MidReal Story

Sunshine in the Shadows


May 19
Scenario:dark romance with mafia stuff and grumpy x sunshine tropes
Create my version of this story
dark romance with mafia stuff and grumpy x sunshine tropes

Dominic Rossi

the grumpy mafia enforcer with a soft spot for Elena, Elena's protector and love interest, tall with sharp features and piercing gray eyes, stoic yet fiercely protective.


Marco Vincenzo

Dominic's loyal friend and fellow enforcer, respects Elena as Dominic's choice, broadshouldered with a rugged appearance, pragmatic and loyal.


Elena Moretti

the sunshine in the darkness, romantically involved with Dominic, petite with bright blue eyes and golden curls, optimistic and resilient.

I was going to die.
The thought was so clear, so concise, that it didn’t even scare me.
I’d always known that this was how my life would end.
I’d just hoped it would be later rather than sooner.
I’d been so careful, so cautious, but I couldn’t outrun my fate.
It had been decided for me the moment I was born.
I was a Moretti, and Morettis died young.
I heard the footsteps getting closer and closer, but I didn’t run.
There was no point in running; they would catch me no matter what I did.
They always caught me in the end.
The only thing I could do was wait for them to find me and hope that it would be quick and painless.
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath as the footsteps stopped right in front of me.
This was it; there was no turning back now.
When I opened my eyes again, I found myself staring into the barrel of a gun.
The man in front of me was a stranger, but I could tell at first glance that he wasn’t here to kill me.
He was here to save me.
“Come on,” he said, his voice as gruff and cold as the rest of him.
I didn’t know who he was or how he’d found me, but I wasn’t about to question my luck.
I jumped to my feet and followed him without a second thought.
I knew that he would keep me safe.
I’d always known that he would be the one to save me.
I was a Moretti, and Morettis died young.
I was no different from the countless others who had come before me, and I knew that my fate was unavoidable.
The Moretti name carried a heavy burden, one that dictated an early demise for anyone unlucky enough to be born into the family.
It didn’t matter how careful we were or how far we ran; we were all marked for death from the moment we took our first breath.
Some of us made it a few years before our past caught up with us, while others weren’t so fortunate.
But no matter how long we managed to survive, we always met the same grim end.
My time had come, and there was no escaping it this time.
The silence was deafening as I sat alone in the dimly lit room, my every breath echoing on the cold metal walls.
I could hear footsteps moving closer and closer to the door, along with a faint murmur of hushed whispers that made my skin crawl.
There were at least two of them out there — two people who wanted me dead.
They wouldn’t keep me waiting for long.
It was only a matter of time before they came through that door and ended my life for good.
I knew that I should be scared, but it was hard to feel anything at all when you’d been expecting this moment for as long as you could remember.
People often talked about how quickly your life flashed before your eyes when you were about to die, but I was starting to wonder if that was just a myth.
My life might have been short, but it certainly didn’t feel like it was flashing before my eyes now.
Because I was ready to die; almost relieved, even.
I’d tried to change my fate, to distance myself from the Morettis and their dark dealings, but it hadn’t been enough.
No matter where I went, my past always caught up to me eventually.
I was a Moretti, and I was doomed to die young.
There was nothing more to say, so I sat there and waited for the inevitable, trying to ignore the pounding of my heart as my time finally ran out.
But just when I was starting to think that the footsteps would never stop, a new sound cut through the silence — footsteps, heavier and more purposeful than before, moving quickly toward the door as if they were running late.
I frowned at the sudden change in pace, wondering if something had gone wrong or if they were just so anxious to get this over with that they couldn’t wait to kill me another day.
"Sunshine in the Shadows"
It was over almost before it began, and by the time I realized what had happened, it was already too late to change my mind.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
one of them shouted, his voice filled with rage as the footsteps stopped right outside the door.
There was a sudden scuffle, along with a few muttered curses that were too quiet to understand, before the door swung open once more.
Two men stumbled inside, both of them glaring at me with expressions that made my blood run cold.
I tried to push myself farther into the corner as they took a step closer, their eyes scanning over me as if I were nothing more than a piece of meat waiting to be carved up for dinner.
“Look what we have here,” one of them sneered, cracking his knuckles as he took another step toward me.
“We’ve been looking for you, sunshine.”
“I think she’s scared,” the other man said, grinning at me with a mouthful of rotten teeth.
“Not that it matters, of course.
She should be scared.
She’s going to die.”
I knew that, but it was still hard to hear him say it out loud.
I swallowed hard as the men closed in on me, their hands reaching for me even as I tried to push myself farther into the corner.
“I’m not afraid,” I said, even though it was a lie.
I’d always thought that I would be ready for this moment, but it turned out that I’d been wrong all along.
I wasn’t nearly as brave as I’d always thought.
“I’m not afraid,” I repeated, hoping that if I said it enough times, it would become true.
“Leave me alone!”
The men ignored me, their hands closing around my wrists as they yanked me toward them.
I could smell the alcohol on their breath, along with something much worse — something dark and rotten and all too familiar.
They never knew what hit them; they never had a chance to see it coming.
Their eyes went wide with shock as they stared down at the man who’d just shot them, and I could tell that they were trying to speak even though no words came out of their mouths.
The man in front of me didn’t wait for them to finish; he just raised his gun and pulled the trigger without a second thought.
The sound was deafening as he shot the first man right between the eyes and left him slumped over on the floor, struggling to breathe as blood poured from the gaping wound in his forehead.
The other man tried to run away, but he didn’t get very far before the same thing happened to him.
He dropped to the ground with a loud thud, his body twitching as he took his last breath before falling still and silent once more.
It was over almost as soon as it began — so quickly that I didn’t even have time to process what had just happened before it was done.
The man in front of me lowered his gun and turned to face me at last, and I finally got a good look at him for the first time.
He was tall and broad-shouldered with sharp features and piercing gray eyes that seemed to stare right into my soul.
He was the grumpy enforcer who worked for the Moretti crime family, and his name was Dominic Rossi.
“Are you all right?”
he asked, reaching for me with a hand that was surprisingly gentle for someone who did what he did for a living.
I nodded and let him help me to my feet, even though I knew that I should have been afraid of him.
I’d always been taught to fear the men who worked for the Moretti family, but I couldn’t be afraid of Dominic, not when he was the one who’d just saved my life.
“You shouldn’t be here,” I said, wringing my hands together as I looked up at him with wide eyes.
“They’re going to kill you!”
For a moment, his expression softened, and I thought that he was going to say something — anything — to reassure me, but then the sound of footsteps echoed through the hallway outside, and his eyes went dark once more.
“Get behind me,” he growled, reaching for me and pulling me closer to him even as I tried to push him away.
“Stay there until I tell you it’s safe.”
I heard what he said, but I couldn’t do it.
Instead, I stood there and watched in horror as two more men appeared in the doorway, their guns raised and ready to fire.
Dominic didn’t give them a chance.
He lunged at them without a second thought, and I could hear the sound of his fists pounding against their flesh even as they hit the ground with a resounding thud.
It was over almost before it began, just like last time, and I was just starting to breathe a sigh of relief when one of the men grabbed me by the arm and yanked me away from Dominic’s side.
“You really shouldn’t have done that,” he said, his eyes going wide with malice as he looked down at me with something that was almost like pity in his eyes.
“No one can save you now — not even Rossi himself.
You’re going to die, girl.
And when we kill you, it’s going to be slow.”
I didn’t want to think about what they were going to do to me, but I couldn’t stop myself from doing it anyway.
I’d watched enough people die over the years to know that it was never quick or painless, and I knew that they would make sure that my death was anything but merciful.
Tears pricked my eyes as I thought about what was coming, and I tried to struggle against my captor’s grip even though I knew that it was useless.
It was useless until a familiar voice filled the room, at least, and I turned around in time to see Dominic standing in the doorway with a gun in his hand and fire in his eyes.
“Let her go,” he growled, taking a step toward us even though I knew that it wasn’t safe for him to do it.
“She’s mine.”
The man holding me dropped my arm like it had burned him, and I stumbled forward right into Dominic’s waiting arms.