MidReal Story

Tech Dreams: The AI Breakthrough


Apr 19
Scenario:boring guy hopes to make a ai product
Create my version of this story
boring guy hopes to make a ai product
I’m a regular guy with an extraordinary dream.
I never thought my dream would come true, but I still worked hard for it.
I’m an ambitious man with nothing to show for it.
I have no friends or relationships.
All I do is work to make ends meet.
I was unhappy with my current situation, but I knew I was capable of more.
I was confident in my ability to change the world, or at least the tech industry.
But I had to get there first.
I had to make a name for myself, and I had a plan.
It was a daring plan, especially when you consider who I am.
But I was determined to see it through.
So, here we are.
Fate has brought me here, to this exact moment.
And I know my life will never be the same.
I work for a boring company in a boring job that no one ever heard of.
My life was boring and uneventful, but I still dreamed I could do something amazing.
I always dreamed about making something that would change the world or revolutionize an industry, like Steve Jobs and his iPhone, Elon Musk and his Tesla, or Thomas Edison and his light bulb.
But I’m no genius, and I never invented anything that made a difference in the world.
Instead, I sat at my desk every day and did the same thing over and over again.
It wasn’t challenging or exciting, but it paid the bills, so I couldn’t complain.
But the truth is that sometimes all I could think about were my dreams and how unlikely they were to ever come true.
It’s not that I didn’t have potential; I just never found my passion until now.
If only I could find something that motivated me and made me excited about the future…
That’s when I started looking into AI – artificial intelligence – and its potential impact on the world.
AI was the future, and I wanted to be part of it.
I wanted to make a difference in the tech industry, even if it meant taking a risk.
I didn’t know how, but I would figure it out along the way.
The path might be rocky, but it was worth trying.
After all, what did I have to lose?
I was just an ordinary guy with a boring life who aspired for greatness.
Maybe if I worked hard enough, fate would be on my side.
Maybe if I took one step at a time and made the right choices along the way, one day my dreams would come true.
Or maybe my dreams were too far-fetched and unrealistic.
Maybe I should’ve given up on them a long time ago.
But that wasn’t me.
I believed in myself and everything life threw at me because everything served a purpose – even if I couldn’t see it right away.
"Tech Dreams: The AI Breakthrough"
That’s why I never worried about the future.
Life would take me where I should be, even if the journey was longer than I hoped.
And even if I had to take the scenic route…
But who am I kidding?
My life was boring.
I woke up every morning at 6 o’clock sharp, got out of bed, brushed my teeth, washed my face, got dressed, had breakfast, grabbed my keys, and went to work.
Once I arrived, I sat at my desk for eight hours straight.
After work, I went to the gym to work out for an hour before going home.
And when I arrived home, I had dinner, watched TV or played video games, took a shower, went to bed, and repeated the same process the next day – or whenever I had work.
On weekends, I still woke up early but went to bed later.
Instead of going to work, I did the house chores.
Then, I did the grocery shopping or ran errands.
After that, I went home again.
Sometimes I took a nap in the afternoon before having dinner.
Most of the time, I caught up on my sleep or did some reading.
Some days, I cooked a new recipe or did some baking.
But no matter what I did with my free time, it was always boring.
At least, that’s how my friends described it.
Yes, I have friends – kind of.
We’ve known each other for years because we grew up together.
But we don’t hang out anymore because we no longer have anything in common.
They’re all jocks who like sports, parties, or girls – lots of girls.
So, we naturally grew apart over time.
After all, how could I ever fit in with them?
I’m not into sports because I prefer intellectual games like chess or video games instead.
Parties are too noisy for me because I’m more of an introvert.
And girls think I’m boring because I don’t have much to say and keep to myself most of the time.
So I’ve been single my whole life and never had a real girlfriend.
Not that it bothered me; I never met the right girl for me anyway.
But sometimes I did wish there was something more than what I already had.
That’s why when I found out about AI and how it could change the world as we know it, I was excited all over again.
I wanted to be part of that change and make a difference in the tech industry.
The only problem was that I didn’t know where to start or how to get there.
But I could figure it out along the way.
That’s what life is all about: you learn as you go and adapt to your surroundings.
And I believed that if I put my mind to it and worked hard enough, I would eventually get there – wherever that might be.
That’s also why I never complained about my job or how uneventful my life was.
I just kept on living until I found my purpose in life.
"Tech Dreams: The AI Breakthrough"
It was true that my job was boring and paid very little.
But it also had its benefits: being close to where I lived and not working too hard.
Most of the time, I didn’t even do anything at work.
I just sat in front of the computer and read books or did some research online.
They didn’t care because they paid me by the hour anyway.
So as long as I completed my tasks by the end of the day and didn’t make any mistakes, they left me alone most of the time.
That’s why I also had enough free time to think about my future and what direction I wanted to take.
I’d been trying to start something on my own for years but hadn’t found anything that worked for me yet.
I tried to start a small online business or invest in real estate, but nothing seemed to work for me.
Either there wasn’t enough money to be made or it took too long to pay off.
It wasn’t that I needed the money because I had enough savings and earned enough at work.
It was more about building something up from scratch and making a difference.
The thrill of trying something new and succeeding at it.
That’s what motivated me and kept me going day after day.
Knowing that one day I’d find something worth fighting for and never give up on.
It would be too good to pass up so that I wouldn’t have any doubt about it.
It would be something that would make my whole life worth living for.
And until then, I didn’t mind biding my time and waiting for the right opportunity.
I was sure it would come sooner or later.
So I continued with my daily routine of going to work and exercising afterward.
It was simple but also very effective at keeping me in shape and staying healthy.
Sometimes I changed things up by going to a different park or running in another direction.
It gave me a chance to see new things and meet new people – even if we only said hello or smiled at each other.
Most of the time, however, I was lost in my thoughts as I sat on a bench or lay on the grass after a good run.
I thought about my life and where it was going.
I wondered what was going to happen next and when it would come to an end.
What would my legacy be?
Would people remember me after I died?
Or would they forget about me as soon as I was gone?
I didn’t know the answers but felt confident about them anyway.
I believed in destiny and how everything happened for a reason – even if we didn’t know it at the time.
So no matter what happened to me or where life took me, it was always meant to be that way.
I was always where I was supposed to be at any moment in time.
And it gave me comfort knowing that someone else was looking out for me.
"Tech Dreams: The AI Breakthrough"
Some people might have thought that my life was boring or dull and felt sorry for me because of how little I did or how few people I saw every day.
But it didn’t bother me at all.
I was used to doing things on my own and kept myself entertained most of the time anyway.
What mattered to me was how happy or satisfied I felt with myself and whether or not I was doing what I loved or enjoyed on a regular basis.
And if it meant being alone or having few friends or family members around me, then so be it.
I didn’t mind.
In fact, it was better this way because it allowed me to focus on myself and what I really wanted to do with my life without being distracted or influenced by others who might have different ideas or values than mine.
And that included women too because even though I’d never been in a relationship before or even gone on a date with one, it wasn’t something that really bothered me or made me unhappy at all.
Sure, I’d thought about it from time to time and wondered what it would be like to have a girlfriend or someone special in my life.
But the timing had never been right for me and I was never really attracted to anyone who was interested in me at the same time either.
So I chose to wait until I met the right person instead of wasting my time or energy on someone who wasn’t worth it.
Because when the right one came along, I would know it and wouldn’t have to think twice or second-guess myself.
And until then, I was more than happy to wait and continue living my life the way I wanted to live it.
So when the global pandemic hit and forced people to stay home or adapt to a new way of living together, I was one of the few who didn’t have any problem with it at all.
I kept doing what I always did – going to work and exercising afterward – without having to change anything or worry about anything.
I avoided crowded places and washed my hands regularly like usual to keep myself healthy and safe.
And when I wasn’t doing any of those things, I stayed home and read a book or watched TV.
While others might have felt lonely or bored at home and tried to entertain themselves with social media or keep themselves busy with their friends, I was content doing what I could on my own without needing anyone else around me.
So when I sat down at work one day and started punching numbers into the system like usual, it came as no surprise that an idea suddenly struck me out of nowhere and made me stop what I was doing.
I was almost done with my tasks for the day and had nothing else to do after this.
I still had an hour left before I was finished and wanted to spend it wisely.
So instead of continuing with what I was doing right now, I decided to put everything aside for now and focus on this new idea that had just come up.
As a data entry specialist, my job required me to enter information into the system as quickly and accurately as possible so that someone else could use it later on.
It was simple but also very boring because it didn’t require me to think much while doing it.
"Tech Dreams: The AI Breakthrough"
I want to make a website to star a new project
I’d always been good at what I did, but it was also true that it didn’t interest me and wouldn’t help me get anywhere.
So even though most people would have felt the same way about their jobs as I did, they wouldn’t have done anything to change it.
And it wasn’t because they couldn’t or didn’t want to do anything else.
They just didn’t know what else they could do or what they wanted to do either.
But as far as I was concerned, it was different because I knew exactly what I wanted to do and what kind of life I wanted to have.
I’d always known that something big was waiting for me out there, but hadn’t found it yet.
So instead of wasting my potential and living my life the way other people wanted me to live it, I chose to bide my time and wait until the right opportunity came.
That way, I could make the most out of it and reach my full potential.
And when other people saw how successful I was, they would regret not being there to support me when they had the chance.
I’d spent most of my life on my own and had never had any real friends or relationships at all.
I wasn’t close to my family either and only spoke with them when it was absolutely necessary or when there was no other choice.
This had always been the case and wasn’t going to change anytime soon either.
As a result, most people thought of me as an outsider who was different from everyone else around them.
I didn’t care much about what other people thought about me or talk behind my back.
And even though it was true that I was different from others in many ways, it didn’t mean that there was something wrong with me or that I was disabled or needed help.
I just had a different personality than most people did and preferred doing things on my own instead of relying on others to help me get through things or problems.
So even though I had no one to support me or talk to when things got tough, I knew what I was capable of and could handle anything on my own very easily.
But I also knew that I would need someone to help me with this new project I wanted to start if I wanted to succeed and make the most out of it as well.
No matter how much I wanted to do everything on my own, this time it would be different because I couldn’t do anything without the help of someone else who had the right skills and experience to help me bring my dream to life as well.
I had no idea how to build a website or create a project from scratch because I’d never done it before and had no experience with it at all.
But I also had no one around me to ask for help or show me how to do it, even if I wanted to learn or try to do it on my own at some point in time as well.
So I figured that now would be a good time for me to reach out and ask someone for help if I wanted to succeed or make the most out of this opportunity that had just come up out of nowhere.
"Tech Dreams: The AI Breakthrough"