MidReal Story

The Adventures of Dick & Ellie

Scenario:На улице Дик и Элли находят бездомного щенка. Щенок очень ласковый, но очень голодный. Дик и Элли обнаруживают на щенке бирку с размытым от дождя номером телефона. Кличка щенка "Чаки", но телефон и адрес владельца Дику и Элли предстоит узнать.
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На улице Дик и Элли находят бездомного щенка. Щенок очень ласковый, но очень голодный. Дик и Элли обнаруживают на щенке бирку с размытым от дождя номером телефона. Кличка щенка "Чаки", но телефон и адрес владельца Дику и Элли предстоит узнать.
I was walking down the street when I saw a ball of fur lying on the ground.
It was a puppy, dirty and smothered in mud.
At first, I thought it was dead, but then it opened its eyes.
The puppy looked up at me and started wagging its tail.
I picked the puppy up and cradled it in my arms.
The puppy licked my face, covering me in even more dirt.
But I didn't care.
The puppy was cute and cuddly.
I wanted to keep the puppy, but I knew it didn't belong to me.
Someone was probably looking for their lost puppy.
I decided to ask around and see if anyone recognized the puppy.
Maybe someone was looking for their lost pet.
As I walked down the street, people stared at me and the puppy.
Some of them smiled, while others looked concerned.
One person asked if I needed help, but I just shook my head and kept walking.
I stopped at a few stores and showed the puppy to the owners, but no one recognized the puppy.
One store owner suggested that I take the puppy to the local animal shelter.
But I wasn't ready to give up on the puppy yet.
I was sure that someone was looking for their lost pet.
As I turned a corner, I bumped into my best friend, Ellie Martin.
Ellie had a curious look on her face as she stared at the puppy in my arms.
The Adventures of Dick & Ellie