MidReal Story

Supermarket Secrets Unveiled


Jun 5
Scenario:a supermarket advert
Create my version of this story
a supermarket advert
Chapter 1
"Are you sure this is a good idea?"
Mark asked, his voice low.
I glanced at him and saw the worry in his eyes.
He was right to be concerned, but I was too curious to back out now.
Sarah had already gone ahead of us, and I could see her blonde head bobbing through the crowd of shoppers.
She was almost at the door that led to the back room.
We were running out of time.
"If we don’t do this now, we might never get another chance," I said.
Mark sighed and ran a hand through his hair.
He always did that when he was nervous or frustrated.
I reached out and took his hand in mine, giving it a squeeze.
Mark looked at me, and I could see the doubt in his eyes.
I knew he was scared, but we had come too far to back down now.
After a moment, he nodded slowly.
"Okay, let’s do this."
There was a strange mix of dread and determination in his voice as he spoke.
I squeezed his hand again and gave him my most reassuring smile.
We fell into step behind Sarah as she made her way through the bustling supermarket.
I could feel Mark’s hand trembling in mine, so I squeezed it once more to try and calm his nerves.
Supermarket Secrets Unveiled
Once we reached the door, Sarah glanced back at us.
"You coming?"
She asked with a smirk.
I nodded and gave Mark’s hand one more reassuring squeeze before heading over to join her.
The three of us stood in front of the staff-only door that led to the back room, and I felt a surge of excitement bubble up inside me.
We were so close now; nothing was going to stop us from finding out what was really going on behind closed doors here.
As the three of us stood there, I couldn’t help but wonder if our plan would actually work or not.
This wasn’t something we did on a regular basis; we weren’t detectives or anything like that.
But when Mark had received that strange message earlier today, we knew that we had to follow up on it somehow.
Our curiosity wouldn’t let us ignore it, no matter how hard we tried.
Supermarket Secrets Unveiled
The message had come from an employee at the local branch of a well-known supermarket chain.
He claimed to have information about something illegal that was going on behind the scenes here, but he wouldn’t give us any more details.
We had tried to get in touch with him again, but there was no response.
It was as if he had just disappeared into thin air.
That only fueled our suspicions more.
So here we were, standing outside the employee-only door at the back of one of the biggest stores in town.
I could tell that Mark was getting more and more nervous now, and I couldn’t blame him.
Supermarket Secrets Unveiled
"Don’t worry. We have a plan, remember?"
I said, trying to reassure Mark.
"We’ll be fine."
He nodded slowly, glancing once more at the door.
We could still hear the sounds of carts rattling and people laughing not too far away, but for now, it seemed like we were all alone back here.
That wouldn’t last for long though.
If someone were to come out, they would see us standing here right away.
We needed to move quickly before we got caught.
"Look," I said softly as I turned back to Mark, "you don’t have to do anything. I can handle all of this if you want."
I knew that he wasn’t a huge fan of coming up with plans on the fly or anything like that, so I didn’t want to put too much pressure on him.
But I also knew that he was good with technology, which is why we needed him for our little mission today.
I could feel his body relax slightly at my words as he gave me another nod.
When he looked at me again, I could see that he had made his decision.
Supermarket Secrets Unveiled
"Okay, fine," he said with a sigh.
"We’ll do it your way."
I gave him another reassuring smile before turning back to the door.
Then I took a deep breath and pushed it open, stepping into the back room of the store just behind Sarah.
As we walked through the double doors, I could hear the hum of freezers and smell fresh produce in the air.
The shelves on either side of us were filled with boxes of food and cleaning supplies, but there weren’t any other people around.
That meant that we were getting closer to our target; we just had to find out where he was hiding.
I reached for my phone and checked it quickly to make sure everything was ready to go.
Mark had spent all night hacking into the store’s security system so we could get access to their surveillance footage.
Supermarket Secrets Unveiled
That wasn’t something he did every day, but he had been so determined to figure out what had happened to the employee who had contacted us earlier.
I could still remember the look on his face when he read the message.
It was as if he had known right away that something bad had happened to him.
But when we tried to get in touch with him again, there was no response.
No matter how many times we called or messaged, we never heard from him again.
It was like he had just vanished into thin air.
That only made Mark want to find out what was going on even more, which is why he spent all night hacking into their system in the first place.
Supermarket Secrets Unveiled
A wave of unease washed over me as we approached the staff-only area, and from the look on his face, Mark was starting to feel it too.
But Sarah just kept walking, her eyes scanning the shelves for an access code as she went.
It was a typical day at the supermarket: people were pushing their trolleys down the aisles, trying to get through the crowds of other shoppers as quickly as possible.
The employees were busy stocking the shelves, and I could hear the hum of the freezers in the distance.
We’d been here before, but that didn’t make me any less curious about what we might find once we got to our destination.
Sarah and I were both used to taking risks in order to get what we wanted, but something about this situation felt different.
Maybe it was because we didn’t have all the answers yet; there were still so many questions left unanswered.
Or maybe it was because we had no idea what we would find in that back room.
But either way, we weren’t about to stop now.
Not after everything that had happened so far today.
Earlier this morning, Mark had received a message from an employee of this store chain.
He told us that there was something going on at this particular location, something illegal.
He said that he needed our help to find out what was going on, but before he could tell us anything else, the call cut off.
Supermarket Secrets Unveiled
We tried to contact him again, but he never responded.
It was like he had just disappeared off the face of the Earth.
But something told me that he was still out there somewhere, waiting for us to find him… or waiting for whoever was responsible for his disappearance to find him first.
Mark wasn’t sure if we should go after him, whether we would be able to help him even if we did manage to track him down.
But I knew right away that we couldn’t just ignore what he had told us.
And when Sarah agreed with me, Mark reluctantly decided to help us out.