MidReal Story

The Aghori's Destiny

Scenario:A young boy is cornered when he loses his plush job and his forced out of his urban world to lead a life like an Aghori. But he is soon about to realise that all of this is for a larger purpose.
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A young boy is cornered when he loses his plush job and his forced out of his urban world to lead a life like an Aghori. But he is soon about to realise that all of this is for a larger purpose.
Always been a city boy.
I don’t know what it is about urban places that makes me feel at home, but I’ve always had a subtle yet constant yearning for the sights and sounds of busy streets, towering buildings, and well-groomed parks.
The endless possibilities of a place like New York City aren’t just a backdrop to my reality; they’re a part of me.
It’s peculiar, actually, because I grew up in a small town in India where the most thrilling thing to happen was when the neighbor’s cow got loose and ran around the village square, causing chaos.
But still, I could never shake the feeling that I was meant for more than the life I was born into.
And so, after completing my Bachelor’s degree in India, I decided to spread my wings and see if I could find something more in the United States.
I was young, ambitious, and ready to take on the world.
So I moved to New York City and was immediately awestruck by the energy of the place.
It wasn’t long before I knew that this would be my home for at least the foreseeable future.
I worked hard, studied harder, and eventually completed my MBA with an emphasis in marketing.
It wasn’t long before I found a job at a prestigious advertising firm, and I was able to start building the life that I’d always dreamed of.
My job was the perfect fit for me.
I got to be creative and ambitious while working within the confines of an established system.
I never understood people who saw their jobs as something they did just to pay the bills.
For me, it was much more than that.
It was a reflection of who I was: an ambitious person who wanted nothing more than to leave his mark on the world.
I know that probably sounds cliché, but it’s true.
And for years, everything went exactly as planned.
I made a decent living, and while my job could be stressful, it was also rewarding.
I had built myself the perfect life, and I was happy with the way things were going.
But as fate would have it, all of that was about to change.
And in the blink of an eye, my entire reality would come crashing down around me, forcing me to confront a harsh truth that, until that moment, I had never even considered.
As an Aghori, you must have no fear.
The words pounded in my skull as I took one step closer to the edge of the building.
"The Aghori's Destiny"
I had never been one to back down from a challenge, but the truth is, I’ve never experienced fear like this before, not even when my boss told me that I’d been let go from my job at the advertising firm where I’d worked for so many years.
My hands were shaking, my heart was pounding, and for the first time in my life, I felt like I had no control over what happened next.
My grip on the railing tightened as I tried to steady myself, but it was no use.
I had been fired, just like that, out of nowhere.
I was packing up my desk when my boss came by to tell me the news.
He said something about restructuring the department, that it was nothing personal, but that didn’t change the fact that I was now unemployed.
I didn’t understand how it had all happened so fast, how everything I’d worked so hard for could be taken away from me in an instant, without any warning at all.
Without my job, I had no income, no purpose, no passion.
I had put everything into my work, and now it was gone, leaving me feeling empty and lost.
I knew things would be difficult for a while, but I promised myself that this wouldn’t be the end of my story.
I would find another job, rebuild my life.
I would show them all just what I was capable of.
But before any of that could happen, I had to figure out how to keep a roof over my head.
And that’s when things went from bad to worse.
As if losing my job wasn’t enough, I got a notice from my landlord saying that he was raising the rent on my apartment, and if I couldn’t pay the increased amount, he would be evicting me.
I didn’t have a lot of money saved up, and without a job, I had no way of making more.
I tried to talk to him, to reason with him, but there was no changing his mind.
He wanted me gone, and there was nothing I could do about it.
So there I was, just a few short hours after being fired from my job, standing on the roof of the building where I lived, staring down at the city below me, wondering how it had all gone so wrong.
I didn’t know what else to do.
I had been living in New York City for years.
It was my home, my life, my everything.
And now it felt like it was all being ripped away from me.
As tears streamed down my face, I whispered a silent apology to the city that had given me so much before taking one last step into the void.
Everything around me went dark.
When I finally came to, everything around me felt different.
I didn’t remember anything that had happened, but as I looked around, I realized that something had changed.
The world looked different somehow: sharper, more defined.
"The Aghori's Destiny"