MidReal Story

Tech Titans: Clash of Billionaire Vigilantes


May 13
Scenario:Batman vs Ironman
Create my version of this story
Batman vs Ironman
I was in the Batcave, working on my latest project when I heard the alarm go off.
I quickly ran to the computer and saw that the alarm was coming from Wayne Enterprises.
I quickly put on my suit and ran to the Batmobile.
I drove as fast as I could to Wayne Enterprises and when I got there, I saw that the building was on fire.
I quickly ran inside and saw that all of my tech was gone.
I looked around and saw a man in a sleek suit running away with a bag of tech.
I quickly ran after him, but he was too fast for me.
He jumped out of the window and flew away with a jet pack.
I quickly ran back to the Batmobile and followed him.
He was flying really fast, but I managed to keep up with him.
We were flying over the city when he suddenly stopped in mid-air.
He turned around and looked at me.
“Who are you?”
he asked in a deep voice.
“I’m Batman,” I replied.
“What do you want with my tech?”
I watched him silently.
I wanted to know what he was going to say.
“I didn’t steal your tech,” he said.
He then flew away and disappeared into the night.
I was in the Batcave, working on a new project.
I had been working for hours and I was almost finished when suddenly the alarm system blared.
I quickly turned off the computer and ran to the main control room.
I sat down at the computer and saw that there was a breach at Wayne Enterprises.
I quickly put on my suit and ran to the Batmobile.
I drove as fast as I could to Wayne Enterprises and when I got there, I saw that the building was on fire.
I quickly ran inside and went straight to my office.
I saw that all of my tech was gone and I got very angry.
I looked around and saw a man in a sleek suit running away with a bag of tech.
I quickly ran after him, but he was too fast for me.
He jumped out of the window and flew away with a jet pack.
I quickly ran back to the Batmobile and followed him.
He was flying very fast and he was almost out of sight.
I drove as fast as I could, but I couldn’t catch up to him.
He was flying over the city when he suddenly stopped in mid-air.
He turned around and looked at me, then he flew away again and disappeared into the night.
I walked back to Wayne Enterprises and went to my office.
I sat down at the computer and started looking through the security footage, trying to figure out who he was.
As I looked through the footage, I realized that his suit was equipped with the latest stealth technology, which made him virtually invisible to any security cameras or systems in the building.
I couldn’t find anything on him and I got very angry.
All of my tech had been stolen and there was nothing I could do to get it back.
I had worked so hard on all of this tech, and now it was gone forever.
This wasn’t just a blow to my company, it was also a threat to Gotham’s security.
My tech was some of the most advanced in the world, and if it fell into the wrong hands, it could be used for all sorts of nefarious purposes.
Tech Titans: Clash of Billionaire Vigilantes
It would be difficult for me to catch up with him anytime soon, especially without knowing who or where he is.
As I thought about this, I suddenly heard an alert coming from my cowl.
There was a communication device hidden inside it, which meant that someone was trying to contact me.
I didn’t want to talk to anyone right now, but I had a feeling I knew who it was.
After a moment of hesitation, I answered the call and waited for the video feed to appear on my HUD screen.
Sure enough, it was him again—the man who stole my tech—the thief himself.
He smirked at me as soon as he saw me onscreen and said, “Hello Batman.I see you finally managed to catch up with me.”
“I didn’t catch up with you,” I said harshly.
“I don’t know who you are or what you want, but I’m not going to let you get away with this.”
“Oh really?”
he asked with a chuckle.
“I’d like to see you try.”
“Gotham is my city,”
I replied angrily, clenching my fists tightly in frustration.
“I’ve worked really hard to protect it, and I’m not going to let some thief waltz in here and steal my tech!”
The man just laughed and said, “What are you going to do, Batman?”
“Are you going to give me the ‘I’m Batman’ speech?”
I ignored him and continued, “This isn’t just about my tech.
It’s about the people who live here.
If you think I’m going to let you—”
he interjected, his voice dripping with arrogance.
“What are you going to do, Batman?
You can’t even catch me.
I have better tech than you, better weapons, better everything.
How are you going to stop me?
Just let me go and we can forget this ever happened.”
I stared at him silently.
He was right, in a way.
I didn’t know who he was or what he was capable of.
But I wasn’t about to give up without a fight.
I was going to find him and make him pay for what he did.
“Don’t worry,”
he said with a smirk.
“We’ll meet again soon enough.
And when we do, I’ll give you the fight of your life.”
He then cut the connection and vanished from my screen.
I stood there for a moment, trying to process everything that had just happened.
This guy was good.
He had managed to break into Wayne Enterprises, steal my tech, and get away without anyone seeing him.
He was also very arrogant, which made me think he was probably some kind of genius or billionaire.
But none of that mattered right now.
What mattered was getting my tech back before it was too late.
If he used it, it would put Gotham in danger—and even worse, it might reveal my identity as Batman.
I didn’t know what he would do with my tech or how much damage he could cause, but I had to stop him before it was too late.
Tech Titans: Clash of Billionaire Vigilantes
I quickly called Lucius Fox, who was one of the few people I trusted with my secret, and told him what happened.
“I need you to do a full analysis of the security footage and see if there’s anything we can use to track this guy,” I told him.
“I’ll see what I can do,” he replied, his voice serious.
“I’ll let you know as soon as I have anything.”
“Thanks, Lucius,” I said before ending the call.
Lucius was the best in the business, which meant if there was a way to track this guy down, he would find it.
But in the meantime, I had work of my own to do.
I needed to get back to the Batcave and see what, if anything, was left of my tech.
I just hoped Lucius would be able to find something before it was too late.
The Thief’s POV
Bruce Wayne was not happy with me.
Not that I cared, of course—I’d been working on this plan for months, and I wasn’t about to let some spoiled playboy billionaire stop me now.
Besides, it was his own fault for making his security so easy to hack.
If he didn’t want people like me stealing his tech, maybe he should try investing in better security measures or something.
Not that it would have mattered anyway—if there was one thing I was good at, it was breaking into places and getting away before anyone knew what hit them.
And tonight was no exception.
I’d been in and out of Wayne Enterprises before anyone even knew I was there.
And now that I had everything I needed, it was time to disappear into the night and prepare for the next phase of my plan.
But before I left, I had one more thing I needed to do.
I pulled out the small device I’d stolen from Bruce Wayne’s office and activated it, bringing his face onto the screen in front of me.
he said with a scowl once he saw me.
“Oh, please,” I replied with a smirk.
“You’re not fooling anyone, Mr.Wayne.” His eyes narrowed at that, but I could tell he was trying not to let me see just how angry he really was. “What do you want?”
he demanded, his voice dripping with impatience and barely-concealed rage.
“Just wanted to say thanks for all the cool new toys,” I replied with a smile.
“I can’t wait to try them out.”
“You’re going to regret this,”