MidReal Story

The Adventures of A Mailbox


1d ago
Scenario:Cansado de ser un buzón, recorro la ciudad en busca de un significado más allá de entregar cartas.
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Cansado de ser un buzón, recorro la ciudad en busca de un significado más allá de entregar cartas.
I am tired of being a mailbox.
Tired of standing there, waiting for the mailman to come and fill me up with letters.
Tired of delivering those letters to people who never say thank you.
Tired of being in the same old spot day after day.
I want to see what's out there, to go on an adventure and have some fun.
But I'm a mailbox, so I can't.
At least that's what I used to think.
I woke up early today, feeling restless.
The sun was barely starting to peek through the windows of the tall buildings surrounding me.
The air was cool and fresh, carrying the scent of dew and new life.
I looked around, taking in the sights and sounds of the early morning.
The city was already starting to come alive, its hustle and bustle reaching out to me like a beckoning finger.
I felt drawn to it, my heart yearning to be a part of it all.
To explore and experience everything the city had to offer.
I wanted to do more than just sit there, delivering letters.
I wanted to live.
The mailman wasn't due to come for a while yet, and no one was around to watch over me.
The Adventures of A Mailbox