MidReal Story

Survival Among Chaos


May 23
Scenario:Cat pov, parasites, zombies, aliens
Create my version of this story
Cat pov, parasites, zombies, aliens
I woke up to find my owner trying to eat me.
This was not the first time.
I had been through this before.
The first time, I thought she was just playing.
But then she started growling and hissing at me, and I knew something was wrong.
I ran away, but she chased me.
She was fast, but I was faster.
I managed to escape her clutches and hide in the basement until she forgot about me.
Now, every time I woke up to find her trying to eat me, I knew what to do.
I ran away as fast as I could and hid in the basement until she forgot about me.
It was a good thing that cats were so agile and quick on their feet.
Otherwise, I would have been zombie chow by now.
I heard her growling and hissing behind me as I ran down the stairs into the basement.
I didn’t look back; I didn’t want to see her like that.
I used to be a pampered house cat, living the dream life with my owner, Sarah Jennings.
She fed me the finest cat food and lavished me with all kinds of toys and treats.
We used to snuggle on the couch and watch TV together.
But then the parasites came, and everything changed.
The parasites invaded the brains of humans and turned them into zombies.
Sarah was a brilliant scientist, and she was determined to find a cure for this crisis.
So she went to work in her lab, trying to come up with something that would stop the zombies.
But every time she went out to look for supplies, more of them would come back with her.
She said it was getting harder and harder to avoid them outside.
And I could see why.
The zombies were everywhere, stumbling around and moaning like they were in pain.
It was a good thing that I was a cat and not a human.
Zombies didn’t seem to like cats very much.
Sarah had been bitten by a zombie once, but she never turned into one herself.
I think the parasites had a harder time infecting humans who had been bitten by the cats than humans who had been bitten by other humans.
That’s why Sarah always said that I was more of a protector than a pet.
She needed me to keep her safe from the zombies whenever she went outside to look for supplies or try to find a cure in her lab.
Which meant that my days of lounging around the house and being fed treats whenever I wanted were over.
I had to go out and find my own food now, which wasn’t that easy when most of the stores in town were closed or looted by other survivors.
But I managed to scavenge enough to keep myself alive, along with whatever Sarah had left for me when she went out on her missions.
And sometimes, I managed to bring back something extra for Sarah as well.
Like this morning, when I found a mouse hiding in one of the cupboards.
I caught it and brought it down to the basement, where I left it on the floor for Sarah to eat when she woke up.
I knew it wasn’t much, but it was something at least.
And it was better than nothing.
That’s what I thought, anyway.
But Sarah wasn’t too happy when she saw it this morning.
“You could have at least killed it first,” she said as she picked up the still squirming mouse and snapped its neck between her fingers.
I didn’t know what else to say, so I just meowed at her and sat down beside her as she ate.
She always shared her food with me, which was nice of her considering how little there was to go around these days.
Survival Among Chaos
“You’re not going to eat that?”
Sarah asked as she finished off the mouse and wiped her mouth on her sleeve.
“Why not?”
I shook my head and meowed as I looked at the small pile of bones and fur that she had left behind.
“Oh, come on,” Sarah said as she got up and walked over to the sink where she filled a glass with water and rinsed the blood out of her mouth.
“It’s not like I’m going to get sick from eating a live mouse.”
I shook my head again and meowed as I watched her walk over to the couch and sit down on it.“How long until we go out?”
Sarah asked as she leaned back and closed her eyes.I looked at the small clock on the wall and saw that it was almost noon already.
“Sarah,” I meowed as I jumped up on the couch and walked over to her face where I started rubbing my whiskers against her nose.
“Wake up, Sarah.”
“Mmm,” Sarah grumbled as she pushed me away and opened her eyes slowly.
“What time is it?”
“I thought you said we were going out today.”
I meowed as I sat down in front of her and stared into her bloodshot eyes.
“Get up already you lazy human.”
Sarah laughed and reached out to scratch me behind the ears before she got up off the couch and stretched her arms over her head.
She wasn’t a morning person even before she became one of the infected, but now she was even worse than ever.
I didn’t mind too much though; as long as she fed me and played with me every now and then, then I was happy too.“I know,” Sarah said as she knelt down and picked up a ball of yarn that had been sitting beside the couch since last night when we had been playing with it together before we went to bed.
“Let’s play for a few minutes before we go out.
It’ll be good for both of us.”
I meowed as I watched Sarah toss the ball of yarn across the room where it rolled underneath one of the tables.
“Go get it, Whiskers!”
Sarah said as she gave me a playful push and sent me running across the room until I got to where the ball of yarn was hiding.
I reached out with my paw and batted it back across the room to where Sarah was sitting.
She caught it in one hand and tossed it back across the room again.
This time I managed to catch it in my mouth before it hit the ground.
I brought it back over to Sarah and dropped it in front of her so that she could toss it again.
We did this a few more times until Sarah was finally ready to go out.
After a quick breakfast, we left our safe house and went back outside into the world.
I followed behind Sarah as she walked down the street towards her lab in the university.
There were a few zombies wandering around nearby, but they hadn’t seen us yet.
Survival Among Chaos
“Sarah,” I said as I stared down at my owner’s lifeless body lying on the floor in front of me.
She had been bitten by one of them while we were out looking for food, and now she was infected too.
But unlike most people who had been bitten by those things, Sarah hadn’t lost too much of her intelligence.
She still recognized me and knew that I was trying to talk to her even if she didn’t understand everything that I was saying.
Sarah said as she looked up from her work and gave me a small smile.
“Is it already that time of day?”
I meowed as I ran over to her and jumped up onto the table beside where she was sitting so that I could rub myself against her hand.
It had been over an hour since we had gotten back home from our quick trip outside, and Sarah still hadn’t eaten anything for lunch.
“Here you go buddy,” Sarah said as she reached into one of her pockets and pulled out a small bag full of cat treats that she had been keeping for me.
She opened it up and poured some treats into a small dish on the table in front of me so that I could eat them while she continued working on her experiments.
“Don’t forget about yourself too,” I meowed as I stared down at the food on the table in front of us.
I knew Sarah was busy, but she still needed to eat too.
“Don’t worry,” Sarah said as she tossed a few more treats to me and then went back to her work.
“I’ll eat something when I get around to it.”
I meowed as I stared down at the treats in front of us, but I didn’t feel like eating any of them right now.
I wanted something different for lunch and was sure that Sarah did too.
“Sarah,” I said as I nudged her and stared up at her with my big green eyes.
“What is it, Whiskers?”
Sarah said as she looked down at me and reached out to scratch behind my ears absentmindedly before going back to her work again.
“Are you sure you don’t want to eat something now?”
I asked as I ran over to her and started tugging on her shirt with my teeth in an attempt to get her attention.
“It’s already pretty late, and you haven’t eaten anything all day.”
Sarah said as she looked down at me and smiled.
“Thanks for reminding me buddy, but I’m not hungry right now.”
She was too quiet now, and it was starting to worry me.
I missed our conversations, even though they were usually pretty one-sided on my end for obvious reasons.