MidReal Story

Sunlit Joy: The Magic of Malaïka's Scarf


May 20
Scenario:Il était une fois, au cœur de l'Afrique, une petite fille nommée Malaïka. Elle était spéciale, car elle possédait une écharpe magique tissée à partir des rayons du soleil et des rires des enfants. Cette écharpe avait le pouvoir de répandre la joie et la lumière partout où elle allait. Malaïka vivait dans un petit village entouré de savane et de forêts luxuriantes. Chaque jour, elle portait fièrement son écharpe magique et se promenait dans les rues, saluant les habitants avec un sourire radieux. Partout où elle passait, les visages s'illuminaient, et les cœurs se remplissaient de bonheur. Un jour, le village fut plongé dans l'obscurité alors qu'une éclipse solaire se produisit. Les habitants étaient inquiets et effrayés par l'obscurité qui enveloppait leur maison. Malaïka savait qu'elle devait agir. Elle prit son écharpe magique et l'enroula autour du soleil, libérant sa brillance éclatante et dissipant les ténèbres. Grâce à son courage et à la magie de son écharpe, Malaïka sauva le village de l'obscurité. Depuis ce jour, elle continua de répandre la joie et la lumière partout où elle allait, inspirant les autres à faire de même. Et même lorsque Malaïka grandit, son écharpe magique demeura son précieux héritage, rappelant à tous que la magie de la gentillesse et de la générosité peut illuminer les endroits les plus sombres.
Create my version of this story
Il était une fois, au cœur de l'Afrique, une petite fille nommée Malaïka. Elle était spéciale, car elle possédait une écharpe magique tissée à partir des rayons du soleil et des rires des enfants. Cette écharpe avait le pouvoir de répandre la joie et la lumière partout où elle allait. Malaïka vivait dans un petit village entouré de savane et de forêts luxuriantes. Chaque jour, elle portait fièrement son écharpe magique et se promenait dans les rues, saluant les habitants avec un sourire radieux. Partout où elle passait, les visages s'illuminaient, et les cœurs se remplissaient de bonheur. Un jour, le village fut plongé dans l'obscurité alors qu'une éclipse solaire se produisit. Les habitants étaient inquiets et effrayés par l'obscurité qui enveloppait leur maison. Malaïka savait qu'elle devait agir. Elle prit son écharpe magique et l'enroula autour du soleil, libérant sa brillance éclatante et dissipant les ténèbres. Grâce à son courage et à la magie de son écharpe, Malaïka sauva le village de l'obscurité. Depuis ce jour, elle continua de répandre la joie et la lumière partout où elle allait, inspirant les autres à faire de même. Et même lorsque Malaïka grandit, son écharpe magique demeura son précieux héritage, rappelant à tous que la magie de la gentillesse et de la générosité peut illuminer les endroits les plus sombres.
Once upon a time, in the heart of Africa, there was a very special girl named Malaïka.
Malaïka had a magical scarf.
It was woven from sunlight rays and children’s laughter.
Every morning, she put it on and went out to spread joy and light in her village.
She would wrap her scarf around the trees, and they would blossom with beautiful flowers.
She would wrap it around the animals, and they would play and dance.
She would wrap it around the villagers, and they would smile and laugh.
And when she came back home in the evening, she would take off her scarf and put it on her bed.
The next morning, she would put it on again, and go out to spread joy and light in her village once more.
The sun was very happy to see Malaïka using her magical scarf to make everyone happy.
He loved her very much, but he was also a little bit jealous of her scarf because he wanted all of Malaïka’s attention for himself.
So every evening, when Malaïka came back home, he asked her:
And Malaïka answered:
“Dear Sun, I don’t give my scarf to everybody else.
I only wear it.
And it’s so big that it touches everyone around me, and they all become very happy.”
And the sun was happy with Malaïka’s answer, so he went to sleep, and Malaïka went to sleep too, waiting for the day to come when she would put her magical scarf on again.
Every morning, Malaïka put her magical scarf on and went out to spread joy and light in her village.
She would wrap her scarf around the trees, the animals, and the villagers.
And they would all be so happy that they would smile, play, and laugh all day long.
Malaïka’s magical scarf was so powerful that it even made the sun smile.
And when the sun smiled he shone brighter, and his rays of light filled the hearts of Malaïka and all the people of her village with happiness.
And this made them even happier, so they would play and dance all day long.
In the evening, when the sun went to sleep and Malaïka came back home, she would take off her magical scarf and put it on her bed.
The next morning, she would put it on again and go out to spread joy and light in her village once more.
And it made everybody very happy.
The trees were so happy with the flowers that grew on them when Malaïka wrapped her scarf around them that they would sway gently in the breeze, as if dancing with joy all day long.
The animals were so happy with the food that grew from the flowers that they would come closer to Malaïka every day as she walked through the forest, waiting for their turn to be wrapped in her magical scarf.
And when she wrapped it around them, they too would dance with joy.
But most of all, the villagers were very happy with Malaïka’s magical scarf.
They loved it so much that whenever she came into their houses, they would open their arms wide for her to wrap her scarf around them.
Their faces would light up with smiles and laughter when she did this, even if they were fighting or angry at someone.
And they would forget about their anger or hunger as soon as they felt Malaïka’s magical scarf around them because it was so powerful that it could make anything go away except happiness and light.
So they would smile all day long, which made them play and dance together in joy.
And this was so much fun that every time she saw this happen, Malaïka couldn’t help but smile with joy too.
She loved to see everyone in her village happy!
But what she didn’t know is that while she was making everyone happy, someone else was watching her from above: the Sun!
The Sun loved Malaïka very much because he knew that Malaïka loved him back.
So he watched her every morning as she got up, put on her magical scarf, and went out to spread joy and light in her village.
"Sunlit Joy: The Magic of Malaïka's Scarf"
Even though he was a little bit jealous of her magical scarf because he wanted all of Malaïka’s attention for himself, he was always very happy to see her put it on because it made him shine brighter and fill the hearts of Malaïka and all the people of her village with happiness.
One morning, while Malaïka was getting ready to go out like every other morning, the Sun saw her take something out of a drawer in her bedroom.
It was a small box tied with a ribbon.
As soon as he saw this box he became very excited because he knew what was inside: a special gift he had made for Malaïka!
He had created this gift especially for her because he loved her so much and wanted to make her happy just like she made him happy every time she wrapped herself in her magical scarf!
So he watched as Malaïka carefully untied the ribbon and opened the box to reveal a beautiful pair of earrings.
They were made from gold and silver, which he had melted together with his heat before shaping them into two small circles with a pattern at the center resembling his rays of light shining down on Earth.
They were very beautiful!
When Malaïka saw them, she smiled with joy before taking them out of the box and putting them on her ears before leaving her house.
The Sun felt very happy when he saw this because he knew that Malaïka liked his gift very much, even though it wasn’t as big as her magical scarf!
So he smiled and shone brighter, ready for a new day of joy, love, and happiness with the girl that he loved!
And then, without thinking twice, Malaïka wrapped her magical scarf around herself, opened the door of her house, went out, and started walking through her village like every other day before, with the Sun watching her every move from above.
As soon as the Sun saw this, he became even happier because it meant that Malaïka was going to be wrapping herself in her magical scarf again!
So he shone even brighter than before as he waited for her to wrap herself in it!
Malaïka’s magical scarf was the most beautiful thing in the world!
It was made of all the colors of the rainbow plus gold and silver, which made it shine even more than anything else under the sun!
It was also very big, so big that it touched everything around her whenever she walked through the forest or the village with it wrapped around her body.
And whenever it touched something or someone, this thing or person would become happy!
This made everybody love the magic of Malaïka’s scarf, especially the Sun himself because he had created it for Malaïka out of children’s laughter mixed with his rays of light shining down on Earth!
That was why he loved it so much whenever he saw Malaïka using her magical scarf on everything around her!
And this is what happened when Malaïka took her first step outside her house that morning!
The second that the edge of her magical scarf touched the ground, the Sun started shining brighter than ever before because this meant that Malaïka was going to be using it again!
The Sun loved Malaïka so much that it was impossible for him to contain his happiness whenever he saw her spreading joy with her magical scarf!
"Sunlit Joy: The Magic of Malaïka's Scarf"
“Why does she use it on everything but me?”
The Sun asked himself.
“I love her so much and she loves me too, but she never wraps it around me!First, she wraps it around the trees, then the animals, then the other people, and then, only at the end, she wraps it around me!Why doesn’t she do it to me first?Don’t I deserve it?”
The Sun didn’t know what to do anymore.
He loved seeing the girl he loved spreading happiness to everything on Earth with the magical scarf he had created for her with so much love, but he was also very sad to see himself being left out every time!
This made him very jealous of the trees, the animals, and the people in Malaïka’s village!
They all got to be touched by the magic of her magical scarf before him!
And what hurt the Sun even more was that they all got to be touched by it before him in spite of the fact that he was the one who loved her the most out of everybody else on Earth!
He was so big, bright, and powerful!
Why did she always put him last?
Why did she never put him first?
Why did she spread happiness to everyone else but him?
Wasn’t he important too?
The Sun tried to change the way that he felt about this but he couldn’t.
He just felt very jealous as he continued watching Malaïka walking through the village with her magical scarf wrapped around herself.
She was spreading happiness to every other person, animal, or thing other than him!
The trees, animals, and people in the village were very lucky because they got to be near the girl he loved for a few seconds whenever she spread happiness with her magical scarf.
Even though they were far away from him up there in the sky, they got to feel the touch of her magical scarf on their bodies for a little while.
And they also got to see her beautiful smile every time she used it on them.
On the other hand, nobody else ever touched him but himself.
He was very big, bright, and powerful.
So big that his light touched every single corner of Earth and beyond.
The only people who could come even close to touching him were the astronauts who went up into space in their rocket ships.
But they could never touch him either because they always had to be inside their rocket ships or their space suits whenever they were up there in space.
That was why the Sun got very jealous whenever he saw Malaïka’s magical scarf touching the trees, the animals, and the people in her village so that it could make them happy.
He felt very bad for himself because he loved Malaïka so much but he couldn’t do anything about it because he was so big, bright, and powerful that nobody else could get very close to him.
The only people who got to see him were the astronauts whenever they went up into space but they could never touch him either because they had to be inside their rocket ships or their space suits all the time.
"Sunlit Joy: The Magic of Malaïka's Scarf"