MidReal Story

The Adventures of A Sentient Mailbox


Feb 3
Scenario:Fatigué d'être une boîte aux lettres, je parcours la ville en quête d'une signification au-delà de la livraison de lettres.
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Fatigué d'être une boîte aux lettres, je parcours la ville en quête d'une signification au-delà de la livraison de lettres.
I am a mailbox.
I sit on a street corner in a bustling city, watching as people walk by, sometimes stopping to drop off letters in my belly.
I am weary of being the same thing I do every day.
I want to do something else.
So one day I get up and start walking.
I have no idea where I am going or what I am going to do, but I am excited at the prospect of being more than just a mailbox.
As I wander through the city, I come across an old man sitting on a bench in a small park.
He looks up at me with kind eyes and asks, "What brings you to this place, my dear mailbox?"
I am taken aback by his words, but I am also curious.
"I am tired of being just a mailbox," I explain.
"I want to do something else."
The Old Man nods thoughtfully and says, "I understand.
But sometimes, the things we desire most are not what we need.
" He pauses, considering his next words carefully.
"Come with me," he says finally, standing up and beckoning me to follow him.
I do so, intrigued by his enigmatic statement.
We walk through winding streets in the old part of town, passing by crumbling buildings and narrow alleys.
Eventually, we come to a small shop tucked away on a quiet street.
The Adventures of A Sentient Mailbox