraints placed on women during this era and serves as a foil to Lilly's blossoming feelings for Jack Dawson.
independent, and determined. Rose is engaged to Cal Hockley but feels trapped by the marriage arrangement. She boards the Titanic with Lilly and Cal, seeking adventure and escape from her suffocating life. Her relationship with Lilly is strained due to their differing personalities but ultimately supportive as they navigate their shared struggles.