MidReal Story

Targeted by Love

Scenario:a girl assassin falls for a mafia boss man
Create my version of this story
a girl assassin falls for a mafia boss man
I was a killer.
A trained assassin.
And I was very good at what I did.
My name is Elena Vargas, and I have been an assassin since I was eighteen years old.
I am now twenty-four, and I have killed over fifty people.
I was hired by the mafia to kill their enemies, and I did just that.
I had no remorse for the people I killed because they were all bad people who deserved to die.
I never killed anyone who didn’t deserve it.
But then everything changed when I was hired to kill him.
Dominic Moretti.
The mafia boss of the Moretti family in New York City.
He was ruthless, powerful, and sexy as hell.
He was also my new target.
I had no idea why he wanted me dead, but I didn’t care.
Targeted by Love
The ballroom was a sea of glittering gowns and sharp tuxedos, a perfect camouflage for someone like me.
I slipped through the crowd, my eyes scanning the room for Dominic Moretti.
The chandeliers above cast a golden glow, making everything seem surreal.
I spotted him near the bar, his presence commanding attention even in this opulent setting.
Dominic stood tall, his dark hair slicked back, and his suit tailored to perfection.
He was talking to a group of men, but his eyes seemed to scan the room constantly.
My heart raced unexpectedly as I moved closer.
This wasn't supposed to happen.
I was a professional; emotions had no place in my line of work.
As I approached, Dominic's dark eyes met mine.
A spark ignited between us, something electric that I couldn't ignore.
I hesitated, my hand brushing against the concealed weapon strapped to my thigh.
"Elena," I whispered to myself, "focus."
Dominic broke away from his group and started walking towards me.
His charisma was overwhelming, each step he took seemed calculated and deliberate.
"Good evening," he said, his voice smooth like velvet. "I don't believe we've met."
Targeted by Love
"I'm Elena," I replied, trying to keep my voice steady.
"Elena," he repeated, tasting my name on his lips. "Beautiful name for a beautiful woman."
I felt a blush creeping up my neck. This was not how it was supposed to go.
"What brings you here tonight?" he asked, his eyes never leaving mine.
"I'm just... enjoying the party," I lied.
"Is that so?" His smile was knowing, almost as if he could see right through me.
We exchanged tense but charged words, each sentence feeling like a dance of its own.
Every time he spoke, I felt myself getting more entangled in his dangerous allure.
From across the room, I saw Maria watching us intently.
She gave a subtle signal of caution, her eyes warning me to stay focused on the mission.
But it was too late; I was already drawn into Dominic's web.
"So, Elena," Dominic said, leaning in closer. "What do you do?"
"I'm in... security," I said, choosing my words carefully.
"Interesting," he replied. "You don't strike me as the typical security type."
"And what type do I strike you as?" I challenged.
He chuckled softly. "Someone who knows exactly what they want and how to get it."
Targeted by Love
His words sent a shiver down my spine. He was too close now; I could smell his cologne, feel the heat radiating from his body.
"I should go," I said abruptly, trying to break free from his magnetic pull.
"Leaving so soon?" His hand brushed against mine, sending another jolt of electricity through me.
"I have things to attend to," I said, stepping back.
"Of course," he said smoothly. "But remember this: I'll be keeping an eye on you."
As I turned to leave, my mind was in turmoil. My mission was clear: kill Dominic Moretti. But now, everything felt complicated.
Maria caught up with me as I made my way towards the exit. "What happened back there?" she hissed.
"Nothing," I lied again. "Just gathering intel."
"You looked like you were about to fall for him," she accused.
"Don't be ridiculous," I snapped back. But deep down, I knew she wasn't entirely wrong.
We reached the exit when suddenly an alarm blared through the ballroom.
Panic erupted around us as security personnel rushed in from all sides.
Dominic's voice boomed over the chaos: "Nobody leaves until we find out what's going on!"
Targeted by Love
"We need to get out before they lock everything down," Maria whispered urgently.
I nodded, letting her lead the way.
We slipped through the narrow passage, the noise of the alarm muffled behind us.
The walls were damp and the air smelled musty, a stark contrast to the opulence of the ballroom.
"Where are we going?" I asked, my voice low.
"There's a way out through here," Maria replied, her grip on my arm tightening.
My mind raced, torn between my mission and my feelings for Dominic.
We reached a dimly lit room, cluttered with old furniture and boxes.
Maria handed me a gun, her eyes intense.
"You have to decide now, Elena," she said firmly.
I took the weapon, feeling its weight in my hand.
The cold metal was a reminder of my purpose.
The door creaked open, and Dominic stood there, his eyes locking onto mine with a mix of suspicion and desire.
"Elena," he said softly, stepping into the room. "What are you doing?"
I raised the gun, my hands shaking slightly. "Stay back, Dominic."
He held up his hands in a gesture of surrender. "You don't have to do this."
Maria moved beside me, her own gun trained on Dominic. "Don't listen to him, Elena. He's dangerous."
Targeted by Love
Dominic's gaze shifted to Maria. "So this is your backup? Interesting choice."
"Shut up!" Maria snapped. "Elena, we need to go now."
I hesitated, my finger hovering over the trigger.
"Elena," Dominic said again, his voice calm. "Think about what you're doing."
The tension in the room was palpable.
Every second felt like an eternity as I weighed my options.
Finally, I lowered the gun slightly. "Why did you want me dead?"
Dominic's eyes softened. "I never wanted you dead. I wanted to understand why someone like you would be sent after me."
Maria scoffed. "He's lying."
"Am I?" Dominic challenged, taking a step closer.
"Stop!" I shouted, raising the gun again.
Dominic froze, his eyes never leaving mine. "Elena, please. You don't have to be their pawn."
Maria grabbed my arm again. "We don't have time for this!"
I glanced at Maria, then back at Dominic.
My heart pounded in my chest as I made my decision.
"Go," I said to Maria. "I'll handle this."
"What?" Maria looked at me incredulously. "Are you insane?"
"Just go!" I insisted.
Maria hesitated for a moment before nodding reluctantly. "Fine. But if you die here, it's on you."
She slipped out through another door, leaving me alone with Dominic.
Dominic lowered his hands slowly. "Thank you."
"Don't thank me yet," I replied coldly. "This doesn't mean I trust you."
Targeted by Love
He nodded understandingly. "Fair enough."
I kept the gun trained on him as he took another step closer.
"Why are you really here?" I demanded.
"I told you," he said calmly. "I wanted to understand you."
"And now that you do?" I asked skeptically.
Dominic's eyes bore into mine. "Now I want to help you."
I laughed bitterly. "Help me? How?"
"By getting you out of this life," he said simply.
I shook my head. "It's not that easy."
"It can be," he insisted. "If we work together."
Before I could respond, footsteps echoed from the passage we had come through.
Dominic's expression hardened. "We need to move."
He reached out and took my hand gently but firmly.
For a moment, I considered pulling away.
But something in his eyes made me trust him.
We moved quickly through the labyrinthine passages until we found another exit leading outside.
The cool night air hit my face as we emerged into an alleyway.
Dominic turned to me, his grip still firm on my hand.
"We're not safe yet," he warned.
Suddenly, headlights flooded the alleyway as a black SUV screeched to a halt in front of us.
The doors flew open and armed men jumped out.
"Get down!" Dominic shouted as he pulled me behind a dumpster for cover.
Gunfire erupted around us as bullets ricocheted off the metal surfaces.
Targeted by Love
My heart pounded as I fired back at the attackers.
Dominic's eyes met mine, filled with determination.
"We need to get out of here," he shouted over the gunfire.
I nodded, adrenaline surging through my veins.
We moved in sync, taking down enemies one by one.
Maria's voice crackled through my earpiece. "Elena, there's a safehouse nearby. Head there now!"
Dominic led the way, his grip firm on my hand.
We dashed through the narrow alleyways, the sound of gunfire fading behind us.
The city lights flickered above, casting eerie shadows on the walls.
I could hear our footsteps echoing in the empty streets.
"Over here!" Dominic pointed to a small, unmarked door at the end of an alley.
We reached it just as more gunshots rang out behind us.
Dominic kicked the door open and pulled me inside.
The room was dimly lit, filled with old furniture and dusty shelves.
I felt a mix of relief and fear for what lay ahead.
"Lock it," Dominic ordered, and I quickly bolted the door behind us.
Targeted by Love
He scanned the room, checking for any signs of danger.
"We should be safe here for now," he said, his voice steady but tense.
I leaned against the wall, trying to catch my breath. "What now?"
"We wait for Maria," he replied. "She'll know what to do next."
Minutes felt like hours as we waited in silence.
The only sounds were our heavy breathing and the distant hum of the city outside.
Finally, Maria's voice came through my earpiece again. "I'm almost there. Hold tight."
Dominic glanced at me, his expression softening. "Are you okay?"
I nodded, though my hands were still trembling. "Yeah. Just... processing everything."
He stepped closer, his eyes searching mine. "You did great out there."
Before I could respond, the door creaked open and Maria slipped inside.
She looked around quickly before closing it behind her. "We need to move again soon. This place won't stay safe for long."
"Where do we go?" I asked, feeling a knot of anxiety tighten in my stomach.
Maria pulled out a map and spread it on a nearby table. "There's another safehouse about ten blocks from here. It's more secure."
Targeted by Love
Dominic studied the map briefly before nodding. "Let's go then."
We moved quickly, exiting through a back door that led to another series of narrow alleys.
The night air was cool against my skin as we navigated through the maze-like streets.
Every shadow seemed to hold potential danger, every sound made me jump.
"Stay close," Dominic whispered, his hand never leaving mine.
We reached the second safehouse without incident and slipped inside quietly.
This one was better maintained, with reinforced doors and windows.
Maria locked everything down while Dominic and I checked the rooms for any threats.
Once we were sure it was secure, we gathered in the main room.
"What's our next move?" I asked, looking between them.
Maria sighed heavily. "We need to find out who sent those men after us. Until then, we're sitting ducks."
Dominic nodded in agreement. "We'll rest here for a bit and then start gathering intel."
I felt exhaustion creeping in but pushed it aside. There was no time for rest yet.
As we settled into our temporary refuge, I couldn't shake the feeling that this was far from over.
Targeted by Love
She glanced at the screen, her face paling.
"Our location has been compromised again," she said, her voice tight with urgency.
My heart pounded in my chest as I grabbed my gun and moved to check the windows.
The street outside was eerily quiet, shadows stretching long under the dim streetlights.
Dominic cursed under his breath, pacing the room with agitation.
"We need to move now," he said, his tone leaving no room for argument.
Maria nodded, already stuffing essentials into a bag with practiced efficiency.
I joined her, grabbing whatever looked useful and shoving it into another bag.
We couldn't afford to leave anything behind that might give us away.
"Let's go," Dominic urged, opening the back door and peering into the dark alley beyond.
We slipped out one by one, the cool night air hitting our faces as we stepped into the shadows.
The tension was palpable as we moved swiftly but silently down the alleyway.
Every sound seemed amplified in the stillness—our footsteps, distant traffic, even our own breathing.
Suddenly, headlights appeared at the end of the alley, their beams slicing through the darkness.
"Get down!" Dominic hissed, pushing me against the wall and shielding me with his body just as bullets began to whiz past us.
Targeted by Love
"Run!" he shouted over the deafening noise of gunfire.
We sprinted towards a narrow escape route between two buildings, our feet pounding against the pavement.
I could hear Maria's breath coming in ragged gasps beside me as we ran for our lives.
The alley twisted and turned, each corner bringing a new wave of dread that we might run straight into another ambush.
Dominic led us through a maze of backstreets and alleys until we finally burst out onto a quieter street.
He pulled me into a small alcove, his eyes scanning our surroundings for any sign of pursuit.
"Are you okay?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
I nodded, trying to catch my breath. "Yeah... I'm fine."
Maria joined us moments later, her face flushed but determined. "We can't stay here long," she said urgently. "They'll be looking for us."
Dominic nodded in agreement. "There's an old warehouse a few blocks from here. We can lay low there until we figure out our next move."
We moved quickly but cautiously through the deserted streets, every nerve on edge as we made our way to the warehouse.
The building loomed ahead of us, its windows dark and foreboding.
Dominic forced open a side door and ushered us inside. The interior was cold and musty, filled with abandoned machinery and crates covered in dust.
"We should be safe here for now," Dominic said, his voice echoing slightly in the vast space.
Targeted by Love
I leaned against a crate, trying to steady my racing heart. "What now?"
Maria pulled out her phone again, checking for any new messages or updates. "We need to find out who keeps leaking our location," she said grimly.
Dominic nodded thoughtfully. "Agreed. But first, we need to rest and regroup."
We found a small office at the back of the warehouse and barricaded ourselves inside. The room was cramped but offered some semblance of security.
As I sat down on an old chair, exhaustion washed over me like a tidal wave. I closed my eyes for a moment, trying to process everything that had happened.
Dominic's hand on my shoulder brought me back to reality. "We'll get through this," he said softly.
I looked up at him, seeing both determination and concern in his eyes. "I hope you're right."
Maria was already setting up her laptop on a dusty desk, her fingers flying over the keyboard as she tried to trace whoever was after us.
"We'll find them," she said confidently without looking up.
I took a deep breath and nodded. For now, all we could do was wait and prepare for whatever came next.
But deep down, I knew this was far from over.
And I wasn't sure if we'd ever truly be safe again.
Suddenly, there was a loud crash from somewhere within the warehouse.
Dominic's eyes widened as he reached for his gun.
"Stay alert," he whispered urgently.
The fight wasn't over yet.
And neither were we.
Targeted by Love
I followed closely, my heart pounding in my chest.
The warehouse was dimly lit, shadows dancing on the walls from the flickering lights outside.
We reached a corner and peeked around it.
A shadowy figure moved near the entrance, barely visible in the gloom.
Dominic signaled to me to flank the intruder.
I nodded and silently moved to the other side, keeping low and using the crates for cover.
As we closed in, the figure turned, revealing a familiar face—an old rival of Dominic's, grinning menacingly.
"Miss me?" he taunted, his voice dripping with sarcasm.
Without hesitation, Dominic fired a warning shot.
The rival ducked and returned fire, bullets whizzing past us.
I lunged forward, tackling him to the ground with all my strength.
My knife was out in an instant, its blade pressed against his throat.
"Don't move," I hissed, my grip firm despite the adrenaline coursing through me.
The rival's grin faded slightly but didn't disappear. "Feisty as ever," he muttered.
Dominic approached cautiously, his gun still trained on our captive. "What are you doing here, Marcus?"
Marcus chuckled darkly. "Just tying up loose ends."
Targeted by Love
"Who sent you?" I demanded, pressing the knife harder against his skin.
He winced but didn't answer immediately. "You think I'm going to tell you that?"
Dominic's eyes narrowed. "You don't have a choice."
Maria appeared from behind another stack of crates, her gun aimed at Marcus. "We need answers. Now."
Marcus glanced between us, weighing his options. "Fine," he said finally. "But you're not going to like it."
"Try us," Dominic growled.
Marcus took a deep breath. "It's all part of a bigger plan. You're just pawns in a game you don't even understand."
"Who's pulling the strings?" Maria pressed.
Marcus hesitated again before speaking. "Someone high up. Someone with connections everywhere."
Dominic's jaw tightened. "Names. We need names."
Marcus shook his head slightly. "Even if I told you, it wouldn't matter. They're untouchable."
I felt frustration boiling inside me but kept my focus. "Why target us specifically?"
"Because you're threats," Marcus replied simply. "And threats need to be eliminated."
Before we could ask more questions, there was another loud crash from deeper within the warehouse.
Dominic's eyes darted towards the sound. "We need to move," he said urgently.
Targeted by Love
I nodded and quickly disarmed Marcus, taking his weapon and securing him with some rope we found nearby.
"We can't leave him here," Maria pointed out.
"We won't," Dominic assured her. "We'll take him with us and get more answers later."
We dragged Marcus to his feet and moved swiftly towards another exit at the back of the warehouse.
The night air hit us again as we stepped outside into another alleyway.
Dominic led the way while Maria and I kept our guns trained on Marcus.
Every step felt tense as we navigated through the dark streets once more.
Finally, we reached another safehouse—a small apartment building that looked abandoned from the outside.
Dominic forced open a side door and ushered us inside quickly.
The interior was cramped but offered some shelter from prying eyes.
We secured Marcus in a corner and took turns watching him while Maria continued her efforts to trace our enemies.
As I sat down for a moment's rest, I couldn't shake off the feeling that this was far from over.
But for now, we had some breathing room—and hopefully enough time to figure out our next move before it was too late.
Suddenly, there was another noise—a faint tapping sound coming from one of the windows.
Dominic motioned for silence again as he crept towards it cautiously.
Targeted by Love