MidReal Story

The Albino Cat

Scenario:im combinad a near human and the albino cartoon cat controlled by me
Create my version of this story
im combinad a near human and the albino cartoon cat controlled by me
I'm a near human...
I'm an albino cat...
Wait, what?
I opened my eyes and looked at my paws.
I was a cat?
I looked at my reflection in the mirror and meowed.
I was definitely a cat.
Wait, I wasn't a cat.
I was a human, and then I saved a white cat from the fire, and then I... I combined with the white cat.
The cat became an extension of me, just like my hands and feet.
Together, we were one person.
I could use the cat's strong sense of smell and strong hearing to help me sense the surrounding environment.
When I needed to jump far or climb high, the cat's strong jumping power could also be used by me.
When I wanted to know certain things, the cat's sharp eyes could also be used by me.
And when I wanted to know what kind of person the other person was, the cat's strong intuition could also be used by me.
As for my name...
Well, I guess it would be better to give the cat a name first.
It was an albino cat, and it looked like Milka.
So I named it Mikko.
Since Mikko and I were no longer two separate entities, I would add 'M' to my name to indicate that I was no longer alone.
The Albino Cat