MidReal Story

The Adventures of Lily


6d ago
Scenario:Fatigué d'être une boîte aux lettres, je parcours la ville en quête d'une signification au-delà de la livraison de lettres.
Create my version of this story
Fatigué d'être une boîte aux lettres, je parcours la ville en quête d'une signification au-delà de la livraison de lettres.
I am a mailbox.
A sentient mailbox sitting on a street corner in a bustling city.
I know, it sounds strange.
A talking mailbox.
It's not something that you come across every day.
And it's not like I can do anything about it.
I just am what I am.
At least that's what I keep telling myself.
Every day, letters and packages come and go.
People stick things in me and then take things out of me.
That's my life.
At least it was until today.
See, today something strange happened.
A little girl approached me and instead of putting something in or taking something out of me, she just talked to me.
She asked me how I was doing and what I thought about the weather.
It was weird, but at the same time kind of nice.
It made me feel like more than just a thing to stick stuff in or take stuff out of.
The Adventures of Lily