MidReal Story

The Accessory Revolution


May 9
Scenario:in the business of power tools there is very low understanding of how important accessory is. You can have the best tool ever, but if you do not have the right accessory, you will not be able to perform your job well. Can you create a story to explain that "accessory makes a difference" for Bosch professional brand.
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in the business of power tools there is very low understanding of how important accessory is. You can have the best tool ever, but if you do not have the right accessory, you will not be able to perform your job well. Can you create a story to explain that "accessory makes a difference" for Bosch professional brand.
They build and fix things all day long.
We also talked to a number of professionals during this process.
The drill bit is the most important part of a power tool.
Their tools are like an extension of their hands.
People like me—product development engineers who help design and create all the new accessories we offer.
People like Sarah Li—a sales representative who spends all day on job sites talking to customers about their needs and how we can meet them.
And they take a lot of pride in being able to get the job done quickly, easily, and accurately.
It’s the part that actually does the work, that makes the hole, that drives the screw.
People like you—our customers—who use power tools every day and have a lot to say about how they work.
It’s the part that you can’t do without.
It matters a lot to them that they can be more productive, more profitable, and more successful.
And when they’re not able to achieve that because of an accessory, it makes them unhappy.
But it’s also the part that most people don’t think about.
The first thing we learned is that there’s a real lack of understanding when it comes to power tool accessories.
Even when people say they don’t care about their bits and blades, they’re also the first ones to complain when their tool doesn’t perform like they expect it to.
When you buy a new power tool, you’re excited about the tool itself—the new drill or driver or saw that you’re going to use to tackle your next project.
It takes longer for them to complete a job, which means they make less money.
You’re not thinking about the accessories that go with it—the bits and blades and discs that are just as important as the tool itself.
It doesn’t look as good as they’d like, which means they’re not as proud of it as they’d like.
They know that something isn’t right but don’t know how to fix it—and assume the problem is with the tool itself.
And when you do think about them, you probably assume that they’re all pretty much the same.
We also learned that there are a lot of preconceived notions about accessories—mostly negative and usually based on misinformation.
It takes more effort than they think is reasonable, which means they’re not as happy doing it as they’d like.
Many people think that all bits are created equal.
That a bit is a bit is a bit, and it doesn’t really matter which one you use.
So, when we discovered that so many people didn’t know what they were missing by using a low-quality accessory, we saw an opportunity.
Rather than just tell you how much better our bits and blades were than the competition’s, we decided to show you.
That paying more for a premium accessory won’t make a difference in terms of the result.
But here at Bosch Professional, we know better.
We created a comprehensive educational program that would help us do just that.
That accessories are just a way for power tool manufacturers to make more money off of you.
We know that accessories are what truly define performance.
That a high-quality bit can make all the difference in how fast and how cleanly you can make a hole or drive a screw.
We worked with our sales team to create a suite of marketing materials that explained everything there was to know about accessories.
And while they might’ve been true at some point in the past, they aren’t true anymore.
How they’re made.
We also know that most people don’t know this.
The quality of accessories has improved dramatically over the last decade, thanks to advancements in materials and processes.
The precision and consistency with which accessories are made has also gotten much better, which means you’ll have a much better experience when you use them.
We recently did a survey of cordless power tool users and found a real disconnect between what they valued in their tools and what they valued in their accessories.
What they’re made of.
Over 90 percent of them said that they’d pay more for a drill or driver with better performance.
But many people don’t know this—or don’t believe it—so they continue to use the same old bits and blades they always have, even if they’re not working as well as they could.
How they work.
But only 37 percent said the same about the bits they used with those tools.
This creates a real challenge for us as a company and you as a customer.
What they’re used for.
How they perform.
If you don’t know that there’s a better option out there, why would you ever choose it?
And when we asked why, the overwhelming response was that it just didn’t matter.
If you don’t know that using a low-quality accessory costs you time and money—and makes your job harder and less enjoyable—why would you ever change your behavior?
How to choose the right one.
That all accessories are basically the same.
If you don’t know that an accessory is just as important as the tool itself in delivering the performance you need and expect, why would you ever invest in it?
That you can get the job done with whatever you have on hand.
How to use it correctly.
How to maintain it properly.
And that’s a problem, because accessories are not all the same.
These are just some of the questions we asked ourselves as we went through this process.
But rather than focusing on what’s wrong or who’s to blame, we decided to take a different approach.
In fact, the right accessory can make you more than 30 percent faster and more than 50 percent more accurate—while the wrong one can make you 50 percent slower and 25 percent less accurate.
How to dispose of it safely.
And why it matters that you know all of these things before you start your next job.
To not just talk about what we do and how we do it differently but to explain why it matters and how it benefits you.
That’s because accessories are not just cutting or driving—they’re guiding and dust removal, too.
We developed a series of live demonstrations that would showcase our products in real-world applications.
To show you that there is a better way to do things and that it doesn’t have to be difficult or expensive to get there.
And it’s those other functions that really determine performance.
The problem is that most people don’t know this.
To educate you on everything from choosing the right accessory to using it correctly.
At trade shows and construction sites, we would show how fast our bits would drill holes in concrete compared to others on the market.
To make sure that you get the most out of your tool and your investment in it.
They don’t know that there’s a difference between a $20 set of bits and a $50 set of bits, or why there is a difference or what the difference really is.
How long our blades would last cutting rebar versus those from other brands.
So when it comes time to buy one, they usually just look for the cheapest one available.
Because at Bosch Professional, we know that a tool is only as good as its bit or blade.
How straight our accessories could cut or how clean they could grind or how deep they could reach compared to anything else available today.
"The Accessory Revolution"
Or use whatever they can find in their toolbox or on the job site.
We went into stores and spent time with sales associates so they’d be able to answer any question a customer might ask them about accessories.
But if you don’t know about accessories, how can you value them?
So that when someone walked in looking for something specific, they’d be able to suggest the best option available.
And if you don’t value them, why would you spend more on them?
We created an interactive website where people could learn everything there is to know about accessories in one place.
That’s why we’ve decided to change our approach.
With helpful videos, valuable insights, powerful testimonials and so much more.
To stop selling new power tools and start selling new accessories instead.
So that when someone wanted to know why they should buy our products instead of anyone else’s, they’d have an answer at their fingertips.
To focus on what really matters, rather than what’s just shiny and new.
We hosted classes at technical colleges and universities.
We delivered presentations at professional associations and trade organizations.
Because while power tools might be exciting, they’re also seen as commodities—just a way to get the job done.
We even published articles in industry magazines and newspapers.
It’s the accessories that are differentiators.
The things that you can really invest in to stand out from your competition and up your game.
Every piece of content we created was designed to help you make a more informed decision.
The things that make your current tool better—and your next tool even better.
Because we believe that choosing the right accessory is just as important as selecting the right tool.
The things that make you more productive, efficient and profitable.
And that you should be able to make the best choice possible with the information available to you.
And while there were many great stories that came out of this initiative, my favorite one is about a contractor named Mike who works in the Chicago area.
The things that mean the difference between good enough and great.
He’s a really nice guy who’s been in business for a long time.
So rather than selling another tool, let’s sell the things that make that tool truly better—Bosch accessories that deliver the performance you expect from the name you trust.
The ones that come with all of our ProFactor tools, or that you choose to add to any other tool you own.
He’s well known in his community and has a lot of loyal customers.
But he’s also very set in his ways.
The ones that are designed specifically to work with Bosch tools, so they deliver optimal performance every time you use them.
"The Accessory Revolution"
"The Accessory Revolution"