MidReal Story

Survival's Last Stand


May 15
Scenario:6 kids are forced to flee their hometown in order to try and survive the new zombie apocalypse
Create my version of this story
6 kids are forced to flee their hometown in order to try and survive the new zombie apocalypse
It was a normal day at school, and I was sitting in my last class of the day, waiting for the bell to ring.
I was in my junior year of high school, and I had been going to this school since I was a freshman.
I had made a lot of friends here, but there were only five that I was really close to.
We had all been friends since we were kids, and we did everything together.
We were all in the same class right now, and we were all sitting together at our usual table.
Lucas Greene, who was one of my best friends, sat across from me.
He was tall with glasses and short brown hair that he always kept neatly combed.
He was also the smartest person I knew, and he could figure out just about anything if he put his mind to it.
Sarah Jennings sat next to him.
She had curly red hair that she always wore in a ponytail and big brown eyes that always seemed to be full of life.
She was very outgoing and had a bubbly personality, but she was also really brave and would do anything to help her friends.
Tyler Lee sat next to her.
He was tall and had an athletic build with short black hair that he always kept neatly trimmed.
He was also very agile and could run faster than anyone I knew.
He was the closest to Sarah out of all of us, and he had always been there for her whenever she needed him.
As for me, my name is Emily Carter, and I’m the leader of our group.
I’m good friends with all of them, but I was closest to Lucas since we had a lot in common.
We were both really good at math, and we both enjoyed doing puzzles and solving problems.
We were currently passing notes back and forth during class, which was something we did a lot when we were bored.
“So what do you guys want to do this weekend?”
I wrote on a piece of paper before passing it to Lucas.
“I don’t know,” he wrote back.
“What do you want to do?”
“I was thinking maybe we could go to the movies or something,” I wrote back.
“That sounds good,” he wrote back before passing the note back to me.
“Are you guys going to keep passing notes like that the whole class?”
Sarah asked before leaning over the table and peeking at the note that Lucas had just passed me.
She had a big smile on her face as she did this, and I knew that she was curious about what we were talking about.
“No, we’re done,” Lucas said as he quickly folded up the note and put it in his pocket.
“Sorry for eavesdropping.”
“Did you guys want to do anything this weekend?”
I asked as I looked at Tyler and Sarah.
“Not really,” Tyler said as he shrugged his shoulders.
“Well, we could always just hang out at someone’s house or go to the mall or something,” Sarah said as she looked at Tyler.
“I wouldn’t mind going to the mall,” Tyler said as he nodded his head.
“I need some new clothes anyway.”
“I can drive us there if you guys want,” I said as I looked at the three of them.
“That would be great,” Tyler said as he smiled at me.
I was about to say something else when a loud noise suddenly interrupted me.
I looked up and saw that it was coming from the back of the classroom, but I didn’t see what had caused it until several seconds later when one of the students suddenly stumbled over a desk and fell on the ground.
I gasped when I saw him because it was obvious that he was hurt, but not seriously.
He slowly got up several seconds later, looking very disoriented as he did so.
Survival's Last Stand
I felt a sense of unease wash over me at this moment, but I didn’t know what had caused it.
“What’s going on?”
Lucas asked as he looked around the classroom.
But nobody else seemed to be fazed by this, and they all continued working on their assignments like nothing had happened.
“That was weird,” Sarah said as she shook her head.
“It looked like he just tripped over a desk or something.”
I didn’t say anything in response because I knew that wasn’t true.
The other students in our class may have thought that he had simply fallen down, but they were wrong.
I had seen him stumble over a desk several seconds before he fell, but there hadn’t been any reason for him to do so.
The desk had been in front of him, but it wasn’t blocking his path, and there wasn’t anything else near him that would have caused him to fall down.
It was almost like he had just lost his balance and fallen over all by himself, but that was impossible.
People didn’t just fall over for no reason, and they certainly didn’t act like that when they did.
So why had he fallen down?
I didn’t know, and this made me feel even more uneasy.
“Emily, are you okay?”
Lucas asked just a few seconds later.
“You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
“I’m fine,” I said as I shook my head.
“I just don’t know what happened.”
Lucas looked at me for a few seconds before nodding his head.
“I know,” he said.
“It was really strange.”
We were both about to say something else when we suddenly heard another loud noise coming from the back of the classroom.
This time, I looked up much faster than before, and I saw that the same student who had tripped over a desk earlier had just fallen down again.
But this time, he didn’t get back up.
Instead, he just lay there on the ground, his body twitching and spasming uncontrollably.
The other students in our class all stopped working when they saw this and began talking amongst themselves, but none of them seemed overly concerned or worried.
But I was, and so was Lucas.
We both got up from our seats at the same time before hurrying over to the back of the classroom to see if we could help him.
But before we could get there, we suddenly heard something else that made us stop in our tracks: a loud scream coming from outside the building.
Lucas and I both turned around and rushed over to one of the windows so that we could look outside, but we couldn’t see anything at first because it was blocked by the side of the building.
It wasn’t until we reached the end of the hallway that we found an empty window that we could look out of, and what we saw made us gasp in shock.
There were a lot of students on the football field right now, most of whom were either playing sports or sitting on the bleachers and talking amongst themselves, but none of them were doing that anymore.
Survival's Last Stand
The longer that Lucas and I stood there, the more we began to question this idea, and it wasn’t until a few moments later, when one of the students suddenly screamed at the top of his lungs, that we realized something was terribly wrong.
Lucas, I said in a hushed voice.
And that was when we suddenly saw something else that made both of us gasp again: the teacher, Mr.
Davis, had just tackled one of the students to the ground and was now trying to bite him.
But he wasn’t doing it with his mouth fully open.
Instead, he was doing it with his teeth clenched tightly together.
The student that he was attacking was doing the same thing, and he was also trying to bite back, which made it look like they were both kissing each other.
But they weren’t kissing each other.
They were trying to eat each other!
I couldn’t believe what I was seeing!
Lucas said, his voice filled with shock and terror.
I didn’t have an answer for him at first, but as I continued to watch everything play out down below, I suddenly felt like I knew what was going on.
It felt like I had seen this all happen before, and it was only after a few seconds that I suddenly remembered where.
This wasn’t a normal fight that was happening down below.
These students weren’t hitting or kicking each other like they normally would in a schoolyard scuffle.
They were biting each other, and not just little nibbles either.
The longer that Lucas and I watched this scene play out down below, the more we began to realize that this was a full-on fight to the death.
And it seemed like all of the students wanted to kill their teacher.
At first, I thought that this might have been some type of senior prank that had gone terribly wrong, but then I saw one of the students suddenly break free from Mr.
Davis’s grasp and run over to where another one of his classmates was sitting.
And when he got close enough, he suddenly grabbed onto him and tackled him to the ground before biting him as well.
Lucas asked in a whisper as he grabbed a hold of my arm.
“Are those students eating each other?”
I didn’t have an answer for him at first.
I didn’t want to believe it either.
But that was what it looked like to me.
And if it was true, then something terrible must have happened to them earlier today!
Because there was no way that any sane person would do this to someone else!
Lucas said as he let go of my arm and began to back away from the window.
I turned around and saw that everyone in our class was also watching everything that was happening down below, and they all had the same horrified expression on their faces.
Nobody knew what to do, and nobody wanted to believe what we were all seeing with our own eyes.
But there was no denying it.
Something had happened to those students down there earlier today, something that had turned them into monsters, and now they were trying to eat the flesh of their classmates!
It didn’t take long for us to realize what was happening, either, because after only a few seconds, one of the students tried to break free from Mr.
Davis’s grasp, only to fall to the ground again.
But he wasn’t the only one who fell, as another student suddenly got up from the bleachers and charged at him with his arms outstretched.
And when he got close enough, he suddenly grabbed onto Mr.
Davis’s leg and pulled him to the ground.
Then he began biting his leg as well!
Survival's Last Stand