MidReal Story

The Adventures of A Talking Mailbox


Feb 3
Scenario:Fatigué d'être une boîte aux lettres, je parcours la ville en quête d'une signification au-delà de la livraison de lettres.
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Fatigué d'être une boîte aux lettres, je parcours la ville en quête d'une signification au-delà de la livraison de lettres.
I am a mailbox.
Not just any mailbox, but a mailbox who has had enough.
Every day, the same routine.
Letters come, letters go.
People stop, people pass.
Rarely does anyone give me a second thought.
I long for adventure.
To do something more, to be something more.
Something other than just a vessel for the mail.
I dream of the day when I can leave this post and see what lies beyond this street.
What other cities are out there? What other sights and sounds can be experienced?
But I am too afraid to take the leap.
What if I fail?
What if I am not meant to be anything other than a mailbox, standing on this corner, delivering mail every day?
So I wait.
Wait for someone or something to push me over the edge.
Wait for my purpose to reveal itself.
Today is different.
Today I will not wait.
I will take the leap and see where it takes me.
No longer will I stand idle, watching as everyone and everything passes me by.
I am ready for my next step, whatever that may be.
With a deep breath, I make my move.
I step off my post and head into the unknown.
The world is a big place, much larger than I had anticipated.
The Adventures of A Talking Mailbox